Can we talk about this company for a second?

>biggest contributor to education
>leads tech industry in advocating for privacy
>best customer service
>released open source OS, kernel and programming language
>greenest company on the planet
>most sophisticated UNIX distribution that is relevant to this day
>best in class mobile hardware, which in turn contribute to 60%+ of technology now
>creator of webkit, made it open source which in turn contributes to 80% of web being viewed through a webkit browser
>digitalized music industry
>creator of the first PC, smartphone, tablet, MP3, laptop that the average person would want to use
>not controlled by jews or poojeets

if you want to buy things from a company like this, who makes its money entirely through its hardware and dont sell you out to NSA and advertising agencies, you better bet your ass your gonna have to pay more. and now you know why

Think Different.

Other urls found in this thread:

t. mactoddler

>greenest company on the planet
since when manifacturing smartphone in china considered ecologic

if we pollute china it's not like we're pollutiong america you fucking retard

>this is what mactoddlers unironically believe

>poojeets complaining about completely legal tax practices

>leads tech industry in advocating for privacy
Holy Christ no, if anyone does it's RMS

> implying legal == moral

>>biggest contributor to education

You mean, "get them brainwashed young"? In other words, make shiny shit for impressionable youth that is forced into schools and create brand recognition/devotion?

>>leads tech industry in advocating for privacy

Until it joined PRISM and gives the feds everything anyway.

>>best customer service

Only the brainwashed would admit to this. Apple can deny upholding their end of the agreement if there's dust inside your computer.

>>released open source OS, kernel and programming language

Stolen from other open source projects. Wow, so generous.

>>greenest company on the planet

Gotta be for those tax relief benefits.

>>most sophisticated UNIX distribution that is relevant to this day

Subjective and debatable.

>>best in class mobile hardware, which in turn contribute to 60%+ of technology now

[Citation needed]

>>creator of webkit, made it open source which in turn contributes to 80% of web being viewed through a webkit browser

Strong-arming the competition. I don't know who is worse: Apple or Microsoft.

>>digitalized music industry

Just, no. I was using MP3s when Apple was being saved by Microsoft.

>>creator of the first PC, smartphone, tablet, MP3, laptop that the average person would want to use

You meant the average impressionable retard? You got it.

>>not controlled by jews or poojeets

Only factual statement in this list.

>best customer service
Uh no, not even close. What's their on-site support policy again, like Dell offers? Oh right, inexistent.
>released open source OS, kernel and programming language
And yet even their webcam drivers are proprietary and the binary cannot be included in a distro because of copyright.
>most sophisticated UNIX distribution that is relevant to this day
Your opinion, no decent package management though. Go ahead and say homebrew, I need a laugh.
>best in class mobile hardware, which in turn contribute to 60%+ of technology now
Worst mobile OS.
>creator of webkit, made it open source which in turn contributes to 80% of web being viewed through a webkit browser
That's a crime.
>not controlled by jews or poojeets
Actually a very large amount of Apple devs are Indian.

>biggest contributor to education
>released open source OS, kernel and programming language
google did that too
>greenest company on the planet
source? does the landfills with old iphones count to being green too? can they compete with companys that try to move the society towards being more green?
>most sophisticated UNIX distribution that is relevant to this day
its not UNIX conform in the real world
>creator of the first PC, smartphone, tablet, MP3, laptop that the average person would want to use
first PC was from IBM
first smartphone would be more likely one of the Nokia or motorola phones that had linux embedded in 2003(4 years earlier)
tablets got made by microsoft pretty much WAY back but main use was for medical professionals

why not use your own talking points and research before you spout shit you heard somewhere?

Apple is honestly pretty good. Every time I've had an issue I just walk in and they sort me out without a second thought. They've even replaced things out of warranty for me before.

Video or it never happened.

>Until it joined PRISM and gives the feds everything anyway.
stop this meme, there is no evidence of it outside of that edited image:

>t. iToddler

Apple is last on the slide. Steve passed away in 2011 and the date on the slide is Oct 2012

Knowing how stubborn Steve was he probably said "fuck you" and threatened to bring down Apple in protest. He and they knew he only had so long to go so it was only a matter of waiting out his time left.

and the official statement from apple I posted earlier refutes that

Did you know the word "gullible" doesn't appear in any published dictionary?

Dawg... I'm on your side.
P.S. Google refuted that shit. You believe them?

>implying there is objective morality


Wew lad.


Apple is shit at everything they do. And yes, that includes "giving back to the community."

Apple faggots literally give fuck all about you or their fellow man.

0/10 shit bait is shit

>Designed by Apple in California

Gob bless Ameriga ;_;

Still polluting earth bud.

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