BSD And Other Things

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Is that a Sharp Zaurus running BSD?

That's cute, but it seems almost completely useless as a computing device.

Yes it is

Some things are done simply because they can be done

Looking for a bsd package maintainer. Software is brandnew, qt based UI, encryption on a new level is the goal. Any volunteers?

So was that FreeBSD ports developer really kicked for being a Trump supporter?
They only reason they give is that he was "harassing" users and breaking the code of conduct, and even the guy says he has no idea what the foundation is talking about and they don't want to provide proof.
Is FreeBSD SJW shit?

hi guis. i run openbsd 6.0 with cwm which i like much. i use thunar as a gui file browser ( i have a big meme folder) in addition to thunar i run tumblr and feh in order to display thumnails of image files and such.

is there a cleaner way of achieving this functionality? i fucked around with many different gui file browsers and tried to get thumbs without success.

>is FreeBSD SJW shit?

Any more recent PDA/Smartphone models with BSD support out there?

Is Xorg as insecure on OpenBSD as it is on GNU/Linux? I want to use OpenBSD as my daily OS now that I know what a piece of unorganised trash GNU/Linux is

OpenBSD's got their own fork that doesn't run as root called Xenocara

Serious question? Can I put systemd on BSD? I've used BSD and felt like I went back in time with RC.conf

I actually like systemd though.


Yes, while you're at it put Linux on it too.


In BSD thread, everybody is a sperglord.

true true
i'm the top sperg though

Can someone redpill me on BSD ?
Why it is better than other OS ?

Repeat after me: I am not entitled to know about other people's internal affairs


oh another thread

It's garbage.
These threads are Apple paid shills.

Man are you ever helping make it better

epik meme