What's stopping us from running pure Linux on an Android phone? (As in, no chroot shit...

What's stopping us from running pure Linux on an Android phone? (As in, no chroot shit, pure Linux with a WM made for phones or something)

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>What's stopping us from running pure Linux on an Android phone?

The fact that people actually need to use their phone and not spend the first 6 months trying to configure it.


I would love to know the answer to this, I've looked into a bit and the only answer I've found is just "hardware drivers".

Would the drivers not be compatible? They are both running on Linux...

It's been tried with Ubuntuphone, but the end result is an unusable mess.

Not much except lacking a touch-optimized UI.

Android doesn't use an X server.

I mean like chipset drivers

Almost no drivers. The companies just add their Binary blobs to make it work.
Android is still using the 3.4 kernel

I also think that some FCC stuff. I read someplace that the reason for the blobs and custom firmware is that there are fears (much like DD-WRT) that giving consumers too much control over radio emitting devices could lead to "bad things".

There would be nothing stopping people from installing SIGNALTRAMPLE.bin and fucking up carriers shit.

I think you can install pure linux if you don't want phone capabilities.

So? There's nothing stopping you from taking the magnetron out of your microwave and using it as a signal jammer and a electronics frier
If someone wants to fuck with radio waves its not that hard. Its just an excuse to lock up your radio devices on phones so they can spy on you easier

if you could reverse engineer the drivers more power to you

Android already does use Linux.

Literally nothing. The market is free.

Go ahead, purchase a Sailfish OS phone. Or a Ubuntu phone. Nobody stops you.

>(As in, no chroot shit, pure Linux with a WM made for phones or something)
You are literally describing every version of android ever.

You can on some phones. The HTC Dream is capable of dualbooting Debian and Android. I'm sure it's not the only one but I don't know how many more are capable of doing the same.

You literally know what he means.

i don't disagree about the EMI, but building something is harder than tearing it down.

registered celluar providers are likely like registered banks. important to gov. so they know who to subpoena in the event of legal action.

The dots I've never been able to connect are the line between hardware radio devices, firmware for them and os drivers for them and who has restrictions on what.


> Android is still using the 3.4 kernel
Completely wrong, it is officially using 4.4.1 now.


N900 came with a Debian based distribution. It has a terminal installed by default, and the app store was a frontend for apt-get.

It was awesome to write shell scripts natively in vim, but it was pretty shit as far as smart phones go. But so was everything at the time I guess.

By the way, the *other* big entity / consortium that does Android apart from Google is moving to 4.9 in April.


What isn't happening is that upstream Linux and "Android Linux" are one and the same. Not yet.

But it shouldn't really stop you from adapting the "Android Linux" kernels to GNU/Linux. It's just that GNU/Linux is a pain in the arse on a phone. The approach with running sandboxed app packages on ART actually has a lot going for it, and nobody seems to really support this on a GNU/Linux.

>you know what he means
It's ridiculous, I can understand that on desktops you call everything Linux based Linux, but OP explicitly uses Linux as kernel on top of which Android runs. Basically OP wants phones to run "pure kernel".

user, you are beyond autistic.

No, OP actually wants to be a faggot and install arch/i3/anime player/screenfetch.

You probably don't know enough to see that it's stupid to call Android running on top of Linux Android, but KDE running on top of Android "pure Linux".

I completely understand why you think it's stupid, at the same time I entirely understand what OP meant (you do too) and am simply not autistic enough to call him out on such a retarded thing. Either answer the damned question or get out of the thread.

omg the Sup Forums photoshop potential of this

It's not a semantic thing here. It makes it a stupid question. To make Android "pure Linux" you remove the Android bits and install something like KDE or Android.

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. You're quite good at providing them.

You seem to be thinking that there is some essential difference between Linux on desktop and Linux on phones but can't define what it is. Is it having a package manager? Is it being able to boot directly? Is it to he able to run a specific graphical environment? It's completely arbitrary.

>Others, such as Google engineer Patrick Brady, say that Android is not Linux in the traditional Unix-like Linux distribution sense; Android does not include the GNU C Library (it uses Bionic as an alternative C library) and some of other components typically found in Linux distributions.
Why bother reinventing the wheel when you can just install a distribution not meant to be used as a cellphone

He's right, it different. But then again, it's already possible to run Gentoo in a chroot. Move the chroot to the root of it makes you happy and boot to it and you're done woohoo.

It's mainly Xorg that makes THAT difference - it's what actually "stops" you from using Linux gooey applications "on" Android.

Like all the damn distros had alternative standard C libraries in their initrd or early init until recently, some even used them later for various binaries.

>The companies just add their Binary blobs to make it work
Locking yourself in a basement and coding FOSS driver is not an option?

That Linux is a kernel, and a kernel for computers at that. It doesn't support all the features a mobile needs and it doesn't support application software the user needs.

I'd love it if I could run GNU/Linux on my phone

Yes it does. Android uses Linux.

yes it does. android uses linux.

yes it does. android uses linux.

Install Tizen.

you're running pure linux? just delete the android userland stuff.

Whats stopping us from running pure GNU on an Android phone?

Lack of a halfway decent kernel
