What went wrong with this?
Windows Phone
Not sure if bait or what, it gets covered all the time on here....this is like a fucking biweekly post.
But anyways, it's Microsoft. Microsoft fucked up. They invested in WP7 but then restarted with the Silverlight technology, creating these hybrid Win RT apps... and all wp7 phones had to be abandoned. Then they abandoned Silverlight tech, creating W10 technology, and the W8 phones had to be abandoned.
And the market has just given up caring. They don't even care. They don't market it. Their development team is literally just a bunch of scrappy megafans that get paid nice money to program for a dead platform.
Maybe it will revive itself when UWP is finally as powerful as Win32. But right now, it's not.
i hated it except for the god tier web browser.
I'm so mad they gutted Nokia for this. I think about it every day.
No apps. Not even an official YouTube app. Had to beg work to give me an android phone. Couldn't take another week of it. Also the fucking home button is touch sensitive not physical so I'd always be using it to txt and bump it and take myself to the home screen. Pure utter garbage.
I had a Lumia 640 (I think) for a few months. It was running the Windows 10 Mobile beta. It was the most goddamn infuriating few months of my life. My friends were even commenting about how angry I seemed. Everything about that entire OS and included apps was a complete clusterfuck.
Outlook would fail to connect to Gmail, but it gave completely useless errors like "try again later!". Every time you switch between applications, it would show an annoying "Resuming ..." screen with a completely unnecessary ball animation. I would try to switch to the browser to go to pwdhash.com to generate my password, then when I switched back to another browser tab or to another app, it would completely restart the whole login process. It's loaded with totally unnecessary and illogical animations. Like, if I swipe left or right, a left/right animation makes sense. But if I just hit a button, a left/right animation doesn't make any sense.
>tfw to intelegent too buy into a ded ecosystem
But damn if it didn't look good in pictures.
>what went wrong with this?
The fact Microsoft felt the need to make a smartphone only because apple did
at least there's a good Sup Forums app. Sage Reader is nice on my PC, anyway. WP (even 8.1) is better than iOS in that regard.
(but it is pretty, in a Windows-sense)
I don't think they want to bring the two fully in-line.
UWP is Async by force.
Win32 is Async by choice.
I prefer to dev with Win32 due to not everything I want to do has to be UWP like reading a file for example, I'd just create a new Task for it.
(C# of course)
>no apps
>Locked into Windows, only changed in the last 2 years or so
>capacitive home button
Most HTC and lots of android phones had this though
it's all about support from 3rd party developers, this is why android is so strong
with the new windows x86 emulation on arm devices, they might sell some stuff to enterprise
They called it Windows Phone.
the OS and hardware is very good, but developing anything for it just flat out painful
I miss the keyboard. It really is excellent.
Other than that it was shit.
>nokia killed maemo for this
>implying Microsoft wasn't controlling Nokia from the inside
>tfw have to put up with the iphone se garbage keyboard coming from Lumia 925
how do iphone users put up with this
- Even flagship devices somehow manage to be laggier than a 5-year-old Samsung phone straight out of the box, and that's saying a lot.
- Major lack of apps, even after all this time.
- Shit timing.
- Shit marketing
- Tacky, almost unusable UI
- Forces you to use Microsoft's ecosystem
>cites a laggy windows phone
Confirmed for talking out if your ass.
When I switched from Verizon to Cricket I bought a $50 520. It sucked, but I really liked Windows Phone 8.
I got a Moto G2, which was great DESPITE, Sup Forums recommending it, but picked up a cheap 640 to switch back a forth when I was bored. My wife's old phone broke, and I gave her the 640, and I haven't heard any complaints, it texts and has Facebook after all.
In that time, my Moto G2 was replaced with a G3, which was replaced with a G4, but the 640, and even the 520 is still working great.
Much like Germany in WW1, the wrong side won the mobile wars.
Let me tell you the problems.
>bad battery life
>bad specs
>shitty priced
>no support whatsoever
upper 3 are actually better than on android.
It is that fuking lagged app support.
Skype crashing, facebook loading for hours cuz they dont care about loading times n shit.
>heavenly home screen
>literally nothing else.