"you spend how many hours a day on your computer?"

>"you spend how many hours a day on your computer?"


24 tbqh

only 7

>inb4 casual

Nearly every waking hour not spent in a classroom, I have a computer or a phone in front of my face. I can imagine that at this point in my life, I have been referred to by my online alias "Ruby" more times than I have been referred to by my own real name.

depends on the day. 5 hours Tuesday Thursday 10 hours Monday Wednesday 16 hours Friday Saturday Sunday

From 2007 to 2014 it was 16 hours a day everyday though. I'll turn 25 this year

>you spend time learning about stuff and communicating with others on the internet instead of going to parties and hanging out with friends? What's WRONG with you user?

kill yourself tripfag

If I'm not outside, I'm at my computer.
I don't know how to enjoy myself without a computer anymore.
I had a power outage for 2 days and I just slept all day because I couldn't play vidya or watch anime or do anything because all my hobbies require electricity and I can't afford any outdoor hobbies.



>"Your ex-wife gets how much in child support?"
Don't fuck with me, doc.

Chad is probably very disappointed with all of us.

maybe you should go back to because here we call people "user"

>tfw to intelegent too make myself traceable on an anonymous website

I'm 24 and I've fucked up a couple of vertebrae on my neck due to "computer posture"

Checked blob on top left

Blame the women for not liking me back even though I'm not even ugly

I swear this generation there's a sea of 8/10 men who have been perennially single because they never engaged properly with social media and porn stunted the need for physical intimacy and on top of that women are more selective now than ever before

i sleep, get&prepare food, use bathroom, and that's it, the rest of the time is on pc

>You spend how many hours a day?
Yes. Basically when my eyes are open, I'm on a computer.

Fucking 10 hours

Not really. Just sounds like you're in denial about something

Anytime I see you post you get flamed, so one wonders why even bother with a trip?

Hows that autism bud?

>Le I'm sure that it's all your fault
I was awkward and dumb when I was a teenager sure, but I didn't understand how to use social media properly and pron stopped me from spending more time pursuing women. And yes it's true, women are more selective now than ever. More men are being rejected than ever before, and the ceiling of "quality" for which men are forever rejected is raising

You don't have to be a basement dwelling fatass to be single forever anymore. People like me who by every social standard should be normy as hell no longer are, and society is ignoring this phenomenon because "it's probably the man's fault anyway for not just being better"

Self importance

Minimum 5 or six 6 hours on work days, most of the day when I'm off. But those workdays also constitute in the neighborhood of 15,000 steps, and I bike 10km a day from spring to fall. My doc's not worried about my activity level.

Its actually both men and women who are at fault, but all you can do is change yourself.

>bike 10km a day
I'm gonna guess it's to and from work, right?

Usually, but I still go out on most days off. At my pace it works out to like 40 mins of riding.


I even have a fulltime job where I sit in front of a computer.

Nice pace.

>you'll always be a virgin
>you'll never have a hot anime grill that you can hot anime drill

About a hour, maybe two if I'm luck on workdays, and about 5-10 on my days off when I don't wanna do shit, unless if I'm out for a run, and hangin with friends.

Back to Sup Forums you irredeemable tripfag

>tfw NEET and spend all day on my pc unless im going to the bathroom or getting something to eat
>15 hours hours a day
>tfw 26 and still virgin

Im only semi NEET at the moment ( forced to do 3 half days of volunteer work to keep my goverment bucks coming in) so about 10 hours on those days. 12-14 on the days I dont have to go out.


All of them.

I spend 5 hours sleeping, 1 hour on eating/hygiene and 1 hour driving to work and back. So 17 hours I guess.
On weekends I just sleep a bit more.

probably about 12 or 13

Blaming everything around you for your problems while taking no initiative is extremely unattractive. You probably have trouble with women not because of your looks, but because of your shitty personality.

Never said I don't take initiative. I just hate what our culture has turned normal socialization into. Everybody is fucked, not just me. Just wait until the average person isn't married by the age of 40. We'll see it in our lifetime

Probably like 14 on weekdays and 12 on weekends. And the hours im not im ususally listening to something using one.
