Let's get rid of bezels

>let's get rid of bezels
>so should we make the phone smaller with the same screen size?
>no! Let's make the screen absurdly tall for no good reason instead of making the phone smaller! More screen eating up more battery is always a good thing!

>gook engineering
Why is Samshit considered the pinnacle of Android phones?

Usually had the best mix of features

>user-replaceable battery, plus backplates sized to accommodate larger capacity batteries
>mSD cardslots when other manufacturers were removing them
>strong hardware that lasts relatively longer than most android phones

the only major downside to them was Touchjizz and Samsung's built-in apps, but installing just about any custom ROM fixed that easily.

partly because of the fact that if the phone was made smaller, it would pose a far greater technical challenge to fit in superior specs in a smaller package, it's far more simple to just keep the phone the same size and put a bigger screen on it

Phones will soon have screens on all sides, even on the back
mark my fucking words

bigger phones means bigger batteries you fucking pleb

But higher resolution = more pixels to push, which uses battery, and it just takes more electricity to power a bigger screen.

Don't really like the curved edges. Prefer the look of my OnePlus 3T even though it has larger bezels.


>wasting screen real estate by having no capacitive buttons on the bottom bezel

When will this meme end?

>Capacitive buttons
When will this meme end???

JIDF detected

What's the point of curved screens, anyway? Seems like it would make your phone more likely to shatter.


The PS Vita has a touch sensitive bike and it debuted sometime around 2011 or 2012 iirc

It's gonna have a small, shitty battery won't it? All samshit phones should have a minimum of 4000mAh.

Larger battery capacity is what led to the Note7 combustions.

Chink phones can have large batteries yet don't explode. Note 7 had a puny battery and it exploded still. Koreans a shit I suppose.

>it's an exact 1:1 ratio hur durrr
no fuck you

Bigger battery = bigger chance of phone exploding. I'd take the smaller screen over losing my leg.

stretching logic quite a bit there. All the Teslas on the road would have blown up by now with that logic.

>>correlation doesn't imply causation

My Lenovo hasn't blown up with its massive battery.

>S T I L L using those ugly as sin rounded meme icons

TouchJizz ruins a great phone yet again


Stupid homeless americucks don' t know about Russian-Mother technology! Arrrgh!

im a level 3 samsung engineer who has worked on the SM-G9500. AMA.

Хyи cocёшь? Бoчкy дeлaeшь?

Could you please go back to Le Reddit?

glad i got the s7. would have loved usb c, but that's fine.


Samshit better brought back the removable battery and MHL, or they can just go back to fuck themselves.

Looks disgusting as always, I am buying iPhone.

Could you please go back to Le 2chan

You can change the icons

Hey, man. I don't know if you're still in this thread, but I'm thinking about buying the OP3T. How is it? I'm seeing a LOT of good shit from it in benchmarks and performance.

A touch sensitive back and a screen on all sides are not the same things.

not 16:9 not my cup of tea

>make the phone smaller
>battery is smaller

>on all sides, even on the back
On all sides, even on the back?

already done.

i'm more annoyed by the forcing of the edgy gimmick.

Don't worry. The goyim will eventually have to charge their phones every 20 minutes at a paid charging station the jews will set up when screens become 4k on phones and batteries remain 2900mAh

This shouldn't be a huge problem. Phones used to be a lot smaller and got decent battery life, and modern smartphone components are way more power efficient. If they really needed to, they could make the phone a bit thicker to accommodate a bigger battery. The Xperia Z3 had a 5.2in screen + bezels and was the battery life king when it was new. A phone that has a bigger screen, but smaller bezels, should be able to get the same battery life as the Z3.

I know, but that's an e-ink screen so it makes SOME sort of sense.

>The goyim will eventually have to charge their phones every 20 minutes
My co-worker used to have a charger on the ready at home, in the car and in office ready to plug in, back in the day.

A samsung phone without front buttons and the ugly SAMSUNG logo? Might buy thb senpai

Am I the only one way more looking forward to LG phones anymore? Samsungs are so full of useless fucking gimmicks that they forgot how to make a worthwhile actual phone.

>ugly SAMSUNG logo
Only non-existant for Eastern (japan china korea) markets ;)

>ugly SAMSUNG logo
Only non-existant for Eastern (japan china korea) markets ;)

It's great. Near stock OS and plenty fast. Camera isn't quite as good as Samsung's flagships but it's better at almost everything else.

Battery life is good and the 2.5D edges make it really comfortable to use. Upgraded from the OP1 and the OP3T is better in every department.

Not sure whether I'd wait for the OP4 or get the OP3T if I were you but personally I love my 3T.