is the physical storage meme dying?!
i thought that it would be a good idea to purchase another SSD to get more storage but then i thought to myself i should just upload everything i need to the cloud
why wouldnt i ?! it seems like the best option
is the physical storage meme dying?!
i thought that it would be a good idea to purchase another SSD to get more storage but then i thought to myself i should just upload everything i need to the cloud
why wouldnt i ?! it seems like the best option
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Uh, you do realize that even virtual storage is on physical media, right? It physically can't die. Go be an idiot somewhere else.
retard ... i mean for plain and simple storage nothing beats the cloud
the convenience is unmatched ... lets say pictures, somewhat important data etc
no need to worry about data loss anymore ... can build machines with ultra small hard drives but still enjoy the storage capabilities of one with more hdds
cloud storage is the future ... once we reach GB/s internet connections everywhere there will be less and less need for owning your own actual hard drives
>once we reach GB/s internet connections everywhere
yeah that's not happening for a very long time, especially in the states.
You mean someone else's computer
How is signing into some account more convenient than doing something on your own machine?
The data isn't invulnerable either, just because it's on someone else's computer doesn't mean it is safe.
reddit fags
The Cloud is the best thing to happen to computers and technology.
>nothing beats the cloud
Yes it does. It's called not putting all of your shit into a massive botnet by using your own drives.
so lets say i want to wipe my hard drive ... i can just store all the stuff i dont want to lose
pictures, data in the cloud .. available to me across all platforms and devices and dont have to worry a second about anything
>muah botnet
>muah privacy
look kids ... im not a pedo or anything.
>inb4 nothing to hide nothing to fear
theres nothing interesting in my files and nobody can gain anything from looking at it
rly boring tbqh ... but thats the beauty of it
How boring are your files really?
The only real reason we tend to have large storage drives currently is to store pirated media.
If you intend to store DVD rips and so on in the cloud, you're genuinely opening yourself up to future prosecution.
So instead of buying your own drives and moving it from your own machine to your own drive, it makes more sense to move it from your machine, to another machine across a bunch of wires which will probably direct it to another machine that has storage drives owned by someone else to hold your data for you?
How is that suppose to be more simple. In fact if your ISP isn't great nevermind that it's always going to be slower to store it to the cloud but your ISP can throttle your bandwith and download/upload speeds if you use it too much. Even if you get gb/s internet connections nobody is really going to get that type of connection in practice and it's going to get a limit to how much data it uses for that.
So how is it more simple to have to buy a modem, internet connection, possibly a router, install firmware for modem, push your data through a bunch of machines, store it on someone elses machine,
when instead you can just buy the fucking hard drive, format it with a click of a button after plugging it in, and then save your data on it.
dumb frog poster
>ditching 550MB/s+ SSD for having to use your internet connection for everything
>internet is out due to power outage/construction/etc.
>lose access to all your shit
>Dropbox/Google/Apple/Microsoft servers are broken into
>some random fuckhead in Russia now has all your shit
>have to pay monthly fees for your storage
You're so stupid it hurts.
There's a limit to how popular the cloud will get.
Businesses are getting skeptical about the cloud.
(To be more precise: Business start out stupidly thinking the cloud will solve all their IT problems; then they jump into it 100%; then they learn all the problems with using the cloud; then finally they understand the cloud and become skeptical about it.)
The big problem for businesses is trusting your crown jewels to some 3rd-party company to be maintained by employees making $15/hour who honestly couldn't give a shit if your data gets lost or stolen. It takes a lot of guts and a lot of stupidity to trust your trade secrets, contracts, proprietary design documents, financial records, HR records, etc. to some cloud provider who "promises" that they'll keep your documents safe and secure.
The cloud is a great place to do redundant offsite backups -- provided that the backup is encrypted BEFORE it's sent to the cloud. Just about every other use of the cloud is going to be problematic for businesses. (Or at least it WILL become problematic when they learn the hard way after they've had data lost, stolen, or compromised.)
> look kids ... im not a pedo or anything.
This is becoming such a lazy way to argue against anyone that cares about privacy. Do you really think that hiding child porn is the only thing that a person could possibly need privacy for? When big security breaches and data leaks occur, do you think everyone freaks out about them because their child porn has been compromised?
And let's say that you're only storing mundane shit on the cloud, while keeping personal info at home. You're still putting your data in other peoples' hands and relying on them to keep it safe for you. Not only that, but accessing it is slower, and if your ISP imposes data caps on you, you're using up data too.
>Businesses are getting skeptical about the cloud.
>what is AWS
srsly dude?!
Snapchat just signed a billion dollar deal with Google and Amazon lol
It is one of the biggest things for business atm
>The only real reason we tend to have large storage drives currently is to store pirated media.
Have you seen the install sizes of vidya lately? Average game these days weighs in around 50gb. 20 games runs up a terabyte pretty quickly. Not only that, but what if you're a professional photographer (read: weddings/events, not black and white still life bullshit)? RAWs take up a shitload of space, as do edits and other shit. There are plenty of reasons to have large storage drives beyond piracy.
Yes, because web hosting and distributed computing are the same as cloud storage. Jesus fucking Christ, you don't belong here and you and everyone else ITT knows it because we can smell your stupid through our displays. Fuck off.
>inb4 nothing to hide nothing to fear
>proceeds to "nothing to hide nothing to fear"
You played yourself
>distributed computing
wow .. you dont now anything about AWS tbqh
I wasn't specifically talking about AWS. The point is that no sane business puts their sensitive information only in a remote storage solution, and if they do store it "in the cloud" at all, it's encrypted.
>Do you really think that hiding child porn is the only thing that a person could possibly need privacy for?
>Do you think everyone freaks out about them because their child porn has been compromised?
What exactly do you have to hide? Billion-dollar source code? Your tax returns? Nobody gives a shit about your files.
>download gigabytes of data a day
>I'm supposed to upload this at 120 KB/s
Literally won't work. I download more in a day than it would take my connection to upload.
Many other people are in the same boat I am . Cloud storage is a meme until upload speeds are good enough.
>all these people bothering to respond to someone who types like a learning disabled nigger and is obviously a moron
Yeah, because identity theft isn't a thing, right? Would you post your unedited bank statements on this site? Nobody cares about your files anyways.
I have 100 MB/s @ 50ms to the cloud and 100000 MB/s @ 0.05ms to my local SSD.
I fucking love cloud, but three orders of magnitude is too much.
>100000 MB/s
Disregard that, I suck cocks
Post your credit card numbers, social security number, a photocopy of your passport, and your home address here, since you obviously don't need privacy for those.
>100 gb/s
omg this thread is making me sick
theres literally GTA5 mock commercials about this
>cloud storage is the future
no, it's the past. the past where we were using terminals to access information.
>the cloud
This level of retarded WEW.
>Overpaying for someone to keep a HDD on a server
>Wanting to have the worst data retrieval times imaginable over the Internet
>Wanting others to spay on your data
>the cloud MEME
WEW lad.
>people replying to the bait thread
Sup Forums really does have abysmal social intelligence.
What if you don't have internet access? You can't get any of your file then.
>Have you seen the install sizes of vidya lately?
1TB HDD only for this is enough.
And you can get a 8TB for less then the equivalent cloud subscription.
You are literally retarded and wasting your money you shill.
Did anyone outside the clueless CEO who repeats words he overheated at a
>Businesses meeting
to sound smart ever into the cloud?
The cloud is a lie! No one gives you anything for free without having a businessmodel or expectations in mind. If you use cloud storage for real, you pay for an upgrade (10GB are a joke these days). In the long run, Cloud storage is more expensive than having your own physical storage.
You can make your own cloud where your data belongs 100% to you and questionable companies or agencies don't have easy access.
Google: self hosting, nextcloud or seafile
Also: cozy cloud, yunohost
And if you just want to sync files between your devices: syncthing
+1 internet.
Cloud = HDD cost + maintenance cost + profit for the cloud provider.
If you cut out the "profit for the cloud provider" you save some money.
"Cloud" storage technologies are great once you run them on your OWN hardware. (You can, increasingly).
Storage as a service - well, there are reasons to buy into that, but it should not be something you want for your primary storage.
Cloud is always defined to be a server renting scam.
We used to have servers before the brain dead marketers tried to fool the clueless CEOs that cloud is new and hip.
I have also seen the cloud buzzword on physical HDDs who have nothing to do with remote servers.
>My cloud
Cloud is a meaningless buzzword at this point.
>I have a personal HDD my cloud, U jelly U can not into cloud fagg OP?
>no need to worry about data loss
>I'm to retarded to copy data to another HDD
mass HDD storage is dying but local storage isn't.
Plex and Kodi are becoming popular but normies would still prefer Netflix and just use Plex/Kodi to stream from a shitty laptop rather than a NAS.
SSDs will be the only storage you have for a typical machine going forward, and people will move away from network shares and local servers and turn to cloud storage instead.
In fact Plex already has an option to use your Amazon cloud drive to host your media server.
+1 RMS for this.
If you send pirated data (games, movies).
They are irrelevant however sending them to a corporeal server.
>Stop Police
>Go to jail
If you have personal photos or documents have fun them getting leaked and/or you cloud provided looking what a faggot you are.
(what branch of the gov did listen to phone sex between soldiers and wifes home?)
Enjoy seeing your face on the next
>lose fat fast
>you don't want to look like this faggot!
Add do to a clause that the cloud provided owns all your data.
If you have business data, have fun seeing how it leaks.
Why don't you simply post all your source code to the pirate bay?
Cloud is literally for nothing.
OP is retarded or shill.
>mug cloud MEME
This is why Sup Forums needs to block anyone with a windows/osx user agent.
What "normies" do is often not a rational decision. Marketing often wins when it comes to the masses. Sadly.
Also, streaming providers with exclusive content (like Netflix) are a separate topic.
> Cloud is always defined to be a server renting scam.
No, it's more like this:
> We used to have servers before the brain dead marketers tried to fool the clueless CEOs that cloud is new and hip.
You sure as hell couldn't just toss a random off-the shelf server with just a linux distro and minimal configuration into the network in a tertiary location and have its hardware used and monitored automatically for your existing data storage and server programs.
The better question is what exactly these cloud fags are storing on HEH CLOUD?
Are these your personal photos?
Data leaks are bad.
Remember star wars kid? Someone uploaded his film and he was bullied for it.
Personal information like SSN numbers and tax returns.
Identity theft.
Multi million coding projects?
Do I even need to explain this?
Oh look its a cloud fag.
Yes lets reed the source who gives a fair and balanced platform to marketing hype writers.
1) Explain how "cloud" is different from remote servers or even telneting in the terminal back in the dinosaur ages.
2) Explain how I can buy physical HDDs that are labeled to be "cloud" despite the fact that it has nothing to do with remote servers or even any network connections.
Also can I get a case scenario what exactly you upload to the cloud?
Literally there are no specifics at the same time the data is over 10TiB and can be sent by everyone every pleb with their 1 Mbps upload speeds. Also the nature of the data is unknown.
>1) Explain how "cloud" is different from remote servers or even telneting in the terminal back in the dinosaur ages.
Already done in the post before. The difference is that you couldn't just throw another server into one of your networks and have your software and data just "use it" in a versatile fashion, and even rapidly react to that server going offline or failing.
> Explain how I can buy physical HDDs that are labeled to be "cloud" despite the fact that it has nothing to do with remote servers or even any network connections.
Well, you can't.
Even if "cloud' is somewhat of a stretch on most of these, they're at the very least NAS-type networked drives.
Also, plebs and pleb marketing terminology is often confused. So what? That happens everywhere. People can't even name the pasta they eat correctly, doesn't change that not everything is spaghetti and macaroni.
>Already done. You can't throw another server into one of your networks and make the processes that scrunge your databases "just use it".
What? Is this even written in English? Did a random text generator make this?
>very least NAS-type
This contradicts explanation of (1)
Cloud is now HDDs on NAS.
>Well, you can't
Yes and its the pro tip here.
Do we continue or do you admit its a meaningless buzzword?
The industry decided with their packaging. That "cloud" is a meninges buzzword for retards who have ZERO idea what it actually means.
if you're talking about self hosting sure it's better but then you still own physical storage
Dumb fucking jew
Yes thats the best option.
Be a good goy!
You do realize the cloud just means a HDD in someone else's machine? It's not an actual cloud made of data.
If physical storage dies then all storage is dead.
I do a mix of cloud / physical storage.
I use cloud for convenience and for off site storage, if my house burns down, I don't lose my family pictures etc. But that being said, I have disconnected physical backups too. So for instance if someone hacks my google and decides to erase all my shit, I have 95% of it back up on a physical media.
I have been in the biz for 25 years, i've had several drive failures in that time. Also keenly aware of cloud insecurity. Only way to play it safe is to have both.
> it seems like the best option
> paying year after year to keep your data intact
It's going to cost you more.
> purchase another SSD to get more storage
Well, you're retarded anyway.
Cloud is nice, until your provider decides to cut you off or remove some of your data due to an error or for some other reason.
>Snapchat just signed a billion dollar deal with Google and Amazon
Yes they did. And I'll bet Snapchat won't be storing a single truly valuable thing in the cloud -- not if they're smart.
The content generated by snapchat's users is not truly important to the business interests of Snapchat. It's also data that needs to be publicly accessible, otherwise what's even the point of having it? That kind of data is fine for cloud storage. The cloud is great for content that you want to distribute to the public.
But for Snapchat's truly important content? And when I say "important" I'm talking about things like documents under NDA where leakage could cause the company major lawsuits -- or customer lists or internal correspondence where leakage could give competitors a major advantage. Nobody is stupid enough to store those documents in the cloud twice. There are plenty of people stupid enough to store those documents in the cloud ONCE -- and then they learn their mistake and never do it again.
The cloud is good for two things:
(1) Publishing content. (Web sites, ads, user-generated content, media, etc.) This is what Snapchat uses the cloud for.
(2) Redundant offsite backups of data that has been encrypted BEFORE uploading it to the cloud, and the cloud provider has no access to the decryption key. Very few people will ever know if Snapchat uses the cloud for this -- and very few people would ever need to know.
>why wouldnt i ?!
In my specific case the fact that I have a shit tier 5 Mbps down, 250 Kbps up connection
>The difference is that you couldn't just throw another server into one of your networks and have your software and data just "use it" in a versatile fashion, and even rapidly react to that server going offline or failing.
Why not? I thought that much of the software used on cloud servers is open source. Why couldn't that same software be installed on corporate in-house servers?
Boy living in the podunk Midwest on a 3 down 2 up connection that's never hit 1 down sure makes me jealous of those who can say Cloud is worth its weight.
Is snapchat not removing images after some time?
They don't even have the intention of keeping them.
literally they will not even give one single fuck is all the user data got erased.
kind of like if all data now crashed forever on Sup Forums.
Simply start new threads its all temporary.
I never used snapchat so I have no idea.
You are absolutely correct.
All the cloud fags are shills.
They never give specifics and the hardline questions are:
1) What nature is the data you are sending
2) What is the TiB count of this data
3) What is your up/down internet speed
Its literally nebulous bullshit.
When you put yourself on the cloud I'm going to make it a personal goal to steal your identity.
People like you are weak minded and borderline pathetic
You act like SSD are bad
Wee lad, can't believe I'm taking the bait. But I just want to be heard.
It is in no way convenient, (let alone safe) to upload you data to a cloud.
>oh you can have a computer with a smaller hdd
Why would anyone even want that..that isn't a plus
Also have fun getting throttled
And have fun accessing your shit when the internet is out. Or you forget you password to you account. You seem like someone who would.
This guy is right...
You're just a faggot who can't accept that cloud storage isn't a brilliant idea
And the stock you own in whatever cloud hosting company won't be worth shit once some twat
In Romania breaks into your "secure cloud storage"
It's all about personal preference, I love having all my data locally because if my internet for some reason happens to go out, I still have my data with me. Security, if someone breaches the 'cloud' service I'm using, they could obtain data I probably wouldn't want shared. Peace of mind, if it's on my servers I know that no one would have access to it except for me.
>breaks into
More like tries the commonly used passwords on all accounts.
This. OP, you're untreatable. KYS
I think the cloud its fucking stupid, but you guys are overreacting.
Nobody gives a shit about your anime collection paranoid fucks.
>all these people in this thread think they 'own' Steam games
if you're going to use Someone Else's Computer for anything, it should be for no more than a backup
or use local storage as the backup, i guess, if that makes more sense... somehow
either way, don't rely completely on Someone Else's Computer and your connection to said Computer
>uploads max out at 350k/sec
>all traffic is capped at 200gb/month
Brilliant. Even with the cloud, you should still make at least one backup. So you aren't really free of physical media even if you do submit to the data jew.
You don't own a game when you buy it on physical media either.
1. How much storage do you need?
2. Does it need to be accessible if your internet goes down?
3. Are you willing to spend a monthly fee for the rest of your data's lifetime?
All things to consider. If you answered:
1. Less than 100GB
2. No
3. Yes
Then cloud is the way to go.