Dear Sup Forumsods!

Dear Sup Forumsods!

Been coding for a couple of months and I've learnt vanilla JS and jquery quite well but I'm still very much a newbie so here's my question:

I've seen many .JSes around but ppl only ever talk about angular, node, react and the occasional vue. Are Ember.js and Backbone.js memes? Is it even worth learning them in the first place if they underperform compared to those mentioned? Or do they fill in different niches?

Also, if you wanted to build a website that has an admin page and you can change images and shite with ease, which library would you look to?

>learning anything Java, JS lmfao

Angular 2 + React is all you need

Inferno is 2x faster than React and 5x faster than Angular 2

b-but they pay well

cool thanks for the heads up!

>Are Ember.js and Backbone.js memes
Angular and React are both memes, advertised and pushed by Google/Facebook. Both are stealing ideas from Ember (Ember-CLI). Ember has much more features, is much faster (Glimmer 2) and generally more sane than the others (has a higher learning curve, though). In addition to that, there is EmberData and EmberFastboot for server side rendering with DOM rehydration. Magic...

But since everyone uses angular and react, I cut myself away from team projects if I use ember, don't I?

desu senpai if you should learn the basics of all the great meme frameworks

It's not about how fast they are it's about how much you get paid using it you fucking retard.

Not necessarily. Ember is still huge. Just not a meme like the others.
The Ember addon ecosystem is also pretty huge.

do i learn it or not then D: or since it has a steep learning curve do i just go with vue or smth?

You should go with whatever suits your needs.
But if you're unexperienced, you should try to learn first before trying to build applications for production.

Fuck off, just use plain vanilla JavaScript, the frameworks gives you no explanation of what's actually going on which is why you're such a beginner to JavaScript. They probably get fucking money for using their framework.

They all do the same shit. People are just making their own unnecessary frameworks because they want something to put on their empty resume. Just stick with something that is going to LAST. Angular and React are being backed by Google and Facebook respectively IIRC so just pick one of those or go with a well established framework like Ember and Backbone. No matter what you pick there's always going to be some hipster saying why you should use X over [your choice].

I g n o r e t h e m.

In most cases, you probably wouldn't even know what X is and don't need it over what you're already using. What people get wrong about JS is that you don't really need all of these things and they've very much a workflow/by-necessity tool depending on if you're a freelancer or not and have a huge project you want to work on or not. It's all just JavaScript, not magic.

If you've never built something before, do it and just use vanilla js and maybe jquery if you want. Once you've done that just pick one you think you'll like.

Here's my personal opinion though. You probably only need templating and data binding so use Vue or something like Ractive. But go with Vue since it's more popular.

About 5 years ago there were 20 different binding libraries and backbone was king.

But people who have no business writing single page apps started fucking up tech stacks at businesses so Angular caught on due to not having to think.

The problem is that Angular is a huge steaming pile of shit and simple concepts like the subscribe patterns is considered an anti-pattern because Angular is so inefficient.

The Angular team finally admitted it was shit and stole a bunch of stuff from ember and created Angular 2.

Meanwhile facebook made their own event binding library based off of a cool concept (virtual dom) BUT completely fucked up the implementation by closely coupling the markup and logic of web components into the same file.

There's also the problem that everyone abuses web components and creates layers and layers of web components that quickly become impossible to work with.

>Also, if you wanted to build a website that has an admin page and you can change images and shite with ease, which library would you look to?

Learn the LAMP stack.

>angular js
enjoy you breaking-changes and bakward inkompatibiliti everytime goole release a new version every hour

Learn python u dolt


that's why you should be using ember...
>"stability without stagnation"

Everybody's using React now.

That's where the activity is.

enjoy getting cucked by zuck

document.getElementById("example").style.backgroundImage = "url('image.png')";

Why isn't this updating the background image of my div, but only storing the url in the backgroundImage property.

>angular, node, react and the occasional vue

node isn't like any of the others.

Node is a Javascript outside the web browser, you can use it to write programs that run pretty much anywhere.

Regardless of what framework you learn, you should learn node.

because it's background-image not backgroundImage

can somebody give me a quick rundown on all this javascript stuff?

I'm woefully ignorant of basically anything frontend/UI and web dev in general.

Js is like the code that runs all the little popups and menus and stuff on a website right? And CGI does like domain stuff on the backend and SQL server is where the javascript gets data from?

In css , not in JS...

The property is called backgroundImage in java script.

based moran

JS manipulates the DOM in a browser to do all the cool animated maymays obviously worth downloading hundreds of MBs of javascript for. Used to be front end only but then they made NodeJs which lets you put that unholy abomination of a language to use in the backend. NodeJs likes to pretend it's single threaded async but its really just a hidden thread pool attached to libuv with an event loop.

Whatever language you use for the backend (you can pretty much use any language for this) can talk to whatever SQL or NOSQL server you use. JS on the front end can talk to servers via async calls (XMLHttpRequests). This is where all the REST maymays come in since these requests go to "restful" servers providing an API. CGI is just one way of doing backend, basically writing scripts that webservers like apache use.

tl;dr webdev sucks

>They all do the same shit.
Angular and React literally don't do the same thing
React is solely a UI framework which is why you need to add in more shit like Redux for handling state.

OP, flip a coin and choose between Angular and React. In the end they're both overkill if you're not writing real web applications at a company job but that's why you have to learn one, so you're more hire-able.

and this is why you shouldn't listen to Sup Forums lol holy shit

We moved our project from backbone to react-redux. The result is faster and cleaner.