
Alice Gonzaga edition

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lol i actually know that girl personally in real life
she's ok

oh fuck im in love

Flipbong is a girl.

Good night my asian comrades. Let's discuss something asian.

Okay. Can I complain?
In museums, people assume that black people and arabs might have french citizenship, but whenever they see me, they often automatically assume I am a foreign tourist merely because I am asian.

Everyone goes like "ni hao" to me in restaurants. I say "cibai" in return

Imawake now. Wil be going to vote soon in 1 hour.

That's racist

Mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
Mengagumi tanpa dicintai
Tak mengapa bagiku
Asal kau pun bahagia
Dalam hidupmu

Me or the waiters and waitresses who serve me?

The tone of their voice is more of trying to be friendly most of the time. Except that one time at a kebab shop I ate in where the guy was saying it in a humorous way. He fucks around with other customers so that isn't racist.

I just say "cibai" back for the lulz and told them it's "thank you" in Mandarin.


One hour lads.

This is wrong.
Their tone sounds friendly because they are making fun of you and are happy because you don't even fight back.
Don't let them make fun of you.

WTF you got to be kidding me.

I always thought it's for hospitality since there's quite a lot of chinks where I live.

You mean, Chinese people in your area can't even talk english and waiters are forced to talk chinese?

Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

Quite a number of them are tourists.

Well, your circumstances are a bit different then.
The guy in the kebab shop is like some drunk guy though.

He's just trying to be funny to everyone he serves.

Racism must never be joked about or trivialized.
That guy's way to be funny is plain wrong.

Oops, forgot to remove my /fr/ tripcode

On my way to precinct to vote our savior duterte

I like the way Duterte is against criminality, yet pro-LGBT. He is every true leftist's dream.
Please make him into a leader.

Why do you sound like an SJW now ;__;

fugg gtx titan is now 20000 pesos

N-no, I'm definitely not one, I am against migrants and I don't like black and arabs, but I also don't like racist jokes. Well, I can make such jokes about on Sup Forums, but I just think it's wrong to make them in real life in front of people who don't like them. I'm definitely not a SJW, okay ?!

Dapat Tama guys

That means, don't vote Marcos for VP

Let's see who's going to be the next Presidente, and if they will save this country for once, or make it get worse

On my way to voting precinct now lads.

Can you take pictures with your phone?

1080 is around the corner.

Double the power of the Titan.

NVidia™ wants you to upgrade to their new hardware so you can play those PC Games™ smoothly with Gameworks™.

from Twitter

The only good spic is a dead spic behind a wall. MAGA!

What did he mean by this?

>be me
>kodigo in my pocket
>open kodigo
>two army guys walking fast to my direction
>you're not supposed to bring that thing inside, miss
fak so this thing isn't allowed inside.


>I m a grill btw
Shove it up your poon.

1. Duterte
2. Binay

1. Marcos
2. Cayetano

3. Pacquiao
8. De Lima
cap this faggots, you heard it here first, only here on Sup Forums. Don't go away!

Terrorist enabler.

Yes. kill 'em all.

did you tell them it's your kodigo? that should be allowed.


>One hour
what did he mean by this

when will the results be released?

yeah, eat your fucking koko krunch/pandesals while it's still there, cause in three months time it's going to be fucking rationed.

You faggots ready for Premier Rody Duterte?

They took all of our kodigos and threw it into the trash can.

le banana republik meme

polls open

what's a kodigo

>being this much of a shill

that's stupid. I reckon you're from Jolo? or Maguindanao? you can be facebook-famous with this story.

Yeah its not like it full of development in the NCR either just so happens people flock there.
That's the reason why they put those jobs in cebu or davao in the first place to try and turn them Into a catch basin.

I think it illegal and impolite to others. This is the only pic that I've taken.

Time to vote lads

Mahaba na pila brad.

Masbate, and no, the army said it's regional law.

Didn't you know? People from Masbate do not have the right to vote :^)

t. someone with a surname of Masbate origin

Papasok na si Dick sa senado.

They're doing their job right they are trying to prevent you to Vote for Dutdut

Your story checks out so much

>regional law

lol I don't such thing exists. all comes from the comelec/constitution.

I watched some video of Dick crying because Erap was taking away his free port XD

I bet hes probably not even going to vote

>tfw the new mayor of London is a fucking mudshit
I swear Protestants is the most c.ucked religion in the world


>surrounded by good, wholesome people wearing yellow
>removed that bitch of a deep splinter I got from shitty restaurant chopsticks
>saw my overwatch premade buddies in the other precinct, they confirmed they'll get on for more games before the beta ends
Feels good to embody civic responsibility

>implying Cucktholic any better


>be muslim
>get shot
>nobody cries

>be christian
>get shot
>christian government order to drop bombs on muslims

Well obviously. Do you live in Paris? There's at least two million chinese tourists on their way to the louvre at any one time.

Is there anything better on this planet than a cute good natured Asian girl?

>dress beautifully
>take care of themselves past marriage


kodigo = cheat sheet

just finished voting
and there is a big ass amored truck outside the school with alteast 20 armed guys


ayaaa don't cheat lah~ How much did you get paid?

I don't live in Paris, I went to different museums.
>There's at least two million chinese tourists on their way to the louvre at any one time.
This argument is irrelevant as all ethnicities are represented.
You don't understand because you've got your white privilege.

Fuck off you idiotic SJW.

>That mayor is an ahmadiyya and LGBT supporter
The butthurt tweet from wahhabi is glorious

Just came back to the polls

Voted for Roxas-Robredo and based Palparan

>LGBT supporter
that's even fucking worse, I'll avoid London like a plague now. I'm luckily to be living faraway from that shitfest, everyone is so rude there.

I'm not a SJW though...

Your mayor doesn't look that bad to be honest.


0 because I'm a strong independent thinker who don't need no cheat sheet

What about racial stereotype. I didn't find South Park's City Wok chef to be offensive and honestly I thought it was quite funny.

It depends on the situation.
I don't watch South Park.

City Wok chef fighting the City Sushi chef was best, Fucking Monglians,


Here's a little example,


*taps the sign*

Sushi chef is actually a whittu piggu, representing the Japanese being honorary Aryans


>chatting with Filipina qt
>she changes her profile picture to Duterte's face
>mfw feels like Duterte is flirting with me

a big red flag. break all contact immediately.

>Let's discuss something asian.

What's your favourite anime comrade?

Putang ina Mayor dapat and mauna


Aryan whitu mustard rice. Pakistan bombed best day of muh liff.

Going to my precinct later probably 1pm where theres less plebs around.

I don't like it but I dislike it much less than the honorary aryan meme.

I only watched the first episode but I like EVA.

I understand you.

>less plebs
Too late. You should have been first in line.

Its a clusterfuck there right now.

Thats what your dad said when your mom was considering to abort you.

I wish I could see that with my own eyes