What are some web sites that went out of business due to the owner's technical incompetence?
What are some web sites that went out of business due to the owner's technical incompetence?
Sup Forums
>Apple Mac Mini Servers
The entire internet went out for a few hours back in the mid 90s when one guy configured his router incorrectly.
Cloudmouse fucked up their ceph storage and couldn't recover it.
i have one of these korean rice makers
they're the fucking best. you just add water and rice press a button and that's it. it even keeps it warm for days
What did they mean by this?
>what was the tech bubble
Most are more likely too young to remember but I remember a lot of startups back then that just died over night.
its infested with bacteria in minutes
Cygnus Solutions wasn't incompetent just has bad luck.
>keeps it warm for days
kek and bon appétit
>he doesn't clean his appliances
are you retarded user?
>kek and bon appétit
You realize pretty much any fried rice dish is using day old rice....right?
Fresh rice just turns mushy.
how hard is it to do this
>1 cup rice
>2 cup water
>1 tbsp of butter
>put butter in pot
>heat butter
>put in rice
>stir rice for a few short min
>put in water
>bring o rolling boil
>cover and immediately put on low
>wait 14 min
>take off burner and put on cool burner
>wait another 14 min
>now uncover and eat.
I have a pro-tip for you, boiling water kills bacteria
Rice cookers boil water m8
Now do it for a family of 3-5.
Now do it 4-6 days a week
Now do it with brown rice, GABA rice, sushi rice, etc.
Having a rice cooker makes sense if you're in an asian household.
>He doesn't cook a proper meal
Nigga I need those burners for the rest of the meal that isn't the rice
you cook the rice at the same time.
He said he needs all the other burners, and to be honest I can understand, if I'm sauteeing veggies, browning meat, and cooking down a sauce, do I REALLY have the space to dedicate another burner to rice?
Just get a rice cooker and set it off to the side.
everything trump did
or just buy a rice cooker
hur dur i dont want your convenience machines
hurr durr
sounds interesting, have any links to more info?
Is that some russkie shit?
I think he's talking about when Worldcom rolled out defective router firmware update across its network and couldn't get a proper patch out for days.
Really makes you think
Yahoo just had their Verizon offer reduced by $350M due to their constant security breaches.
>14 steps vs 2 for the exorbitant cost of $20.
Really makes you think.
you need to rince starch off of the cooked rice otherwise it'll be sticky
You can cook any kind of meal in rice cookers, not only rice
>using day old rice
>keeps it warm for days