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no balt


No u

>Can't ask parents since they disowned me
are your parents part of some those evangelical hardcore evangelist cult? also, why the hell did you converted?

the assburger turk is circassian?

Wasted dubs on this nauseating thread

Congratulations senpai

there is a reason why the kafkas people look down on your kind, assman

cutie post booty :3

I chopped off my ass

th for free western sahara

cutie post peepee :3

Ironically or legit ?
I chopped it off too

i think everything he says is a lie he's just a turk who's too ashamed (rightfully) so he claims some vague hunter gather ancestry


btw how old

>what's going on in Egypt
yeah, but unlike you, we had 2 revolutions. How did the Arab spring change Turkey? Oh yeah, funding a proxy war and being overwhelmed by the fallout.
>welfare leech

>thinking Egyptians are granted asylum status
>not even being aware of the affecting your own immediate geographical proximity


We have the Sinai back now, I don't know if you've noticed. Whether it's through the strength of our army or the wisdom of our leadership, we ended the war and got back our territory. Now, which do you have? Good leadership or a strong army? lmao fag

>one would have to be retarded to live there, right?
One would have to be clinically retarded to live there and not know the difference between diaspora behavior and native behavior, yes.

also, your insults are whack as fuck
here are some you can use. In fact, I wrote you a poem:

ya 5awal el layali
ya metnak el 7awari
ta3ala mos beta3i
la7san ageebak wara masna3 el karasi

I'm a servitor desu

o shit senpai

Good night /mena/ i love you

Steamy robot secks

the things affecting*

Good night m8

Keep Jihading on our behalf

egyptians, albeit more rare, are shit all over europe bro. and you don't even know your own fucking language why bother. half your illiterate creed cannot even understand the news.

you literally think egypt are superior to turkey? is the fact that your country is about to blow up for the 7th time not enough for you? where do you find the audacity

your country is riddled with perverts who rape anything with a pulse, corruption, murderers, ISIS, FGM basically one of the most backwards nations in the world, but you persist.

>egyptian swearing
عير الجمل في طيز امك يا كلب


That's a sad get

>kafkas who claims to be turk
>turk who claims to be kafkas
>welfare retard diaspora

make up your mind and stick with it

for example the shit i said about you sticks and i dont change it because im pretty sure its true

whereas you change your opinion about me every 10 minutes because you don't know people so you basically don't have the capacity to make proper assumptions

went through a spiritual crisis as a teenager, read every religious text there is and as soon as I started reading the Qu'ran in English I knew it was right. Living as a Muslim 9 years now, eat halal, 5 salat fasting everything.

Mom is Christian dad is atheist
I'm going to start talking to the local imam but meeting girls isn't exactly something you can read about in a darussalam book

Unrelated: does Qatar have slavery

Qatar is slave capital. Also good luck bro.

remember you was living at the london for a month
service elevator up the 4 0 1
we was still a secret couldn't come in thru the front girl i had your back even when all you used to do was front thats for sure tho

muslim families love converts, but ofc you gotta do your own magic

i cant say nothing, my grandpa did that too and my family ended with a meme religion because of him (non catholic christian), your mosque dont have meetings for young people? or some activities where you can get to know eachother?

You do realize islam is the no fun allowed religion by exellence?

>implying catholic arent islam but alcohol makes it easier to swallow
maybe western mosques are diferent?

>my future grandsons would remember me as the man who introduced fedoraism into the ethical kekslamic family genepool
I'm actually looking forward to procreating

Do I have to remind you ?

>t.take it from the loopholer with a grain of salt
Yeah like ever

i see some flaws on your plan:
do you need me to tell you that without islam you can have life on easy mod with the arranged marriages and you'll need to go out?.

You're too beta and your wife will educate her sons in her religion and you cant call your local iman to get an authorized stonnig because of that

TL;DR: islam is the best religion to be a beta

>t. piss cum

>Still believing in the state-nation concept
>mfw muslim world cant think outside the western prism

No wonder why western world fucks you in the ass so much,

>Dad is atheist in denial
>Mom doesnt give a shit
Im glad i was never forced to pray

>implying I won't convert my legit arranged wife into the fedora lifestyle
>t. cucked bookworm

>t. s*mali taking refuge in the g*lf

Wake up with night sweats desu

Is it because of >No Khaoula?

wat do



>implying she wont get you beheaded for being a murtadeen
( here in Spain a lot of womyn are the ones joining ISIS or local salafist groups while the men are too happy being degenrated hash dealers)

If I convert to Islam would I be able to become al muslimeen al seini and be able to get my mena qt through arranged marriage?

>Implying I won't use the male is dominant mentality thus can do no wrong to trump and refute her claims as baseless

>the male is dominant mentality
That's still a thing in Somalia?
If it was Tunisia you'd be lucky if your wife didnt manhandle you

it's great and offers you more peace than you could ever imagine
sitting after salat making takbir counting on your fingers is like meditation but better
brown eyed biryani cooking virgin waifu is just the icing on the cake really

Exaclty why do they wanna be free? They have nothing and aren't even populated enough to be a real country.

Jordan is that you?

my name's not Jordan and I'm not Jordanian either
first time I've posted on int usually just lurk

I don't know never been there and but it's quite common on my dad's side of the family.
As in your average male is bread provider while the woman is a child bearer and home keeper kind of deal

>mfw mother was too feisty for my dad to handle

Nah I just a recently converted guy named Jordan yesterday on a community hiking trip.

it's not impossible but do know that asians (chinese, koreans, japanese) are often referred to as 7asharat (insects) in some arab circles

so gotta be prepared for the occassional racism

otherwise if you convert the gates are open for marriage doesn't matter what race/creed

So close yet so far

Ram Anzu cosplay when?

I go by Hilal now.

Depends if you have that gookish K-Pop look than yes but if you're just a stale hong-kongese with nothing going for you

Than you're best bet is $$$$



But I want her to Saya cosplay before moving to that

it's kind of retarded but w/o muslim parents you're kinda fucked if you want a religious wife

your imam will help you (he literally has to) otherwise every convert would just get btfo and die alone pmuch.

Anzu is too perfect, fuck

Those hearts look like sperm

Traditional type girls are kinda boring to me

who /rooble/ here?



What do you guys think about this video


as much as I hate fal*stinis that black man/woman was pretty annoying.

Black people are not people desu

>Be in primary school
>A guy in my class was always trying to grope and dry hump me
>Kept doing it for an entire year
>One day i put my pen on his chair and he doesnt notice and sits down on it
>It hurts him so bad he fell to the ground crying and grapping his butt while I was laughing at him
>He stopped boring me after that
>Hear about him recently
>He's a homo and a very big guy from years of bodybuilding
I'm scared he's gonna rape me if I meet him

im people u fuccin nigger

post boipucci

watch out for that boipucci

>implying you wouldnt like it
you're asking for it famalam

Me senpai I no longer have my full name in use, to avoid awkwardness in this board so for identification purpose I use my first initial hence R
Wew lad
I doubt I'm boipucci material anyway never been sexually harrassed and dicked like you
Unrelated question you need to answer Akhi . From a scale of 1/kisi5tak
how qt are you ??

>never been sexually harrassed and dicked like you
I was sexually harassed by guys pretty much all my life. Its really crazy when you think about it. Even today I get advances from guys all the time. Its like im a dick magnet or something.
Its as if the entire world was forcing me to be gay
>how qt are you ??
Obviously an 11/10

>ywn get the chance to sexually harass a Tunisian fuccboi in a public area having him plead to stop and make him orgasm from intense groping action

pretty sure they realise its still (You) user...

I just got back in. I fucked a really hot mixed french algerian guy today. He was uncut but nice.

>im people u fuccin nigger

Nah ur a monkey

How about now?


>tfw wanted to sexually harass VERY cute classmate in 7th grade
>I liked him too much to do something he didn't like
FUG ;___;

t. isis

dajjal is pretty qt

You guys are silly
What's it like for expats coming over to work in oil industry or something
Kinda want to go to al-hasa or Bahrain

>are you white
>do you have a degree
if yes to both congrats on the $1billion per month job



check this out