>non-windows OS don't have ga-
Non-windows OS don't have ga-
post filepicker thumbnails
that's the only thing I care about
openEmu is a file picker for video games
>Shows emulator
How fucking retarded can you be?
>counting Nintendo proprietary BIOS as "non-windows OS"
here 2bhlad
>that font rendering
ayy lmao
Die, nĂ¼male
>moving goalposts
Congratulations lad, you can install a MacOS emulator and pirate video games from the last decade. Top job.
Meanwhile, what else do you do with your computer?
He'd be a numale if he was playing some new pokemon game.
Saw some fat numale faggot the other day playing pokemon on one of those big ugly new 3ds.
Chink detected
this. fucking triggered man
>chink detected
>Not the folders named in some asian language
it has games
i have 288 roms total atm
>it has electrolytes
Yeah I'm a first gen immigrant that works as a lowly codemonkey for my American overlords that pay me just enough wage to live day to day. Bite me.
you need to get some sun you basement dweller. You're never gonna start a family like this.
thats a 2ds you inbred fuckface cock gobbler
how are you gonna play nds games without a touch screen
>wah he said the name wrong
who gives a fuck manchild faggot, go back to your shit board
mouse emulates touchscreen on ds emulators
You do realize not every DS game heavily relies on the touchscreen right? For example, you can get along playing Pokemon just fine without touch.
the feel isn't the same :^(
graphics tablet :^)
>no Infinite Space
Launchbox is literally the same thing but for windows
i'll add it now because of your post
you could've made more in china not being a beta.
The earthbound contrarian hate is amazing, it's like I'm on /vr/
Absolutely disgusting.
>reading books will make you smart
Only dumb people believe this.
Cringeworthy post
>reading 3000 year old stuff
u look inbellingnient boy
>> Sup Forums
That's a lot of (You)s, thank you family.
You're pathetic guys.
Thou must be a erudite being
Do you actually read these books?
Yes? It's not like I acquire 1000 e-books just to a screencap on Sup Forums.
My father and grandfather read a lot and they introduced me into reading at a young age.
*post a screencap.
>not running retroarch on PSP for maximum comfy.
Here ya go.
Reminds me that I'm missing the external with my sega stuff on it.
Illya makes me so horny ffs jesus christ
>system don't have games
>posts emulated games other systems
So much for your point.
Oh thank the Lord I can finally play the games I played on their respective devices literally 20+ years ago on my superior OS. Truly this beats out those "WinFags" that don't realize how to stay up to date with technology. Cutting edge.
How's the performance of the SNES core? Better than the available standalone emulators?
If you actually used linux you'd understand
>shows the most boring meme games in existence
read the rules please, you have to be 18 to visit this website
Come back when your ROMs folder is larger than 1.5tb, and have a full GameCube set, scrub.
It's too bad performance is crap compared to RetroArch. All it is, a pretty file picker with 2 options.
wew lad
>reading books on a screen
>not having physical copies
>video games from the last decade
dude, there are now playstation 3 games more than a decade old
holy shit
openemu is a pretty sexy app
>having to resort to emulators to prove his point
Just post something like Tux Racer, and save yourself the embarrassment.
Is this the pleb version of retroarch for numales who don't know how to use a computer?
what's your preference on the scale of;
- effort toward a more intended look (crt-like shaders, scanlines, etc)
- no particular effort (plain point/bilinear scaler)
- effort toward enhanced look (higher internal resolution, overclocked emulated cpu, etc)
How the fuck did you made it run?
I tried and the thing crashed every time i tried to run a rom, having to restart the psp
Only someone retarded enough to use gnome 3 would think this is acceptable.
t. angsty teenager
file manager != file picker
How'd you get your Calibre to look like that?
64 bit windows effectively emulates 32 bit windows when running programs...
I love RA and occasionally commit fixes to the codebase but RA PSP is a fucking mess where cores often run slower than standalone emulators. RA on Vita though is a gift from the heavens.
I'd rather read books on my Kobo with resizable text and frontlit epaper display.
A bonus being that I pirate all my ebooks.
Err... no. An x86_64 processor in long mode is capable of executing ordinary IA-32 instructions natively by dropping down into compatibility mode (and no, I'm not talking about Windows' compatibility mode, but x86's compatibility mode). There is no hardware emulation as one might see in, say, DOSBox.
>install openemu
>open n64 game
>runs at 10,000% speed
>no real settings anywhere
>open different game
>same issue
>close openemu
project 64 is better in every way
how much do you make senpai
Is it automated like Kodi? That's mainly what I want--a nice emulator frontend which grabs art/description for me.
>Meanwhile, what else do you do with your computer?
Calculate Pi to several million digits.
i really like the part where
you replied to the posts
in reverse chronological order.
sure triggered me,
What's the difference between "compatibility mode" and "hardware emulation"?
>implying it technically isn't
How long does it take for you to finish 1 e-Book? I can finish around 5 in a week if I'm in the mood or if they're interesting.
>Naughty - Dirty, Broken or Misaligned
Holy shit I remember that thread clear as day.
Compatibility mode - set a flag in the CPU and let it loose just like an ordinary process.
Emulation - software program translates non-native instructions into native instructions either by JIT or by direct interpretation of the opcodes. Everything exists within the context of, and is controlled by, another process.
Just download full romset you dumb nigger.
i would if i only cared about having an archive
i like the process of carefully researching and collecting only what i really like
>using Grab for screenshots