Name a sexier phone than the S8+

Name a sexier phone than the S8+

Protip: You can't


>generic glass slate #654131228

1 poo has been deposited in your loo

sage, hide, ignore viral marketing pajeets

Are you trying to imply that that looks good?

It looks incredible.

It looks like an incredible piece of shit


it's a chode phone with a shitty keyboard layout

It's a great phone both aesthetically and functionally. Better than anything Samsung's ever put out.

It would definitely be better with a 4 row keyboard but it is what it is and is still far better than a touchscreen keyboard.

I'm not a thot so I don't carry around tablet sized phones in my bag.

Is it a bad idea to get S7 edge now months away from the 8?

Is it a bad idea to get S7 edge now months away from the 8?

Is it a bad idea to get S7 edge now months away from the 8?

>generic glass square #654131228

I didn't expect my S7 to feel outdated so soon Jesus Christ this is so futuristic.

The Passport's anything but generic. Good luck mistaking that phone for anything else on the market. Meanwhile everything else is just a hideous slab of glass.

>instead of embedded it on the screen, they put the fingerprint in the most retarded place as possible
eh, skipped it

I'm glad it's not in the screen. I mean I'd never buy the thing either way but having biometric hardware in such an unavoidable place would be atrocious.


>Wahhhh chinks!!
It looks beautiful and you know it.

I'd imagine prices will drop on the previous gen when the new one comes out, I'd just wait.

>tfw didn't wait and got s7e
feels bad, man.

iPhone 7

Not sexy at all user

>that round screen
why tho

Idol 3 4.7 / 5.5

Here, proper body to screen ratio.

OnePlus 3/3T

Post the black version, white phones look like cheap shit

>getting this defensive over a slab of glass with a keyboard from early 2000

It's a great phone
>from early 2000
Didn't realize they had touchpad keyboards in the early 2000s

I have it in white tho

japan had that on nearly every premium flip phone

Redmi Note 3

QWERTY keyboards?


It looks like shit, get over it

Your opinion is shit

Seems like most people share my opinion, get over it

If they managed to do it on a smaller T9 dial pad then they can easily do it on a qwerty.

Sharp Aquos from 2014

>nice try gooks

>a few people in a voluntary response setting = most people
Yeah okay buddy

I never said they couldn't do it on a QWERTY keyboard. It's that if they didn't do it with a QWERTY keyboard then it's irrelevant, as non QWERTY keyboards suck.

Just accept you're the only one who thinks that pos is good looking

Can you atleast make the keyboard disappear?

But that's blatantly false.

They all look exactly the same and when you're on your death bed every phone you will have ever owned will be in a landfill and you won't remember the difference

You must be great at parties

Why would I want that?

So you dont have a giant keyboard taking up the screen when you dont need it

It's greatly ''inspired'' by the mix

They keyboard doesn't take up any screen though. Let's say it was a slider, whether I have the keyboard out or not it's still a 4.5" screen. Besides, it's quite rare that I'm not using the keyboard.


>lets say it was a slider
Well its not so stfu

You do realize other phones have QWERTY keyboards right? They pop up whenever you need them and dont take up phone space.

>Well its not so stfu
No fucking shit, I was pointing out that it being a slider wouldn't magically make the screen larger when the keyboard was retracted.
>You do realize other phones have QWERTY keyboards right? They pop up whenever you need them and dont take up phone space.
Touchscreen keyboards are ass.

>touchscreen keyboards are ass
Lmfao I think we just found out why you're so passionate about this pos.

GL with that outdated rectangle brick of yours, grandpa

I don't see what's so funny about having different preferences.

Protip: you'r fag.

Aww did i hurt your little blackberry feelies? I'm sorry didnt know you were such a thin skinned little bitch. My bad

That's pretty neat

You do realize this is an 18+ website, right?

Feels like a 60+ with these old school bricks you guys are posting

910i even had bigger screen, with a less convenient keyboard probably.

Never owned them though.

One of these days when I get some pocket change I'll get one of these

I love bezel-less devices.

The thread's about good looking phones, not state of the art phones.

>good looking
Nice try grandpa

Touchscreen keyboards are ass though user.

Do you eat shit from your hands or something?

I'm 20

They might be ass if you're 60+ with parkingson. I've been typing from a galaxy s6 all along grandpa

the V20 doesn't get enough love

Fuck those curved sides

the 2nd display makes it fucking ugly and that font they use for the 2nd display is retardedly bad


Maybe for a grandpa with parkinsons.

There is literally nothing wrong, unless you look at it closely you don't notice the second screen / front camera meeting.
Makes me think you've never seen one in person
The font style I can't argue against Ill admit but its handy for checking notifications without picking up the phone

I really wanted that phone back then, it's a shame it was only sold under the Sprint network.