How can chrome cucks and firejews even compete?
Make way for the BEST browser in the world!
How can chrome cucks and firejews even compete?
Make way for the BEST browser in the world!
The ultimate comfy browser
Bounce BACK!
>White theme
>Crop screen on taskbar
>Facebook messenger
>Nightmore at 16:29pm
>That font rendering
>White theme + Tomorrow
So this is the power of pajeets.
>Dotan Twins
lol u mad cum skin?
At you being poor and running an inferior res. in 2017? Doubt it :^)
Is there a compact option? It's way too fucking huge
Does it have a decent adblock?
>muh resolution while using inferior poor man's OSX on his chinkpad. hurr hurr
The taskbar? It's only like 5 pixels bigger than firefox without the bookmark bar. See pic. That red part goes away when firefox is on maximized windows and its the only height difference
It has a built in one and you can choose others from extentions. Adblocking is good so far. I haven't seen any.
Fuck off dumb nigger shill, no one here listens to your microshill lies. Kill yourself, currynigger.
t. pajeet
To others: sage
i don't know how but this thread is somehow gayer than apple shill threads
you did it OP, congrats
Wtf is wrong with office
NEETS don't need to so it becomes a meme in their minds.
whats the OP browser? new IE?
it kinda looks nice desu
new firefox beta
It's microsoft Edge. The best in the world!
its better than firefox, thats for sure.
Remember you are posting in a paid shill thread.
>tfw to intelegent too not notice that you're a brainlet
t. paid employee
based microsoft
for what, creating generic browser #231? How much you get paid anyway?
I bet you are a liberal. You haven't even used it and you are already assuming it is bad because it is made by microsoft. How low can you go you fucking turd?
i dare you to post a screenshot, half of the entries are yours you autistic shit
let me repeat, even in a website full of anonymous people don't want to talk to you
you are either under 18, autistic or paid
Wow you sure convinced me OP.
Link me the tarball so I can compile it on my Fedora.
You aren't edgy for using edge, just another op is a faggot.
can u use extensions inPrivte mode now or not?
literally no extensions
ignored for not contributing to the discussion
>is blind
not inprivate mode as of now
i'm just waiting for private extensions then i'll consider
wtf is this shit?
>ignored because i don't want people to see only person who's defending edge is me
it would take your 10 seconds to post screenahot lmao
oh you want discussion? Alright
>only available on windows 10 (just like what applel did to safari)
>worse html5 capabilities than chrome/chromium
>no webms
>doesn't respect my freedoms (0,1,2)
>no themes
>coming from a company that has nothing to do with internet or browsers, and accepted they screwed the first one
>not cross platform when all of it's serious rivals are
>doesn't have RICH extensions as chromium/firefox based browsers
i'll wait, shill
consider ending your life
Niggers have skin in the exact color of shit. Cums color and white peoples skin color is located completely apart at the shade spectrum of white.
These extensions. The cringe is crazy.
for example.
the edge scrolling is perfect. it feels fast
my few issues are that the new tab page is ugly as cunt and the addon availability is poor
im using firekeks anyways
>office botnet extension
found the Sup Forumsack shitposter