/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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The retard(s) who """""designed""""" this program should all be hanged for abysmal tier ideas and understanding of program development.

Tell us more how much it hurt your feefees because you expected it to be Photoshop you don't have to pay for and it turned out to utilize concepts and workflow you're not used to.

Go neck yourself stupid commie fuck.

Contribute to the development of GNU/Linux please.

Behold, the peak of manchild's argumentation skills.

Another sperglord.

abhorrent piece of shit image editing programs
literally kys tier crap

should I switch to neovim?

arch or gentoo?

Is Mopidy the logical evolution of mpd?
Currently have an Odroid running mpd (amongst other services), but it isn't quite working like I want it to.

Playlists aren't as dynamic as I want them to be, beets as music manager is ok but could be better, amongst other minor stuff.

But on the other hand it's remote, every OS has an interface for it, and seems pretty lightweight.

How does Mopidy do on this stuff?

Let me bother you
1) How do I get mousepad colour schemes to work when I'm using i3-wm?
2) I have onboard audio and a Creative sound card. Why does Arch switch the default used one on every reboot?
3) Anybody watching SatTV on freedom-enabled desktop persocoms?

2) Just configure /etc/asound.conf to set the default

>2) I have onboard audio and a Creative sound card. Why does Arch switch the default used one on every reboot?
If you are using i3 then you don't have any "audio" manager than saves and restore your settings.
Especially if you are using alsa directly without a sound server you should configure it explicitly (i.e. set the default card in /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf).

Arch, it's easier to share configurations across devices.

>tfw someone uses your OC in the OP of a /fglt/

Are you kidding? the GIMP is awesome. It's what I used to make he image.

another libtard

of the two gentoo is slightly less autistic but more work/time to maintain but less chances of it doing something completely retarded

>Calling the same people that falsely accused you of being a racist, sexist, and a xenophobe and also the everdelightful charge of rape not 6 months ago fake news is bad
>Let's not forget that they were colluding with the Clinton campaign the same time they were engaging in "unbiased" news
>Somehow these are networks that are totally honest, especially after selling us the Iraq War and trying to worsen relations with Russia over bullshit charges

>butthurt drumpfkin
see you in 4 years

>libcuck thinks Trump wont reign 8 years.
fucking delusional lmao.

Nice argument you got there lad. You really laid it on me thick with that deep rebuttal. Not to mention the fact that the Democrats are literally in the process of becoming irrelevant:
>Trump's litterally in the process of getting 40-50% of what he promised done and the Democrats losing even more power due to incompetent leadership and being out of touch => 4 more years
8 years my friend :^). 8 years

ridiculous you're the one to say that

enjoy your jewish president

>liberals in a state of cognitive dissonance
>and caricature of 1984's state (with regards to actions against Trump)
>doublding down on identity politics

>not ez 8 years for Fruumpfkfin.

you wont win back rustbelt.
you will lose probably yet another state for being so anti-white.

>Oh noes we've been bamboozled. Trump likes the Jews.
I mean, he's been open about this his whole campaign. His daughter getting CHAIMED and one of his sons is getting a Jewess GOYED. Try something else.

P.S. How anti-semitic

Probably MI. It was REALLY close this year. Same with VA too.

If you ever wondered why people tell you to fuck off back to Sup Forumseddit outside of Sup Forumseddit it's this.
A single > or a picture gets all of you riled up to defend the orange manbaby in the office.

I was just joking, I'm not even american I cannot care less who's POTUS, chill the fuck out and stop being a cancerous shithead for once.

What the fuck will all of you do when Sup Forums follows it's contrarian nature and becomes vocally liberal?
Cry and post maga hats out of butthurt for the next decade?

If you weren't such a newfag you'd know only newfags care about newfags.

t. been here since 2005.

>chill the fuck out and stop being a cancerous shithead for once.
How about you stop being a cuck and stay on-fucking-topic you little autistic Europoor?

>What the fuck will all of you do when Sup Forums follows it's contrarian nature and becomes vocally liberal?
>He things that's how Sup Forums works, not pointing out that Sup Forums has been becoming significantly more right leaning since /news/ was first created.

Getting back on topic, which is better: screen or tmux?

>He things that's how Sup Forums works, not pointing out that Sup Forums has been becoming significantly more right leaning since /news/ was first created.
Yeah, Sup Forums rides with the lowest common denominator of it's community.
It used to be Sup Forums, then it was Sup Forums for a brief period of time but for the last few years it's been non-stop Sup Forums

>claim to use it for the last 12 years
>still gets butthurt over a shitty picture and a reply
Didn't work out that well did it?

> only newfags care about newfags.
Yeah bub, whatever lets you sleep at night.

>old Sup Forums
>lowest common denominator
Get out newfag

git gud brow

>Sup Forums used to be good meme

>calling people butthurt when they point and laugh at your shitty posts

Certainly was better than the Sup Forums (and probably the whole site barring /k/, /s4s/ and /vr/) is now

That pic sums up Sup Forums completly.

>> The RustC uses LLVM backend
>Great. C runs on bare metal.

enemy of freedom

So faggets, how can I convert a rar file into a zip, tgz, 7z using only pipes?
Already found a solution with temp files, but it feels just faggy.

I agree but I'm waiting for that C toddler's response



>w-what, who am I, where a I, what the fuck happened?

In a previous /dpt/, I came across the pre teen weeb. He's pretty hillarious, white knights C, knows no programming and turns out, a tramp apologist.

see you in 8, when we inaugurate the first female POTUS

What's the best way to have a system wide audio equalizer?

If she has a child will it call tramp it's father or grand father?

When installed, you just run alsamixer -D equal.

There's a GUI equalizer for pulse, but i didn't try it.

first genuinely jewish POTUS*

when i made this, i did not even imagine that other people will take it and make it even more beautiful... this must be what stallman feels like all the time except when he's complaining about not getting credit for everything and arguing over whether licenses can be so free that they hurt freedom

why is audio on linux such a mess?
why can't there one program managing everything at once?

>why can't there one program managing everything at once?
why can't there be more than one program?

You don't have to use them all at once. Pick one that suits you most and stick with it

>choice is bad
stop being a cuck

You're asking for an entity that forces everyone on their standards?

she has children m8. three of them

At least he doesn't shill a meme language because he's such a shtty programmer he doesn't know how strncpy works

I need a distro that is not kde neon or kubuntu (already tried don't like) that I can set up in max 2 hours (total noob I'm slow).
pls no gentoo (unless you're disposed to teach me about it).

>> The RustC uses LLVM backend
>Great. C runs on bare metal.
Current state of C toddlers

It isn't.

OSS was fixed with ALSA, Pulse extends alsa.

If you don't want a "mess" just use ALSA, but don't cry about lacking functionality.

See linux audio as one thing with addons, just like a browser that does one basic thing but does more with extensions.

meant for

>not adhering to nu-age pootering philosophy

Tell me how to run C in ""bare metal""

>Using a meme language because you're too stupid not to get buffer overflow from strncpy
Current state of Rust autists

I guess expert kernel hackers like yourself who can run C in cold bareback metal is smarter than Linus

Once you tell me how to use strncpy properly :^)

Is it 1980? LOL

and fellow Rustaceans who can use strncpy correctly are smarter than 90% of the workforce at Mozilla. Congratulations you're smarter than a bunch of trannies and just about as mentally unstable.

I bet you never made any bug in your ultra sophisticated daily fizzbuzz project with in C

I'm new to bash..
How would I create a loop and mass convert with ffmpeg?
Is this right way to do it?
for i in *.VOB; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "$i%".mpg; done

oooh, teach me how to optimize my binary with those undefined behaviors. I ran out of ideas on how to make a better algorithm and have to look for unspecified broken trash ""features"" to make my program fast

>Let me use a meme language even though there is another language that does it's own job with better performance.

Just like you don't in your ultra-fast Rust kernel

Autist here, I was trying to make some random C crap for the cli (just for fun). Mind trying to make strncpy function?
What I got so far:
strlen() { printf -- '%d\n' "${#1}"; };
strcmp() { [ "${1}" = "${2}" ]; };

what kinda answer are you expecting from us?
why can't you read the copypasta?
here, I'll spoonfeed it to you so you don't have to scroll all the way up with your fat greasy fingers

>>What distro should I choose?

>Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>/fglt/'s website:

t. Didn't read the fucking manual


How's that assembly going, C toddler?

>manual doesn't specify
and this is what you call an undefined behavior

Welcome to CS101

>0.5 seconds

>man strncpy

>I bet you never made any bug in your ultra sophisticated daily fizzbuzz project with in C
>Just like you don't in your ultra-fast Rust kernel
Did I hurt your feelings?

It's okay I know you know how to make a Fibonacci program too

use find(1).
For example:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.flac' -exec bash -c 'f={}; ffmpeg -c:a libopus -ab 192k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i "${f}" -- "${f%.*}.opus"' \;

- converts everything in the current dir to the opus format.



that'll work

but why on earth would you convert a VOB into mpeg1 with ffmpeg defaults?

s/everything/all flac files/

if you are trying to cut out the extension from the outputfile the correct syntax would be:
for i in *.VOB; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "${i%.*}.mpg"; done

>Picking the slower out of two meme languages
Go lives up to it's name


Anyone run into this with GIMP? Fonts are kinda fucked up.

btw. I'm on Gentoo if it matters

Configure your theme.

found the issue
fix: install a proper distribution

It took 5 years.
5 years before gimp added the option to have a one window mode.
When I first learned it it was my first thought and all the tutorials where like:
>Take 3 minutes to manual position the windows.
>its not wrong its only different
>some people prefer it to the photo-shop way

There are some great alternatives like libre office to replace MS office and Firefox to replace ... nothing IE and chrome both suck cox.

However the GPL ecosystem needs a photo-shop replacement like with libre office and Firefox.

GIMP is literally MS-paint++ so GIMP VS MS paint GIMP wins.
however the overall idea is made bad. Really bad, like the multiple windows crap.

Have fun accidentally clicking on a background icon between the window gaps.
Also anyone who made the magnification tool needs to be executed.

Meanwhile flash8 used the magnification tool like this:
Drag select to maximize this region on screen click anywhere to minimize.

This is ultra great you can shove your required modifier keys up your own ass.

Are you actually backpedaling now?

Let's see how you went

>C is unsafe trash
"lul I can produce no bugs in my shitty 13 line closed sourced non existent project"
"lul Rust is slow"
>Assembly is faster than C
"lul Go and Java is faster than C"

Ladies and gentelmen, this weaboo trash is a psychedelic autist

>java's faster that asm
how even

The "fucked up" fonts are supposed to be greyed out/inactive.

Your theme introduces a wierd shadow with a color lighter than the greyed out font.
If it bothers you either switch themes or modify it.

Pic related is how it looks on Numix

Stop using a word you don't understand.

What the C toddler doesn't realize is
1. Runtime optimization can beat C in terms of performance
2. Hand written ASM is hard to write

But Rust still is slow. Saying Java and Go are faster than C doesn't magically make your meme language good