/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

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The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Nothing worth mentioning.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


is posting still cucked?

if you're still not on H4H in 2017 you should just kys yourself to be quite frank


>BCG gets shut down
>inconvenienced, but have tons of vidya on my drive
>PC freezes up a couple of days ago
>have to set it up from scratch
>all data gone
>regret not moving everything to my external drive
Procreation is a bitch.
What do?
A friend offered to invite me to some russian tracker, but I'm not sure how well I can trust those.

What's Photonicinduction doing in that pic?

>not procrastinate
Excuse me being [RET]ARDED, but I literally just woke up.

>tfw you fell for the {RED} acted meme

fucking degenerate

i thought your kid broke the drive or something kek

Why do people spend hundreds on invites, or look for recruiters?

Don't they have friends to invite them? That's how I got all of my accounts.

>Don't they have friends

listen, ninja, do you seriously think these type of niggers: have friends?

fuck no they don't

taxi to redacting sir?

Better to stay on APL with the unironic babyfur?

You know danyisill is on PTH/REDarded too right?

who joining notwhat now?

Better to join NWCD because they blew semonontacos the FUCK out

lasagna and azacuck sure are tough guys kicking out this retard

Based. Redacted regularly bans him from their IRC as well for sperging out.

im already on notwhat

it's the best T B Q H

What is surrealmoviez? Is it a tracker like KG?

that's what everyone said about PTH too. NWCD is garbage

semonontacos detected

Nah its a DDL indexer like SIG but with KG-like movies.

Any ETA on cinemaggedon invites reopening?

PTP have like 1/10 shit movies I look for

lol. how can you say that it's the best when it lacks so much music?

Just go to their IRC and ask for one, dumbass. It's not a hard tracker to join.

I went to their ir a couple weeks ago and they told me they are scared of new people because some mad guy fucked up the tracker out o f salta so they closed new registers for the past months

oh yeah ive seen that, dear lord.

several logo submissions are directly mocking the whole contest, i like that.

Oh right. Guess you have to wait or find somebody on a good tracker who is offering invites.

No, invites can't be used either

Jesus fucking christ this guy needs a shrink pronto

Why does everybody want to join NotWhat.cd? There’s literally nothing there

No one here lives close enough to Las Vegas to go troll cuckotaku in real life at his walmart photo center job?

lets redacting sir!

because both retarded and pooinloo are run by clueless fucks?

that's the only negative about it, everything else is perfect.

when will cabal trackers loosen up their paranoid asscheeks and start recruiting?

I think the amount of content is trivial, it will get bigger over time. If you look at the way they are shaping the site and the rules you might agree that the tracker has more quality than APL for instance.



Well, he's already taking meds.

>"Perfect" FLACs: 400,973

How many does Notwhat have?


>what is he babbling about now?
an user posted something in the last thread about what happened when RED disabled, then re-enabled Demonotaku.
Demonotaku is saying that only a RED staff member could have known those things and, therefore, a RED staff is posting/leaking on /ptg/

>create 1GB bounty for an $8 album
>it gets filled the next day
Based (((RED)))

devide that by 100

fuck you 312c

>profile literally shows a disabled icon by his username for everyone to see
>hur dur only staff would know
jesus, how can anyone be this retarded

more like devide that with 27

Who is that and why everyone hates him?

i got into notwhat and it's honestly amazing but sucks that it's this late into the music tracker boom, here's a quick review

>much more accurate and focus on metadata (stuff on Red, especially APL can be insanely bad, but nobody cares)
>formatting is a huge focus, here's an example of their folder formatting. every torrent is like this, the consistency is perfect.
>Jesu – Everyday I Get Closer To The Light From Which I Came (2013) {AREC027 LTD GREY VINYL} [FLAC]
>users (for now) actually care about music, not just some upload contest, there is genuine care behind uploads in the community
>staff picks consist of entire artist pages, each staff pick is written with history about the artist - not just "hey bro, hip-hop.. u should listen to this"
>staff picks contain more historical artists and not just some garbage that's forgotten in a year. here's an example of their picks: townes van zandt, miles davis, pete namlook, brian eno, prince, nina simone. the staff picks are basically the PTP picks but to music.
>much better gazelle themes, not a fan of the default though

the only negative is less torrents (23k). but i guess that's not bad for 2k users? the site reminds me of karagarga where users upload stuff because they actually enjoy their hobby.

>album title before the year
fucking trash

fuck, why break the standard of whatcd, pth, apollo, exigo and pedros

whats wrong with that?

can you not read? it's fucking trash.

to be honest, the best way to format is
genre/artist/album type/year - album title

fuck that shit

i want mu/tracker back it was awesome!


provide a counter-argument you fucking nigger

anything more than artist-album is pure fucking autism

use port 6697 and ssl

its not what you see, its what you dont see

i think you should stick to music blogs pajeet

I've been waiting on a TehC invite from MAM for over two weeks. Is it ok if I get an invite from a different (unofficial) invite forum or do I have to pray this guy isn't dead?

you risk getting disabled

>2 weks
come on, you must be new here

I just forgot the :

my bad.

red acted bro

are they going to change redacted's name again?


so then I just have to stick it out?


I'm trying to go from MAM to TehC, no shit I'm new to this. But every other recruiter has gotten back within a day, why would you volunteer to recruit if you're not gonna be active on the site you volunteered to recruit from? Fucking powertripping gatekeepers mang

Artist - Album title - Year

Anything else is TRASH!!!!!!

Alternatively artist - year - album title is not so trash.


Artist - Album (Year)

they were already planning it for months after they changed the tracker to flacsforme, they also got very butthurt and deleted any negative feedback about the domain

it's there for good

The fact that you don't have a life does not mean that everyone else around you is like that as well.

I used to check trackers daily, now I do it like once a month cause I don't give a fuck anymore plus I am busy with other shit. I'm sure most recruiters are like that as well.

curry af

none of these are helpful when you dont add the format/cat number

when wcd died i didn't know what the fuck formats/cat numbers i was uploading to pth, you guys are dumb.

>tfw ptp abandoned the recruitment thread they put up on cg and didn't tell anyone
>tfw they deleted my forum posts asking if they were still recruiting after waiting for my inv for months
>tfw they just nuked the thread a few weeks later
You don't know pain
But look at me now :3

>RETARDED went from best music tracker to worst overnight
>it's the only one you focused on

God damnit. Fucking inept staff.

let XANAX ease the pain, user...

wheres o****t***e

why are you namefagging as a meme arrow

>boohoo I can't use my scripts to upload

I prefer my folders to not look like complete shit.

How do you get in?
PTH and poo loo are failing me for some stuff

Catalog number should be visible somewhere on the jacket in the album scan images

there will be an official thread on pooploop soon(tm)

I was making a REDACTED logo in PTP's logo style but I suck at PS and couldn't do it
Someone else do it and submit it please

i never used scripts to upload, and nobody gives a shit "how they look". it's about the information, you are clearly a dumb pleb. go back to xnx or whatever shithole you crawled out of.

that only works if it's a cd. vinyls/webs are different, especially stuff that was originally on 12" then gets a web release way later. some of the stuff i had i had no idea of it was a repress or not.

Where can I hope to get in (music trackers) considering:
>was WCD user and have email proof
>I have an IPT (yeah I know) with a ratio of 20
>have all my 600+ WCD torrents saved

I was so comfy on WCD for when I needed some music and now I don't have a single place to download it.

>release info before file format

post your emailings :)

irc, they're recruiting now


what for?

Use your buffer on RED and APL while the site still exists, boys, NWCD is taking over!

Maximum users: 7,000
Enabled users: 2,476 Details
Users active today: 692 (27.98%)
Users active this week: 1,342 (54.22%)
Users active this month: 1,942 (78.44%)
Torrents: 23,826
Releases: 16,998
Artists: 27,559
"Perfect" FLACs: 14,650
24bit Vinyl Rips: 655
Single Seed FLACs: 6,228
Zero Seed FLACs: 1,203
Requests: 198 (71.07% filled)
Snatches: 122,606
Peers: 99,591
Seeders: 99,063
Leechers: 527
Seeder/leecher ratio: 187.61

>only 14,000 perfect FLACs

still better than not having it at all, aka apooloo/poz tracker

I'm lazy I will wait for a thread on red or poo or wherever

Take the (([RED{))) interview?

for inviting to reddited sir :)