Wow, AMD's CEO looks like THAT?
Other urls found in this thread:
Like a fatguy? Yeah, and?
She's an engineering housewife, they're recognized by the few extra kilos.
I want milkies ya dip!
>EE Msc.
>Oversaw Ryzen
>Female CEO at a major tech company but doesn't make a big deal out of it
Why is she so perfect
Each lb of her bodyweight is worth more than your entire body.
Just saiyan.
This, seems pretty based.
It's her brain that's valued.
>fapping furiously
literally built for sex
She's a filthy gook, she's not even close to perfect. She's dogshit.
Back to your containment board.
t. weeb
first of all. Gooks are Vietnamese Cambodian Laotian Burmese
Not Chinese stupid
If you can look at her face and tell me unironically that she is attractive, or even just cute, then you need to see an eye doctor right away.
She's not Chinese, she's Taiwanese, you braindead arseweed.
no matter how hard you study
no matter how hard you work
no matter what you accomplish
if you have a vagina this is what people will say about you
Daily reminder that Taiwan is part of China.
Are you Retarded? Taiwan, also known as Chinese Taipei
She Would even tell you That she is Chinese
in The 80s my mom brought over some Cups made in the Mainland and the local women started crying say "These were made in Big China"
They racemixed with the local austronesian islanders, you retard. They're about as pure chinese as mexicans are pure spanish.
It appears my 6700k is now obsolete horseshit.
I'm ok with this.
time for amd
This. Just notice how dark-skinned she is. Regular Chinese are usually fair-skinned. My gf is from Wuhan and she's so pale she even has freckles on her face.
Also Taiwan is Chinese clay.
>It appears every CPU I own is now obselete horseshit
[BRAAAPPPPTS on Intel's face]
Intel vs AMD meme fighting aside, I can't wait to build a new OC rig with Ryzen.
enjoy getting worse performance than a similarly priced cpu
>similarly priced cpu
at least she's not shitting in streets
Gooks aren't really that much advanced in that regard either, friend.
The CEO is a women? Lol
Now I know I won't be buying AMD.
Jim Keller should impregnate the CEO of AMD,
imagine the computer chips their litter of kids could make
Now there might be a reason to upgrade from my 3770k. Not enough of a reason, but at least it's a start.
incompatible chipsets
All of the meat and neurons user.
at least asian women are not SJW marxist zombies
The only alternative is literally jewish, Sup Forums
pick your poison
china is literally a marxist country wtf
We bringing back the enternment camps :D?
>the starvation and death rate of communism
>with the soullessness of capitalism
>yfw impregnating her will give you 8 pairs of twins
kill yourself
Nah, it is just remnants of Republic of China. The People's Republic China a.k.a mainstream china have been ass-pained for 70+ years over about it.
it's literally not
Stop it please. Lisa is awesome. She turned the tides and made a successful business again. Please stop memeing. This is why we have feminists crying about 'muh male ceos'... when a GOOD female ceo comes along you faggots ruin it.
So many women objectifiers who can't just treat females as equals. This is what makes me a male feminist.
just needs BIOS update
this kid really fucked up, now no one is allowed to racemix anymore.
or was that his plan all along?
>if you have a vagina this is what people will say about you
What do you mean, possitive things?
There's always an oppurtunity to be offended you know?
The SJW can fuck off
Doesn't have much to do with mixing, it has to do with being forever alone. Ted kazynsky however you spell his name was nearly as crazy.
How about an entire fucked up country thanks to racemixing? Will that persuade you that it's a bad idea?
>>Female CEO at a major tech company but doesn't make a big deal out of it
this is how you get respect. excel at your job or hell even just DO your job and shut up about your womb tomb. See hill-hog.
That's right. All Lisa Su must do now is start excelling at her job.
Fucking this. She doesn't brag about being a woman in tech and look how it worked out. This is pure competence CEO shit right there
>AMD Ryzen: 500 bucks CPU with 95W TDP that completely BTFO:s Intels 1000 bucks 140W TDP CPU
Except AMD won't deliver because they never do. They always disappoint. Stop getting your hopes so high up, you'll get frustrated.
sorry user it's gonna be a POS and amd is gonna go bankrupt next week
This one has Jim's blessing.
It worked out well last time so I don't see why it wouldn't now.
>It worked out well last time so I don't see why it wouldn't now.
She always talk about being a woman in the tech industry, I don't know what's the problem, though. It's a way to encourage younger girls to pursue a tech career, if they choose so
Don't talk about my techfu
>b-b-b-but muh Bulldozer
>Using muh Bulldozer failed AMD never delivered in the past 6 years meme as an argument
>Get mad when people do the same in reverse
You obviously didn't understand this post .
Reminder that the thought police is already patrolling Sup Forums, everyone!
>no hips
>generally fridge shaped man-body with tits
Are you children falseflagging, or just spouting this as a meme without knowing what it really means? Please, you can be honest.
>ass so fat it makes the JPG take 5 minutes to load
T-thanks gookmoot
She should have slapped him for being an Nvidia shill.
squatting keeps the joints healthy you technologically blinded moron
how come this faggot always has the big ceo's within reach?
>Suddenly somebody cares how Lisa looks
>People are this mad that Ryzen looks like a winner aaand has killer price.
>This is the 4th time today I see this exact butthurt reaction
shes got that 1990's businesswoman look down
>average asian
literally perfect
Amusing to see that Linus drives a pink Honda.
I'd tear that shit up.