First NDA dropped
>52 percent IPC increase
>8c/16t for 4c/8t i7 prices
New Ryzen Info
Other urls found in this thread:
The r7 series is out.
>youtuber reviews
Ryzen r7 CPUs (8c/16t) are released.
You can start pre-ordering them now.
>XFR 4.1
Not reviews, just AMD supplied info. Anand and Tom's has the same coverage
Pre orders
Where were you when a $500 CPU officially beat the world record?
I know it's real, I've got my own sources. Just that if you're relying on youtubers you should remove the parts of your brain you don't use to lose a few lbs.
RGB stock cooler confirmed.
>Still avoiding showing any gaming benchmarks
I hate to say this, but watch linus video
Most games aren't CPU heavy this days, so any gaming benchmark is kinda shit these days.
>tfw spent $500 on memes this christmas, $250 on a new GPU and now no money for ryzen
The 1800x beats the 6900k by 10-15% in Sniper Elite 3. Watch the AMD announcement, it's on their channel.
>4690K at 4.5GHz still serving me well
>Want to have an all AMD rig again
Sh-should I upgrade?
stock jumped
Wait for the 6c/12th variants for $250
>tfw very tempted to upgrade to Ryzen for my Powermac G5 mod build
>just bought a 4670k to replace my g3258
well i fucked up.
headroom gonna be huge, nobody took 6900k as an option because of price tag
now 8 core is a viable option without sacrificing your soul for it
Anyone remember that one guy whose wife bought 2000 shares of AMD when they were $2.50 each?
I hope he didn't sell them early, he'd have appx. $23,000 if he sold right now @ $14.40
>the golden days are back
>AMD is back
>Intel has no choice but to come back
>it's happening
>it's really happening
>tfw almost bought at 1.8 but was too lazy to open an investing account
feels weird that every freaking leak last week is confirmed
Fuck. I'm going to be ghetto rich off of one investment.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars. I need an accountant.
did you invest 10k? woah
Intel 6/7700k is better for 1080p gaming
thats all you need to know
Wait for bench marks.
My math is off, more like $11,000, but still a good buy.
Wait for a dick in your mouth, dipshit.
Any UK pricing? I'm very hyped.
Hahaha... 15,000 shares at 1.2* or so...
I'm trembling... Physically shaking.
>just ignore the official benchmarks that got released today, goy
>get our 4 core CPU for $350
Well, if you're being serious, then congrats user
a guy on >leddit bought about $15k worth of stock when it was $1.41
Lowest it got was like 1.6 tho
Because of the core difference. 6700k also performs better than 6900k in 1080p gaming.
what? did you miss when everyone was running around in panic when it got to 1.0?
I hope you build an epic system user.
I'm looking at the stock history right now
yes because games will always use just 2 or 4 cores right
>AMD didn't present single-threaded benchmarks.
I'm considering getting AMD tattooed... Right after I buy an X1800
The IPC they stated puts it at Haswell.
You realise that means leaving the house yeah?
watch the presentation, it's exactly 6900k single core
Donate some to a Leukemia charity user, my mother died that way (unironically). It might help you with the capital gains tax you'll be hit with.
That's their flagship. But the 1700 that's supposed to compete with the 7700k? Nothing.
What makes you think the IPC on the 1700 would be less than the others?
>donate to a charity
>not jewing all the profits for purely selfish reasons
I'd keep ahold of at least until the end of the year. Value will only go up as AMD starts to announce big contracts for servers and such and the release of vega.
>Intel babies
Good one m8
I would prefer donating directly to hospitals, you can never trust 3rd parties with money.
Intel fanboys really are lame. They don't realize how good this is for the industry. AMD wrecking Intel's shit is the best thing it can happen, since now they have to compete hard to make sure their loss is reduced to a minimum.
Now they'll have to release better products, and hopefully, at better prices.
We as consumers benefit.
You're a good person user :3
Ryzen 7 1800X scores 162 in CB15 single thread, same as the i7 6900k.
Ryzen has a peak single core turbo of 4ghz.
The i7 6900k is 3.7ghz.
In CB15 multi thread the 1800X scores 1,601, the 6900k scores 1,474.
All core turbo on the 1800X is unknown, but its over 3.6ghz, and below 4ghz.
The 6900k has an all core turbo of 3.5ghz.
Bench was done with XFR disabled.
So Zen is slightly behind Broadwell in this metric is you look at per core perf at a fixed clock, but its very close. Its a pretty impressive showing considering Cinebench has historically favored intel's arch to a suspicious degree. POV-Ray was always a much more unbiased rendering bench, but now here we are.
CanardPC said it in their ES preview: Zen is near Broadwell IPC. AMD is back.
until 2019 nothing going to change
coffeelake was moved earlier, and 14nm instead of 10
roadmap is set in stone at this point
2019 going to be fun
I just hope you didn't buy a gtx 1060.
>All core turbo on the 1800X is unknown, but its over 3.6ghz, and below 4ghz.
it is 4ghz all cores and 4.1 XFR
Coffee Lake was always a 14nm part. You're mistaking it for Cannonlake.
Their 10nm node will last until 2021~ when their 7nm facility is up and running. All their 10nm arch is already laid out. Cannonlake, Ice Lake, and Tiger Lake. If they have anything newer than that no one outside of intel R&D knows anything about it, but its likely a whole new core.
Not even remotely close.
The listed turbo is peak single core frequency, not all core turbo. The all core turbo is lower.
XFR is not a fixed boost state.
Don't bother posting again.
>Watching linux cuck tricks
>Zen is near Broadwell IPC
I remember people saying AMD would have success getting into Ivy Bridge levels with the usual price they offer. Now not only we do have their awesome pricing but even more powerful CPUs than expected. AMD is back indeed.
>still no word about whether it's offering ECC for desktops or not
Needs middle tier chips.
4c/8t fucking where?
You missed the news
Only the Ryzen 7 SKUs will be available at launch.
Lower tier parts will come later.
Nah, a 470. Fuck Nvidia's business practices.
can we finally RIP i7s with free consciousness?
at least I can lay my sandy to rest
That blue line heading south is giving me lovely US election flashbacks.
6+ cores will finally become standard. It's about damn time.
>$250 for a 470
How did you manage that when they're well under $200 with rebates? Canucuck?
>According to some leaked AM4 PRIME X370-Pro specifications from ASUS,
That's nice and dandy, but confirmation from AMD would be swell.
>pre ordering hardware
come on, just one week before real benchmarks
Canada plus shipping and tax, ye
I strongly dislike preorders but AMD might stock out, so if you were in the "wait for Ryzen" crowd and can't wait two month in case of supply issues I'd tentatively advise preordering
Do you believe you will be able to actually get one during the first few weeks after release.
I cant wait. I dont currently have a pc and I cant risk them selling out.
yes, I could easily buy 480 here if I needed one the day it was released without premium
and i'm in a middle of nowhere
>8 core 3.0 Ghz 65W TDP
Imagine the laptop variants.
>and we're just getting started
can't tell if this is supposed to be a hint at Zen+ or a hint at Vega
this year will go like: ryzen7 -vega-naples-APUs
so how much for the 4c8t?
The 6c12t will probably be around $250 so I expect the 4c8t to duck well under the $200 mark.
AMD is pricing their stuff to be competitive on a price level so if Intel is like $300 for 4c/8t expect a good deal less than that. I wonder if we'll see $150 chips
Next gen Ryzen will feature 20% improvement in IPC.
Intel claimed moore's law is dead when they thought AMD would die out in 2015 or 2016. Now AMD is super competitive in performance and pricewise, Intel fanboys will be denial and still claim moore's law is dead.
>I've got my own sources
>you should remove the parts of your brain you don't use
$120-150 was the leaked 4c4t price