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Why does g support processor manufacturers like they would support football teams? Not that both of them makes sense.
I've only ever bought Intel stuff, but AMD seems to be the one that respects your freedom more, so I've decided to support them in the future. Between freesync and them supporting the free GNU/Linux drivers for their hardware, they really do seem a lot nicer than nvidia.
Competition is good in a free market, user.
OP here. I'm currently rocking with an Intel chip (i5 4690)
I'm sorry that I don't want to pay $1000 for a CPU thats manufactured for $200 (or less)
Of course, buying price/performance products should be common sense, but
I can't stand this much autism
That wasn't me tho. I was just excited that AMD is not just competitive with price but with performance
>tfw they will ship ryzen with non-shit stock coolers capable of a little overclocking from the get-go.
With RGB lights for extra MHz
I am on Intel (2500K) but I want good competition, which means I want AMD to succeed. This is better for EVERYONE, regardless of who you support.
tfw will finally move from my fucking i5 4670 to an 8 core 16 thread cpu
this cpu was good, but not that good
>Not having a water cooling loop
Why even bother?
Meh I don't need that much juice and by the time I get water cooling I'll have upgraded to an 8-core ryzen CPU.
Besides i got the short end of the stick, my A10 requires 1.4v to go to 4.2GHz though temps hover around 60C on prime95.
wrong meme lmao
Came here to say exactly this. (Except that I'm on 3770K.)
I've always bought Intel -- either by chance or by choice. But I still consider AMD to be the most important company in the industry. That's because -- without AMD -- the value of Intel's products (performance per dollar) would be even worse than it is today.
We saw what happened when nobody was able to challenge Microsoft on the desktop. The result was horrible: the brain-damaged Windows 8 GUI, followed by the privacy-raping Windows 10. If Microsoft had had an "AMD"-like competitor, that wouldn't have happened. (Apple tried, but they failed to establish anything other than trivial desktop market share.) I don't want that to happen to the CPU market.
Hes got it spot on, theyre internal benchmarks, Wait for them to actually get them and review them.
>wanting liquid inside your PC
>having to babysit it every few months just to get that few extra mhz
>What is a closed loop cpu cooler
What would Sup Forums result to if Apple makes the next Mac Pro or IMac be powered by Ryzen 1800x?
I had a expensive custom loop and it leaked. Took out my motherboard. Never again.
A meme.
>buying something with an irreplaceable pump and have toss it after 5 years
>buy noctua air cooler it lasts forever and free new mounting kits
They would feel slightly insulted but then breathe a sigh of relief that tye fruit company has like a 5% market share in computers.
Because Intel has spent years gouging and overpricing shit and now they're finally getting their asses handed to them.
We could hackintosh on AMD, finally
worse than good air coolers
Because, unlike football, we actually get something out of said companies. I always buy whatever gives me the best price to performance ratio but AMD coming back strong is good for all consumers.
Funny that as they work very well.
Ive had both, the water is far better than the air coolers when overclocking and with standard clock
I would actually tell people to buy Macs because it gives AMD more market share. Whereas normally I'll say anything to stop someone buying one
>8 years ago
>>"more cores and HT is useless for games!"
>mfw I bought a i7 950 instead of a core 2 back then
>still using it and running bf1 at 60fps on ultra with my RX480
if you buy an Intel CPU in this day and age you're confirmed cuck
>using stock coolers to OC
Its like you're poor or something.
Feels good, man.
>t. intecuck who immediately trashed his cuck stock heatsink intel gave him further making the cucking worse by having to buy a $100 aftermarket cooler especially because of the shitty TIM intel jizzed in his shitty locked i5 pricessor
You must be 18 or over to post here.
No reason to get a aftermarket if the stock cooler is actually decent, Wraith coolers are what is shipping with Ryzen
Yes, who would've guessed AMD needs a massive heatsink and fan to cool their processors
fucking tripfags
So you're okay with dogshit stock heatsinks and half-assed tim jizzed into your processor?
jessica is pure stop
Don't listen to him, goyim! Ryzen is DOA! Don't wait buy a Intel CPU now!
What frequency did they hit?
Why does breaking an overclocking record matter at all?
You will never ever hit that in your home and it's akin to MOAR COARS
They didnt, OP is shitposting.
Literally never said that
That's what yo implied my precious fucboi
You could fill an entire island with intel stock coolers nobody ever fucking used
Why do this
for (You)s
Good for you
The record for an 8 core chip in CB15 under LN2 is 2445 multithreaded at 6,044mhz.
Ryzen scoring 2410 is impressive, but not breaking a record, not unless it was on water, but the LN2 cans are clearly visible here: If you've got proof that they broke a record then post it.
Core 2 quad is for your local OG
I used a 4690k heatsink on an i3-2120, only because the 2120 one was complete and udder dogshit
I'm pretty excited about Ryzen. I've been holding off on getting a new CPU and motherboard for awhile now. Any ideas on how this will be for budget gaming? AFAIK the Intel G4560 is currently the budget gaming champ how will the Ryzen 1100 compare to it? The rumored launch price for the 1100 is $130 which is almost 2x the price of the G4560. Do you think if games are the main focus it's even worth considering the 1100? Most certainly won't be getting 2x the FPS of the G4560.
pic related
>pre orders are supposedly releasing today for the high end chips
Do you think there is any chance of the 1700 selling out/ going up in price if I wait until after the embargo is lifted?
It's loud as fuck, hello? And I have to pay extra for that. A cooler Master heatsink cost 15
Well it has 4 cores instead of 4 threads, an extra thread compared to an extra core is about 70% increase in performance instead of the 100.
>amd attacking ihtels enthusiast line up and winning
He cant post it as its pure bollocks.
Its shitposting at its finest.
Who would've guessed the new processor is faster than the older one
BTFO no recovery intel on suicide watch and whatnot
>going off inhouse results that may not reflect the true representation.
>looking like a cunt in a week when the proper results come to light
That's the beauty of Sup Forums
all our stupid posts go away and have no link to us
It's called bringing what is overpriced "current gen" "enthusiast" CPU performance to a normal desktop platform for half the price
Nevermind, found it:
5144mhz scoring 2449 in CB15 multi
That is in fact a new world record.
Ryzen has the 8 core LN2 CB15 performance world record
I'm willing to bet that ln2 is not needed for that clockspeed. Do you have or know the voltage
>an extra thread compared to an extra core is about 70% increase in performance
Good point.
The results haven't been submitted to hwbot yet, so they'll probably be doing a lot more runs, nothing final yet.
>babysit it every few months
The "babysitting" involves around 5 minutes every 6 months to add extra distilled water to compensate for w/e was lost to evaporation.
5.1ghz you maggots