Is this image still true?

Is this image still true?

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t. webdev AKA faggot

C# is objectively the best programming language there is. There's little to no space for arguments against that.

> ECMA and ISO standards of C# have been updated since C# 2.0, since then only Microsoft's specification exists.
> i++.ToString works, but ++i.ToString does not. (You have to use parentheses.)
>Parameters are not supported for most properties, only indexers, even though this is possible in Visual Basic .NET.
>The conventions are difficult to code review and deviate from other popular language conventions (of similar style)
> Almost everything is in pascal case (SomeClass, SomeConstantVariable, SomeProperty)
>Unable to differentiate between 'extends' and 'implements' without using Hungarian-like notation (IInterface)
>Promotes slop (variant types and LINQ, while powerful adds a lot of clutter)
"out" parameters (with syntax sugar)
>You can't override a virtual or abstract property that has a getter OR a setter with one that has a getter AND a setter, making life quite difficult in the realm of property inheritance. (This does not apply to inferfaces though, read
>You can't perform any (even simplest arithmetic) operations with objects inside a generic method (e.g. T plus(T t1, T t2) { return t1+t2; }
>You can't assign a new value inside a foreach loop (e.g. foreach(int i in vec) { i = i+1; }
>Implementing IDisposable properly is too complicated. (In particular, a naive implementation will not dispose if the finalizer is called by the garbage collector.)


pajeets don't know how to C imo

>numpy != Python
If you are referring to that paradigm where you use numpy to do everything in vectorial form with ufuncs then that is so god-like that doesn't even fall anywhere on the list, otherwise it's just a retarded classification

No, Indians don't do C/C++ and they do do C#.

>C / C++


The fuck?

There is no best language. There are only certain languages that suit the jobs better than others and languages that are objectively bad.

> Java at any one level.

Sorry but this isn't really true.
Java is a large, vast ecosystem.

All depending on how you use the language, what libraries and frameworks you deploy, etc. your experience can be anything from "this is actually rather neat" to full leaky curry-shit tier code.

And R is now a business/enterprise tier language. There's a reason Microsoft released their own version (Up to 40% faster! MS wouldn't lie, would they?) of the language that integrates with SQL server.

C# is still "I'm writing a desktop program" language that is similar in syntax but who's cultural values are so different from Java's that they're actually very different experiences to work with.

PHP is not enterprise anymore. Fortran is science-tier. Go is webdev tier.
Groovy is for writing makefiles for java, scala and clojure projects.

Lua is for scripting game engines.

I don't think that this list is all that accurate at all, to be honest.

Also, who started that meme that pointers are hard?

Haven't they played human resource machine?

> Do everything with vectors
So basically R?

>not pajeet tier

As someone who has been profesionally Javaing:

> C# doesn't have proper enums. They're dumbfuck ints.
> C# has one and only one proper build system, IDE, dependency handler (and it's shit), etc.
The canonical way to make a web app in C#-land is Which is like JSP but not as cool.
> Every single feature you want gets added, including overriding operators.
And yet Lisp is too difficult because you can change the syntax. Do you faggots NOT GET IT yet, or do you have to wait until foo == bar can mean anything depending on the types of foo and bar?

This seems like nitpicks, but it really isn't. It's the problem with the whole fucking C#-culture.

> Interfaces are prepended with I.
Prepending interfaces with an I is missing the entire fucking point of having an interface to begin with. You're not supposed to care whether the thing you get is an interface or a class. They're substitutable. So adding hungarian notation to it is utterly retarded.
And it's one of the things that C# developers will defend.

> foo?.Method() is a thing.
Nulls are bad. Making it easy to use nulls as return values makes it easier to use them. You want less nulls, not more.

Java added Optional. C# has the ?. operator.
doing something like:
customer?.GetCheckingAccount()?.GetBalance()?.ToString() should not be that easy.
Something is clearly fucking retarded here.

In Java the equivalent would be painful and it SHOULD BE. Because the above code is painful. Punish people for writing curry-code and the world will improve immeasurably. Just look at Java 8 projects vs Java 7 projects.

In fact the biggest problem with C# is the whole herd of mediocre retards that think that the language is perfect. You only see the problem with other languages. Meanwhile, C, C++, Java, SQL, Prolog, Lisp, etc. programmers admit that their languages have issues. Why not you faggots?

>no perl
>no perl6
wtf is wrong with you?

feelio when triggered tier

>tfw suit and tie to work every day
>lead java dev

Perl = granddad in a retirement home tier or some Pajeet that has to maintain his legacy code.

i remember when i was relatively active on PerlMonks years ago, when people still used it, and it was 75% Pajeets and 23% bioinformatics PhDs and they both would post layout breaking amounts of horrible code, and you weren't allowed to be mean or rude to them because community standards....

why is green text not displaying properly on my minimal Gentoo install?

>Numpy Python, MATLAB and R

This seems accurate, but it seems kinda weird to separate Python by a module.

Is this image still true?

I just know C and assembly for the 1337 hackzz

What language is that next to C# on the right?

F#, motherfucker


I use(d) numpy, python, C, C++ (in uni) and java.

>Is this image still true?

It never was true.

>loaded q
Fugg off mr baitfish.

It always was.

It was never true.

How's C# better than C++ if I want to get a job?