
Int should have his own digital football competition, between general-threads.

Other urls found in this thread:


We already have one, you donkey.

you make it

Might be cool

The idea has been discussed before and whether it happens depends on interest and participation from the generals themselves.

They'd need to come up with their own meme teams, which is the primary barrier. Once that is done, the teams could even be run autopilot.

My idea was having the grand prize be a place on the Sup Forums team, but any suggestions would definitely be appreciated, especially in regards to general set-up.

great idea
it should be in a shitty game like haxball , so everyone can play it that way

I'd be up for it.
Might even try managing /cum/ if it happens.

>They'd need to come up with their own meme teams, which is the primary barrier.

this would be easy, every general has its own memes, (at least /ex-yu/ idk much about others)

I'm almost certain there would be enough interest in /cum/ for a team, not sure about other generals though.

what game?

I would be game for a Haxball tournament.

It's a browser game, really easy to play and set up matches. It even has flags.

Does it have a manager mode?
Can't check cause on mobile.
If there's enough support we could probably get a 4cc host to do the hosting, but that'll require a lot of effort on every general's part.

It's not a manager type game, you play as a separate soccer player.
All generals should be able to get 5/3 players together, right?

>every general has its own memes
You just need someone from each general that wants to compete to provide them, and getting them all together is the issue.

I'd suggest PES as a way to maybe test out additional tactical options live (and maybe make Sup Forums good again in the 4CC).

Hessen said he'd be willing to host this if other people got it together.

I am willing to play for /Nederdraad/

I'm okay with this.

I willl destroy you cunts on haxball.

Hessen come here boi

like this ?

Well I'll ask in /cum/ later, is there talk of this in the /vg/ threads?

There wasa little talk pre-cup of this kind of thing in /4ccg/, but we weren't sure if there was the audience and general autism required to get this kind of thing off the ground.

There's always enough autism. Anyway I think /cum/ will jump on the idea fine. It'll be tricky for the smaller generals like /carib/ though.

The one general I actually go to is /carib/ (or used to go to before exam season meant I had to cut down on how much I browse) so they might be fine, but your general point still stands.

I don't want to annoy the other generals with this however, but if you want to ask yours about potentially competing in any sort of memeball feel free.

