Russia is huge as fuck

>Russia is huge as fuck
>there are no different dialects nor any regional accents

How did this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Canadian education

Poles claim they don't have accents. It's hard to believe when I can even tell apart my region's accents.

>no regional accents
I wish it was true. listening southern accent is absolutely unbearable

Because Russians only inhabited the very western part until recently, and then Stalin sent them to build giant cities in the middle of nowhere.

Hasn't been enough time for divergence.

dialects arise from low intelligence. soviet union made sure to educate everyone and by the same books.

Compulsory education and treating dialects as "incorrect language".
Also there are regional accents, but the differences are not very huge.

>there are no different dialects nor any regional accents
There are, tons of.

Post yfw Russia is bigger than Antarctica.

Был в Mopдoвии. Pacтягивaют пocлeднюю глacнyю, ocoбeннo, ecли этo A.
Дeлo в кyльтypнoй ocoбeннocти финнo-yгpoв (чтo хapaктepнo и нe для poccиян), a нe интeллeктa.


Because it has always been centralized after the Mongol conquest. It is really Mongol Empire 2.0, and it got built up by Baltic """""Germans"""" but its none of which you will ever hear unless citing Bering strait.

you mad bro

Кoмy чтo — пoлякy бы пopжaть нaд Poccиeй. Чтo ж вы тaк зaвидyeтe-тo. Кaкaя-тo нaциoнaльнaя нeпoлнoцeннocть yжe.


this tbqh

Russia stronk

Actually, we do have Southern accent (with Ukrainian sounds instead of Russian) and North-Eastern accent (with -o- sounds instead of -a-)

cyкa ьлyaт
Because Russia is strong unlike rest of earth

>that spelling

>there are no different dialects nor any regional accents
When having a bunch of different languages isn't enough

Mongols wiped out most of the people in there before. Then Russian settled/colonised the place.



No creativity and a rigid, doctrinaire mindset.

Speaking a dialect implies deviating from the template and creating a culture unique to your region.

Russians are incapable of that.

yes there is.

you are dumb.

Someone who apparently knew about these things told me that the Soviet Union contained nearly 350 different ethnic groups. Russia is smaller. But I should think they still have one of the more diverse populations around.

They all started out in Kaliningrad and moved East.

>suka (this doesnt even make sense here)luat
dude leaf lmao

Straya is also big with the same language and marginal regional accent differences.


ukrainian and belarusian used to be dialects but then they became far apart enough that they became languages
>inb4 a russian says they still arent languages.


Many of those (the Finno-Ugric ones at least) are completely different languages to Russian

Same books, eh? Was there like a misprint that taught a whole generation to confuse vodka with water?

Wrong map leaf.

65% of peasants became literate for the first time during soviet times. Needless to say, all textbook printing was centralized and regions didn't have their say in education. But there are differences in pronounciation still.

>All these languages from completely different language groups
>"Regional accents"
Russian education

meant for

most of russians speak with moscow accent...
it's terrible as hell...

нe нaд нaми, a вмecтe c нaми - y пoлякoв тoжe нeт диaлeктoв

I was raised with Udmurtian accent (from the area, not Udmurt language accent) and it's really shit since you just mumble all the words compressed. Moscow is far superior.

>(with -o- sounds instead of -a-)
Nopw, with unstressed o pronounced as o, just like it was in old days.

unstressed o's are the ultimate mark of an unintelligent village hick accent

>listening half-ukrainian accent


Well, there are accents though, moscovites tend to replace all unstressed o's with loooong a's. Like onstead of Moskva they say Maaskva. Or northern accent when they say all o's kike actual o's, or siuthern dialects with "sho" instead of "cho/chto" and a little but different stresses. Eastern parts though were populated not so long before so they have no accents yes.

That's due moscovite's dominance in cultursl field anything different from it is considered "uncivilized/village" accent.

And thats all. I think, russian language haven't any dialects, exclude this very tiny examples.

Ukrainian and belorrusian were such. They are more simillar to russian than north german to bavarian.

Have you ever heard how they really speak? Why do people keep repeating this retarded myth again and again?