Do it
Post them
>2 gpus
>t. single gpu manlet
maybe he uses one for PCI passthrough, ever thought about that?
Can I get a quick rundown on why people bother having GPU on Linux when it can't run any games or useful creative suites?
That is like buying 1TB of ram to browse Facebook.
>Intel i7
>780 for linux
I'm not home right now, so this is the best I can do
With most of these anons it's probably for passthrough or dual boot Windows. GPUs are also great for highly parallelized tasks.
1, they might dual boot
2, quite a few games can run
also why the fuck is captcha v1 not working on 4chanx anymore
>what is gpgpu?
>what is gaming?
There are games like mankind divided that won't even run on a 780
Actually you need a tb of ram to browse facebook. It is a shitty designed website that quickly fills your memory and slows down/ crash
live from my shitty acer laptop
I didn't know people actually used openSUSE. What led you to pick it? Why do you find it appealing? I'm curious.
Also here's a screenfetch from my ThinkPad.
>his OS uses more than 100MB ram
barnyfag plz go
> i'm not a robot
> 2017
> not having 32G of RAM at least
> i'm not a robot
Off work and talking to my babies. Ubuntu is pretty easy for work, although I needed skype business for work and had to jump in a meeting using my phone.