Do you plan on switching to neovim?
If not, what does bind you to the original Vim?
Do you plan on switching to neovim?
Isn't it slower or some shit? Also, I'm pretty sure it was created by some butthurt faggots who got mad when their pull request was rejected.
Stay mad faggetz
actually one of the selling points is that it's faster.
Go away, Bram.
NodeJS shit tier framework.
FlatBuffers is better
>eliminate misc2.c
I won't switch. vim works well enough for me.
Why should I make any effort switching to an editor that's basically the same?
i'm bound to vi
it's the only thing available on JunOS, for when you have a typo in a config you uploaded
when i'm not on the JunOS cli, i use a proper editor of course. pic related.
Why is it better than vim?
>Do you plan on switching to neovim?
>If not, what does bind you to the original Vim?
Nothing, I don't use Vim either.
threading, features (for now the biggest is the built-in terminal), better codebase stimulating faster development:
>It may come as a shock when I say: The only good part of Vim is its user interface.
So, there is no good part about Vim.
>NodeJS shit tier framework.
More like the common denominator between Win32 and the shitty not-really-async-POSIX API.
>FlatBuffers is better
More like another Google meme.
Pretty much this I use SublimeText
This, neovim is shit
wrong, vim and neovim are single threaded and now vim supports async job control in a better cross platform way without shitty libraries
>built-in terminal
>better codebase
wrong, neovim uses shitty libraries, vim is a self contained project which supports more platforms and the coding style (which was never important) was updated for Vim 8
>stimulating faster development
wrong, neovim has unneeded shitty features and is falling far behind vim in anything that matters
nice fud you got there, fud and lies of the worst kind
Face it, your async patch was shit and Bram was right to deny, and he was very polite too, unlike the fud your spread
You on the other hand were very rude towards Bram
>Not realizing it's basically a drop in replacement for vim.
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/luajit-2.0.4 USE="-lua52compat"
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/jemalloc-4.4.0 USE="-debug -hardened -static-libs -stats" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/unibilium-1.1.4
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/msgpack-1.1.0 USE="cxx -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
[ebuild N ] x11-misc/xsel-1.2.0-r1
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libtermkey-0.19 USE="-demos"
[ebuild N ] dev-lua/lpeg-1.0.1 USE="luajit -debug -doc"
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libvterm-0.0_pre20160305
[ebuild N ] dev-lua/mpack-1.0.4 USE="luajit {-test}"
[ebuild N ] app-editors/neovim-0.1.7 USE="clipboard jemalloc luajit nvimpager tui -python -ruby"
btw, already have vim installed
see neovim is a worse vim with shitty libraries
by using neovim you support the fud
I already use neovim, was a nice excuse to move all my plugins to asynchronous alternatives, starts up and behaves a lot quicker due to that than vim for me ever did.
as a bonus it also cleans up some of the horrendous vim codebase
no real cons in using it over vim, can even keep your config compatible with vimrc if you really wanted that
>refactoring Bram's FUCKHUEG C wrappers full of cruft, complexity and surprising behavior into into a small number of neat library calls is bloat
Stop LARPing anytime.
>mfw using interactive :[s]ubstitute on a 20MB file
>it was created by some butthurt faggots who got mad when their pull request was rejected
Yes. Because those features are actually useful.
And then when Bram saw that they were getting traction, he rushed to reimplement half of the features he refused to include previously.
Neovim is nice, but the real reason to support it is to keep some competition for Bram so he doesn't continue with his stupidly slow and shitty practices as BDFL. I don't ever want to go back to how fucking slow Vim7 releases were.
>every project should have NIH syndrome and reimplement shitty functionality already provided by common libraries
>implying you can get good performance and reliability by doing everything yourself instead of using state-of-the-art implementations.
Yeah because standardization is such a bad thing right?
vim is for ricers
emacs is for programmers
You messed up the order user.
There's only one of those editors that can remote control dildos.
This is the foss nightmare.
Every single one of those libraries is appropriate and expected.
neovim isnt working on windows
it still locks editing when running plugins. I don't really see how it adds anything of value if it can't even stop that.
The only reason I use a vi editor is that it's already there. Otherwise I'll be sticking with emacs (lured me in with org-mode) and the point-and-grunt editors.
>lua becoming a runtime dependency
kek, they keep on adding bloat and needless dependencies
neovim is hopeless
keep telling that to yourself vim fanboy
i know this board is retarded, but jesus christ, defending Bram Moolenar.
Though I do agree in a sense. In my view it's hard to make vim any more bloated than it already is, but they somehow managed. If you don't like bloat, neither editor is acceptable and you should use vis.
shut up Bram, you didn't even update that shitty folder structure of your garbage editor
>replacing shitty ass vimscript with lua is in any way a bad thing
>wrong, vim and neovim are single threaded and now vim supports async job control in a better cross platform way without shitty libraries
>wrong, neovim has unneeded shitty features and is falling far behind vim in anything that matters
>nice fud you got there, fud and lies of the worst kind
I see a lot of denial with very little argumentation. And what the hell makes those "shitty libraries" worse than anything in the vim's extremely messed up codebase?
Nothing, they are objectively better from every metric except "number of libraries linked".
well that explain why they try to shove as much stuff as possible in a single source file.
you're telling me JunOS doesn't come with ee?
Not that you underage idiots would know this, but we've seen this movie before, with Emacs. For years there was a fork of GNU Emacs called XEmacs that had all the fancy new features before upstream Emacs had them. Over time, GNU Emacs caught up, implementing similar features in incompatible ways, and XEmacs development slowed to a crawl and as of 2017 it's still stuck on version 21 and there hasn't been a new release in 4 years.
I see the same thing happening with Neovim. The fork happened, then suddenly Vim 8 happened with one of Neovim's headliner features implemented in an incompatible way, along with the code improvement that came with removing old and unused ports. Forks tend to be successful when the fork poaches the developers of the upstream, but in this case vim is still chugging along with plenty of contributions and patches on a near daily basis.
Sorry, but this is not a battle that Neovim can win. Hope you idiots like being the next XEmacs.
delet this
Pls post said pull request and the resulting drama
I collect foss drama
>I see the same thing happening with Neovim. The fork happened, then suddenly Vim 8 happened with one of Neovim's headliner features implemented in an incompatible way, along with the code improvement that came with removing old and unused ports. Forks tend to be successful when the fork poaches the developers of the upstream, but in this case vim is still chugging along with plenty of contributions and patches on a near daily basis.
>Sorry, but this is not a battle that Neovim can win. Hope you idiots like being the next XEmacs.
The only thing vim 8 did was rigging on async. Apart from that, they didn't even clean up their folder structure.
No, this is more like LibreOffice that totally destroyed OO.
I really don't see the correlation between those two events. According to that logic every single fork existed should have failed.
or mpv and mplayer
>No, this is more like LibreOffice that totally destroyed OO.
OO died because LibreOffice poached all of their developers and major Linux distributions switched over to it by default. vim is still chugging along with development, and no major Linux distro has switched to it by default.
>OO died because LibreOffice poached all of their developers
Libreoffice is a software, it doesn't steal developers. The developers consciously moved to it for their own good reasons without anyone forcing them.
I use gvim because it works and use vi on servers.
Your shitty neovim has less features than vim, has more dependencies and works in less platforms than vim
XEmacs, after it was forked had
>GUI widgets
>inline images
>colors in terminal sessions
>variable-size fonts
>more packages than GNU Emacs
Neovim has
>async, oh wait, not anymore, Bram implemented in Vim with json instead of retarded msgpack
>terminal emulation, aka bloat
>interactive substitute, aka kek
And yet XEmacs, with so many useful features crumbled and lost to Emacs. Neovim doesn't stand a chance.
Neovim has no in-tree gui (there are talks in the "community" to build an electron based gui, yes, they are that stupid), runs on less platforms, changes and reinvents shit to boost the developers ego and depends on shitty libraries and they want to increase the dependencies, supports less platforms, having outdated incomplete documentation and they still don't have a stable version
The only unique and worth mentioning feature of neovim is implemented now in Vim in a better way
Neovim is a shitty editor, promoted by fud and made for mac webdevs who like to bloat it with horrible plugins while limiting themselves in a shitty iTerm on their macs
>vim is still chugging along with development,
If by that you mean Bram merges fixes for some bullshit bugs caused by the codebase here and there.
>and no major Linux distro has switched to it by default.
It's not like anyone expect the sperg bistros default editor to be usable for more than editing apache.conf
Is there anyone that actually uses vim for anything outside of limited find/replace situations?
vim is the worst fucking meme
totally not ad hominem , false correlation and general shilling.
Why are you even so mad about a fork which is trying to improve or at least offer an alternative to a popular editor?
Typical neovim shill tactic, sidestepping the main point and spreading misinformation
OpenOffice died because distros switched to LibreOffice
Vim is still the default in distros and most distros don't even package neovim
OpenOffice died because it had more features that were implemented faster
Neovim had one (1) feature of questionable use that is now available in Vim
stop sperging Bram, you can't even into folder hygiene
>OpenOffice died because distros switched to LibreOffice
Sure. Nice illusion, but bistros don't have that power.
been using neovim for years
shit's dope yo
Because neovim is the biggest scam in the FOSS world I'm aware of and I'm tired of their bullshit, fud and shilling
And I'm tired and disgusted how the neovim devs and neovim users are attacking Bram by repeating the same old lies and misinformation
Poaching in the way commonly meant in this industry (as in, poaching talent) doesn't mean stealing developers either, the talent leaves for greener pastures out of their own free will.
vim "Just werks (Tm)" and its perfect to get stuff done
I dont wanna spend 6 gorillion hours on something i dont need. Life is too short to experiment with other fags' undergrad projects
wasn't trying to disprove you with that post, you can very well see I was only talking about OO and libreoffice.
But I suppose I can't really expect someone that immediately jumps to ad-hominem arguments to have a decent reading comprehension.
And distro switched to libreoffice because OO was shit and already half dead.
>look into
>it's still shit
Using vim in a modern workstation while not sshing on a remote server or quickly editing a configuration file as root is pretty much a meme
GVim is very good though
wtf does that even means? neovim is fork, freedom which have a central point in FOSS.
>And I'm tired and disgusted how the neovim devs and neovim users are attacking Bram by repeating the same old lies and misinformation
there are extremists on every party, this doesn't mean you have to just to extremism too.
>And I'm tired and disgusted how the neovim devs and neovim users are attacking Bram
Who cares, he's an old sack of lard who can't into writing software.
Everyone could develope text editors, the trick is not to start with a modal text editor to begin with.
Its called data driven design my lil nig nog
>And distro switched to libreoffice because OO was shit and already half dead
Which is something that didn't happen with Vim
Instead your shitty, aggressive fork is already dead
And libreoffice started as a patch set over OO which grew too big and distros (mainly Novell) decided to fork and maintain and further develop it
Once again neovim "evangelists" are twisting facts to support their fake narrative
He's probably pissed because tarruga ransacked his donations or something. Which is hilarious.
kys my man
data driven design != total chaos and utter crap
For some reason a lot C "oldschool hackers" would think this.
Alternative theory: He's an ugandan child.
Not the dude who you are replying to, but I was the poster who brought up XEmacs. I have no love for vim. If vim died tomorrow, I'd happily switch to neovim.
What I don't like are bandwagon hoppers who follow every latest trend they see on reddit or news.ycombinator and make mountains out of insignificant difference molehills. I use my editor to work, not make a fashion statement about how clean the underlying codebase is or which async protocol is more technically sound.
Neovim, as it stands, does not make a compelling case for me to bother installing it, and given the history of how forks like this tend to go, I don't see bright things in its future. Read this now, believe me later.
read again , especially:
>you can very well see I was only talking about OO and libreoffice.
it's still true for both my posts, I wasn't talking about vim. Not my "agressive fork", I still use gvim.
>What I don't like are bandwagon hoppers who follow every latest trend they see on reddit or news.ycombinator and make mountains out of insignificant difference molehills. I use my editor to work, not make a fashion statement about how clean the underlying codebase is or which async protocol is more technically sound.
That's fair, but some of us are actually developers and the cancer slowly osmoses into us if we don't watch close enough.
>scam wtf does that even means?
partly this though I was not stupid enough to donate
mainly the lies on how big bad Bram didn't accept their shitty async patch and said mean words - just read the relevant thread instead of trusting their propaganda
Also dudes like this who attack Bram for whatever reason (I think the plan was to develop a proprietary ide to accompany neovim and subvert vim development but if failed because neovim is shit). Which is especially hilarious because this dude pretends that he single handedly discovered what GNU grep has been doing for at least a decade. And of course macTards are lapping it up because their shitty macOS is being shipped with a shitty grep instead of the superior GNU grep
I don't use modal text editing as it's inferior.
However, I like if devs of shitty software getting it up their ass, because the continued existence of their shitware might kill better competition.
this. and it could work better. it has a
>muh client server
model so the UI is actually separate than the "core" vim functionality so you can get nvim on more devices without OS specific idiosyncrasies. There are some things that just work better on linux vim because it has a proper terminal. nvim wouldn't suffer from those problems.
yea it is
>any year
>using a text editor inside window's cmd
limiting yourself inside a terminal while using a gui os doesn't make you 1337, it makes you look stupid
unironically using a text editor inside cmd, the worst terminal in any os makes you a retard
Just use GVim and don't bother with shitty neovim
also, because I bet you don't even use the mouse to resize the splits because you are 1337
>HJKL is not an important part of vim navigation
Pls make a new thread and dump all said "collected drama". i would like to curate your prized possessions
that's not cmd, its neovim-qt. I just have it leet black as my soul because I'm a huge faggot and wanted to see if anything did look different than the terminal. Also, I have gvim sitting right next to it. I have not made the switch fully yet. I like the editor enough to see if neovim is doing anything different.
>I just have it leet black as my soul because I'm a huge faggot