Shit man... we should have fucking exterminated every single one of you barbaric fuckers...

Shit man... we should have fucking exterminated every single one of you barbaric fuckers. This video makes my blood boil.

Other urls found in this thread:

russia is truly mysterious world


>Germans discussing exterminating people
Let's not do this all over again my man.

The deep, enigmatic Russian soul can't be grasped. It is beyond our understanding.

Don't watch this video.

We're (USA) actually not allowed to adopt from Russia any more because foster kept having to kill the kids due to them being "insane". I know this sounds like utter bullshit but it's not. There's something genetically wrong with Russians. Don't be so quick to vilify the woman.

>Shit man... we should have fucking exterminated every single one of you barbaric fuckers

w-w-w-we're not all like that... ;-; kraut-kun don't kill me

also I regularly see Russian daycare signs near me. Makes me creeped out when I see videos like this and think that possibly those innocent kids are being used for CP or beaten or some shit. Fuck man, people who do this are the biggest scum of all holy shit

same happened to me when i lived there, sadly it was the other russian kids who would fuck with me, i still have scars on my fingers to this day,

>inb4 pictures

>implying germans are better

I don't like kids.

feminism at work

To be fair, mentally sane people don't adopt people from foreign countries. Only perverted freaks who want obedient slaves do that. And being in a foster home fucks up your psyche and basic trust in people. Of course I could be wrong and they really wanted to help, but why kill them?

thats why nobody considers slavs to be human

Middle class Brazilian family man beats his own daughter with a piece of wood:

>TFW Russian
>TFW parents always beat me growing up

Thanks for reminding me.....

>we should have fucking exterminated every single one of you barbaric fucker
To be fair, it's not like orphans in other countries have a better life.

But they're the saviors of the white race, they're supposed to have the crap beat out of them at a young age so they can be prepared to fight off the shitskin hoards.

I keep telling you people that they're evil but no one believes me.

They're not doing a very good job of it, they're killing their own and themselves in much higher numbers than any "shitskin horde".


I heard about this
She got beaten because of using the computer

getting beat with belts is not that bad i got beat with a pvc pipe once and a broom and a pot and a pan as well as a wooden board that one gave me a nose bleed

Well. It's either that or this(pic) happens.

Of course, you don't need to almost kill the kid.

>getting beat with belts is not that bad i got beat with a pvc pipe once and a broom and a pot and a pan as well as a wooden board

That's IT??? You didn't have it bad at all, you shouldn't even be complaining. I got boiling water thrown on my face and then peppersprayed while being run over by a truck

Those kids have black hair. Probably Asiatic or Chechen little devils who will grow up to be terrorists.

Your people are in the process of being exterminated. The Russkies will be fine.

Can't be bothered to organize all of this with sources for you at the moment, so just going form memory. It was something like .05% of the children were so insane that they endangered the lives of the foster families. In all cases, if I remember correctly, it was from some form of self defense.

To be fair, the dad is reaping the result of him failing to bring her up right.

For pirating software, yes.

all i did was tell the truth then you come in like an edgy faggot since when did gettting a whoppin become bad i got the belt 2 btw

>run over by a truck
how are you still alive quit drinking user it's showing

Idk m8, it's generally child psychologists' opinions that violently beating young children generally isn't a good idea and simply fucks up their mental state rather than teaching them whatever the idiotic parents' think they are teaching.

This is literally how criminals grow up.

i think i turned out just fine

Slavs gonna slav. They are so easy to divide and conquer. It wasn't any different in WW2, when a good chunk of them was on our side.

True, Germanics spent a good deal of time fighting among themselves too, but eventually we grew up and saw the benefits of collaboration.

This element of learning from mistakes and growing is entirely deficient in Slavs. Even if they have wealth and security, they don't "grow"... they simply waste everything in trivial pursuits and useless shit and then whine again that they live in poverty. Russia could be the richest country on earth right now.

Being located strategically between a lot of important players and economies, with a gigantic population and a lot of resources and a decent culture.... and they still managed to turn literally into Somalia. How is this even fucking possible? Is it cultural? Is it genetic? Who knows.

today is rape of berlin day, you better crawl back below the bed and heal your anus, kraut rooster.

>How is this even fucking possible? Is it cultural?

I think it's cultural.

I've heard from many successful or semi-successful Russians about the culture there and they all seem to say that people have a Crab mentality. Where instead of helping and elevating one another they rather bring them down or complain about how it's unfair.

Kind of sad but I guess it explains why nearly all talented Russians leave the country(usually to Canada/Russia) if they ever get a chance to

what an oxymoron

nonsense, those fags were just trying to rape the children. i know about NAMBLA you filthy degenerate burger.

>nonsense, those fags were just trying to rape the children

But then explain why most pedophilia and CP comes from Russia?

>i think i turned out just fine
>he write it in Sup Forums


>tfw you got a half chub from the part of the video where she was taunting one of them

It had the same effect on russians when it was shown on tv as well.

If your dad had to beat you to prepare you for the harshness of the world, he didn't have any faith in you.

>russian people have suffered 3 genocides
>first by commies, then by nazis, then by neoliberals
>expecting them to suddenly become just like the sheltered euros who never had to fight for survival once in their lives

you generational criminals are also to blame. we need some proper revanchism before the equilibrium of justice is restored.

I had many a wooden spoons broken over my ass when I was a kid. Never viewed it as abuse because it wasn't. Unfortunately nowadays parents cannot discipline their children without liberals calling the police and publicly shaming them.

There's a difference between violently beating a child and physical discipline.

>Unfortunately nowadays parents cannot discipline their children without liberals calling the police and publicly shaming them

Because it serves the opposite purpose.

Beating children doesn't help and it is clear to see the damage it has done to you when you don't even understand basic compassion.

>russian people have suffered 3 genocides
This isn't a bad thing though. You rats would probably have outbred indians by now if no one quelled the population every 50 years or so.

>There's a difference between violently beating a child and physical discipline

Physical discipline doesn't work, it doesn't work with animals why would it work with humans?

You're suppose to use positive reinforcement if anything, not negative.

If your dog shits in your house you don't start kicking it and starving it, do you? Why the fuck would you do that with a young child who came from you?

>Ene ni ch muu züil bish yum. Ta kharkh magadgüi yamar ch neg ni 50 jil tutamd neg udaa , esvel tiim khün amtai gej nerledeg bol odoo indianchuud outbred baisan.


> still failing to distinguish the difference between abuse and discipline
Good God, Canada truly is a lost cause.

kill urself, my man.

Fuck off, he's right.

There is not much to explain. They don't value themselves because their government treated them like garbage for several centuries, and the fact that they were still loyal and loved the Czar was only salt in the wound.

You would hate yourself too if your entire nation consist of being beaten into submission, while kissing the hand that beats you. Getting dirt to eat and having to say: "Hm how tasty!"

Compared to that Europe has a colorful, proud and exciting history with struggle for more rights, more freedom etc...

Russians struggled and suffered not for more freedom but for more slavery and more reglementation.

They're the opposite of us. We want truth, happines, wealth, stability and freedom. They want lies, misery, poverty, chaos and slavery. I wish I was simply trolling but it's the bitter truth.

>He thinks that young children can understand physical violence as "discipline"

I hope you realize the field doesn't recognize this as valid as a whole. It simply doesn't work and often serves the entirely opposite purpose.

Usually in the form of rebellion, usually that means they grow up to be Drug addicts, Prostitutes, Criminals, etc.

>If your dog shits in your house you don't start kicking it and starving it, do you?

Dogs aren't conscious.

Kind of sucks, dude.

Makes me feel bad for the nice Russians who will never get a chance to leave permanently.

for a freedom lover you sure are collectivist

There's was not a single bully in my school.

guess what there's very little difference between a dog and a young child.

A child getting hit with a belt like in the OP video isn't going to think "Hmmm this babysitter was simply trying to instill these lessons in me, it was my fault for not eating my borscht or whatever and not putting away my toys. I won't do that next time", they're going to start hating authority and be raised from fear rather than understanding.

meh, immigrants live like shit in the west, unless they are already rich

>meh, immigrants live like shit in the west

What makes you think that?

Immigrants live much much better than their home countries. That's why they immigrate.

You can see the clear difference if you look at me and if you look at my brother. I was hit. He never was. Despite our intelligence and potential being around the same level, he turned out much better than me in many ways.
Fuck off with your "discipline=/=abuse" bullshit. There aren't a lot of examples where you should hit your kid, and if I ever become a father then I would never do it. If I need to, then I've failed as a father.


yeah, you should read about Carl Panzram, crazy extreme personality produced by child abuse

That's because we are. Extremely collective. Why do you think we have such a refined welfare state? Simply out of niceness so German citizens can develop their individuality while spitting on the collective? No, its so they are become LOYAL Germans and like our nation. Happy citizens who think they are provided for become creative and confident citizens. It's our psycho-type and would probably not work in an anglo country where homeless people are on their own.

Of course this concept starts to crumble when millions of refugees exploit your welfare state, but still don't fucking like Germany and our collective. This is a problem.


But look here's the difference:

We use individualism to strengthen the collective, because like I said happy citizens are confident and loyal citizens.

You however, (and not only you, other Asian countries as well) use the collective in order to make a few people fucking rich, while the rest stays poor.

You aren't REALLY collectivist, at least not your leadership. We are. If you were collectivist, a veteran who worked hard all their life wouldn't be fucking poorer than a lowly school-dropout who gets welfare in Germany.

take off your stahlhelm and wake up hans. every modern society is just as atomized as any other. liberalism and modern technology ensured that. what would your school peers say about your nazi wet dreams?

>Comparing an animal that isn't conscious and doesn't process pain to a child that is capable of understanding and reason.

>yeah, you should read about Carl Panzram,

Reading about him, interesting stuff.


Western countries use individualism to strengthen the collective and enhance the love between the subjects and the collective.

Asian countries use collectivism to "strengthen" some individuals who become really fucking rich while the rest stays poor (North Korea)

And this is precisely why Russia will never be European. Europeans want to cooperate with their neighbors. Asians want to subjugate and dominate their neighbors.

So brits aren't european?

You're a fucking retard.

What exactly do you think the child understands when an authority figure beats him while he's crying and begging for them to stop?

Pretty much
I can feel myself transforming CYK BLYAT CYKA BLYAT


What did you expect.


yea like that candy ass canadian

Dude look at our economy and look at yours.

We have fucking nothing and are richer than you, while you have fucking everything. And you still need to import our engineers and scientists to improve your shithole of a country.

Just a coincidence? I don't think so. We also develop Africa and other lowly nations. Nothing extraordinary. The extraordinary thing is that Russia unlike other poor nations claims to be a fucking giant and superior to Europe while it is a dwarf.

They're a special snowflake which wants to be everything: part of Europe and not part of Europe and both at the same time. Just like you.

who the fuck cares about russians ffs

says the sheltered euro pain forces one to grow up

>yfw thats how they brainwashed Bucky and Black Widow

Future assassins

>The deep, enigmatic Russian soul can't be grasped. It is beyond our understanding.
>Don't watch this video.

They are already in prison for this.

Not that many years but given how brutal russian prisons are they probably aren't having a good time

My dad used to throw me into the wall and punch me until I was unconscious. Sure this is still fucked up but I'd take this whipping over what I had any day

Notice how they're exclusively boys

They have some daddy issues for sure

You'll become african in 10 years or so, better stop talking shit abouT ivan now.

>And this is precisely why Russia will never be European. Europeans want to cooperate with their neighbors. Asians want to subjugate and dominate their neighbors.

there was a time when you thought the same about poles. have they changed race in less than 100 years thru hydra magic? schrodinger's asians with the rubicon in Lodz? pls, these theories can be discredited way too easily.


>Europeans want to cooperate with their neighbors. Asians want to subjugate and dominate their neighbors.
That's only really applicable to the last twenty years of European history. Everything before that was "how we gonna be the next Rome?" shennanigans played on repeat.

>You'll become african in 10 years or so, better stop talking shit abouT ivan now.

But Russia is ALREADY African, Germany is only becoming African in a decade.

This is why we take away eastern europeans parents their child(s) so often.
Lost count how many times some slavic mother twist their kids ear because they objected to the notion of not buying a single piece of candy.
I'm not saying the mother should buy them candy because the kid wants it, but you shouldn't physically hurt your child because they didn't accept your first answer.

Violent psychopaths raise violent psychopaths, it's an evil circle.

>opening russian videos

No. It must be something horrible.
I think there is not a single nice video from russia on the entire internet.

just an edgy faggot

>also develop Africa and other lowly nations

Lol no.
It's impossible to export food to you guys.
Hell other euro countries struggle to do so too.

Pic related.

It's Based Russia, savior of the white race compared to """African""" Germany.

Can someone tell me how to immigrate to based savior of the white race? I want to live in poverty

Gave me a hard-on desu.

You would've been a fucked up either way.

This. And the child who gets abused grows up to be an abuser himself. They don't have any compassion. Literally robots.

>And the child who gets abused grows up to be an abuser himself. They don't have any compassion

No shit.

Go ask some violent criminals in Prison how many of them had good relationships with their parents or were raised properly.

Still better than turks everywhere.