Windows 10 is a NSA data collecting advertising supported operating OS

>Windows 10 is a NSA data collecting advertising supported operating OS
>MacOS X Sierra is a less shitty W10 with a Cortana clone
>usable Linux distros are now under the systemmd botnet
>GNU/Linux plus Solus is Kevinnet

Is there any OS that can respect my privacy and specially my panda stash?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Being a weeb faggot

shut up, nerd

The Kill Yourself OS.

I am trying to discuss technology here

Oh my god why do you even care this much about dumbass faggot privacy

I can get arrested by the fascist government.

Use Salix if you don't want systemd

someone make her look like thinking

>op makes anime thread

Take your pedophile cartoons back to

What part of it pedo?


Can someone explain the appeal to anime to me? From the few I've seen it has:

>unexpressive faces.
The faces of the characters seem so dead and lifeless, except when they make them overly expressive. You'll never see something as subtle as a Forrest Whitaker eye twitch.

>the voice acting is bad
The dubbing is always bad, and Japanese voices are really annoying. All the women sound like 13 year old girls who are pretending to be cute, yet were supposed to take them seriously.

>art is passable
The art is at the level that Disney was in the 1940s. Is anime made in sweatshops or something?

I just can't get attached to any character that looks and feels like a 3 inch tall piece of paper.

its farely easy to get eudev on archlinux and remove systemd

Didn't read

Not even anime fans can defend anime.

Now that Drumpf is in power, we need to use linux to combat him.

genode with seL4.

>systemd botnet
Are you fucking retarded?

watch kyoukai no kanata, great art and a lot of attention to facial expressions

I've found that watching anime from 2006 solves the face issue a little and the art issue. Hand-drawn anime was a god-send, especially in extremely talanted hands. Computer-generated graphics was the beginning of the end of good art design

I don't know if this is bait but:
>A guy who used to regularly donate to Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer and identified as Democrat for most of his adult life

>operating OS
>operating operating system
What did he mean by this ?

Also, the stories for anmies like Nadia:The Secret of Blue Water, Trigun and Big O were usually more in-depth than a lot of anime I've watched today really. Like, they have the most bare-bones story that I wonder how they make 13 episodes let alone 26. I f it's a comedy, then I could understand, but like everystory is moeshit, a Naruto/Bleach-ripoff or something so utterly stupid it either makes me laugh uncontrollably or hate it instantly

The most evil people in earth also donate money to innocent places.

>no one can ever know i like to look at cartoon girl butts!

no one cares you weeb faggot

autists are naturally attracted to anime, there actually was a study about it

Umm... install gentoo? You can keep it systemd-free.

Learn C and create yours like kaspersky did.

Gentoo, Void and Debian (yeap, you can remove the systemd).

>The art is at the level that Disney was in the 1940s.

Disney art was always pure shit, dont compare shit to apples

That's not really an argument m8.

Fuckin' lol

> op doesn't know

>the purest of botnets
gtfo with that shit

get the rockOS....

to install

>take rock from ground
>throw it at monitor
>bash open pc
>break graphics card and processor
>smash ssd
>smash fan
>dont get a pc and live in the woods

>Everything's a botnet
>Welcome to 2017

I was also like this in the beginning. the women are absolute earrape. here are some anime series and movies you may like.
>The Wind Rises
>Spirited Away
>Castle In The Sky
>pretty much Studio Ghibli (aka japanese Disney)
>Ghost In The Shell(do not watch the remake coming out soon, it's trash)
>Initial D
>Neon Genesis Evangelion (mental faggotry and cumming on dead chicks)
>SKET Dance
imho all of these are bretty good.
Bonus Stage (Random shit, not necessarily anime)
>Star VS. The Forces of Evil
>Bojack Horseman
>Regular Show
>Adventure Time