Post memes that talk shit on Apple. These are all gold.
Or anything with that cuck jobs
Post memes that talk shit on Apple. These are all gold
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why do all hot girls use iPhones and make fun of people who use androids
well actually that girl did it ironically
useless meme
I hate this fucking image and anyone that posts it thinking it's funny. Not because of the content, but because of the extra 3 panels. Just post the original image.
How can anyone not figure out the humor behind this image?
Shoe0nHead, so hot
>why do all hot girls use iPhones and make fun of people who use androids
I frequent Sup Forums for pics of hot chicks... if you look at those "hot facebook/instagram friends" threads, you'll quickly notice that 99% of hot women use iphones.
How Apple does it, I don;t know.
It seems that rich & hot ppl are all about apple.
Are they also paying Musk and Zuck?
She not even wrote on the iPhone actually
>an apple employee talking about how apple operates is a conspiracy theory
this isn't even a conspiracy at this point. All major interests do shit like this. they'd be stupid not to.
>t. mactoddler
i'm not defending apple, nice try though.
>mfw she actually kinda lives up to Apple's slogan
>Y-yeah!!!! She was only pretending to be retarded!
>It was just a prank, bro!
Seeing as you are such a big fan of satire, irony, parody, and self-depreciating humor, I would assume you have a bright future on YouTube!
No shit? Not like Apples entire creed is "style over substance".
oh no i expect crap ton of fuckboys arguing about apple