How do I convert all (video) files in a folder, to gifs of the same filename (with ffmpeg, in window, with a .bat file)?
Other urls found in this thread:
>open web browser
>open search engine of choice
>search for "learn windows cmd scripting"
>find it out yourself
This is not your tech support forum.
>proprietary software
Kill yourself.
>>proprietary software
ffmpeg is free as in freedom, and linux sucks so that leaves windows.
>proprietary software
>Kill yourself.
FFMPEG is free as in freedom though.
>what are freebsd, openbsd, haiku, freedos, reactos, and others
they are garbage with little to no software support, especially in my industry.
>convert webm to gif
>gif is in slowmo because webm is 60fps
fuck this
Haven't akshully tried this but thought it was worth copy-pasting into a howto.txt
Convert vid to gif palette method.
ffmpeg -y -ss 0 -t 10 -i input.mp4 -vf fps=24,scale=500:-1:flags=lanczos,palette
gen palette.png
ffmpeg -ss 0 -t 10 -i input.mp4 -i palette.png -filter_complex "fps=24,scale=500
:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" output.gif
in a for loop if you want to do a whole folder.
this is what I have now
for %%A IN (*.webm) DO ffmpeg -i "%%A" "%%A.gif"
the quality is terrible though, but your script is two different conversions? what's the png for? can you maybe put it together like my example for a .bat file?
Batch is shit.
Learn Powershell, it's the future.
This is why you can download ubuntu on w10 and literally can do the same in bash, with a loop. Fuck logic.
>.bat files
where do I learn it best? I'm willing. please point me to a direction.
>please point me to a direction
>This is why you can download ubuntu on w10 and literally can do the same in bash, with a loop. Fuck logic.
bash for windows is exclusive to the "window store app" botnet which I don't have because LTSB master race.
LTSB have ubuntu. Stop memeing.
FFmpeg is opensource you stupid cuck.
Not sure about .bat but with python, you could do something along the lines of
import os
for video_file in os.listdir('c:\\temp'):
cmd = "ffmpeg.exe -i + video_file + ".mp4 " + video_file + ".gif"
nope, I tried it yesterday. you enable the "feature" then you agree to the terms, then it tries to download it from windows store, which is not there, so it can't.
Then you are cucked. Masterrace. :^)
ITT: "you want to know how to write a batch script for 1 simple task? fuck that, install linux and learn powershell instead"
To be fair OP should have asked google instead, but that doesn't excuse the autism here
If you're OP and want a quick command, it's already been posted as batch so use that and don't bother much.
If you're interested in Powershell then here's a video series.
The first list is the same as this playlist
Go through it and you'll have necessary understanding and more. If you think some of the topics don't apply to you, feel free to skip them.
After that use the internet, a lot of questions are already solved, there's plenty of examples.
>install linux
>learn powershell
for %%f IN (*.mkv) do (
ffmpeg -i "%%~nf.mkv" -an -c:v libvpx b:v 0 -qmin 16 -crf 20 "%%~nf.webm"
Why in gods name would you ever use an ancient deprecated image format from WW1? WebM is lightyears ahead and even supports transparency.
because telegram only allows you to save animations to your collection if they're gif (and then it converts them into mp4). stupid I know.
>because telegram only allows you to save animations to your collection if they're gif (and then it converts them into mp4). stupid I know.