/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

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Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.


How old were you when you grew out of private trackers?

First for nala

3rd for fuck off kyle btfo


he was crying in #apollo last night and literally everyone ignored him

Did PTP really threaten to sue PTH over trademark infringement? I heard this was why they really changed names so suddenly.

Plan to kill myself next week. So... 35?

no one is stupid enough to think this isn't b8 m8


based panelman4



not him but there are probably several. as well as some other top sekrit projects i won't discuss but it seems there are interesting times ahead

try harder you stupid little shit stain

Is it worth joining NotWhat even if I'm already on HydraZone, RED, and APL? I'm hesitant to just because its name is associated with What.



Yea I heard about some of the top sekrit projects before too, just wondering if any of the ones I am now now will change soon

But yeah interesting times ahead for sure

>associated with What
dude, it literally says NOT what.
like come on man.

t. Wizard

I dont know the stats on Hydra.Zone (do post) but NWCD has 14k+ perfect flacs so decide yourself.

>tfw he deleted his comment but you reposted it anyway


if you mean the music trackers, then it's unlikely red will drastically alter a system that had proven itself to work very well in the past, as far as content goes. and apl or the other competitors might find an incentive to challenge that order and shake things up, but i can not speak for most. i believe if it is possible for BTN, it is possible for all.

I know that feel user. It looks like a solid up-and-coming tracker with good quality-control so good luck to them but who is behind it? I'd jfeel better if I had at least some understanding about the people involved in setting up the tracker

What's stopping someone on BTN From just downloading terabytes of shit and then removing it from their client as soon as it's done?

sorry dad :/

Maximum users: 1,000
Enabled users: 274
Users active today: 57 (20.80%)
Users active this week: 142 (51.82%)
Users active this month: 231 (84.31%)
Torrents: 1,028
Releases: 1,248
Artists: 2,875
"Perfect" FLACs: 713
24bit Vinyl Rips: 38
Single Seed FLACs: 31
Zero Seed FLACs: 2
24bit Vinyl Rips: 38
Requests: 7 (71.43% filled)
Snatches: 4,201
Peers: 2,693
Seeders: 2,688
Leechers: 5
Seeder/leecher ratio: 537.60

They're shit in terms of stats. I just joined because they're aiming to be a backup site for both RED and APL, because I'm not a part of any other lossless specific trackers, and because they're trying out some parts of being ratioless.

h&r then getting banned
you can download all that then seed for 24 hours and you're golden though
everyone just permaseeds however because why wouldn't you?

minimum seeding time requirements you mong

Additionally, they have some staff members from Libble and NWCD helping them out, so it's not like the tracker is run by nobodies.

>possible for BTN, it is possible for all
Yeah I think so, at the very least someone should step up and try it - all it requires is a high quality userbase...

If thats the situation on Hydra.Zone then yes, join NWCD.

lived till 35? nice. wizard?

MTV are trying it but they have abysmal retention
Only works if you keep the riff raff out, PTH should have pioneered it as they recruited from cabal sites but they fucked themselves over by trying to be what.cd

>tfw TARD is finished

another hydra's head sliced clean off

the only one left is the eternal Apollo, god of music

Yea but its not too late for PTH to make drastic changes as we saw from the name change

The thing that gets me is that people on PTH are uploading tons of stuff and seeding it forever for no reward at all. I don't know how ratio matters in this case. People are only making ratio by gaming the system via freeleech or autosnatching. Ratio is actually hurting the site.

It worked for what.cd because that site was alive for 10 years and was slowly built over time and that was the only place people went to find music, the circumstances are different now and the same system will not work

Not a wizard. I'd rent a prostitute if that was the case. Planning to do all the drugs I was always afraid of trying this weekend for example (not at the same time). Acceptance is very freeing.

>I am a proud member of TARD, there's no way my tracker could become extinct

The fact that it's named after What makes me worried though. This isn't a statistics-based answer. If I wanted to, I could join NWCD right now. Having any relation to What is what worries me. Would NWCD have the ability to terminate the tracker right now if they were going to be raided because of the ongoing investigation with What?

lol at that seeder/leecher

TARDs on suicide watch

why don't you ask them

MTV are fucking DONE
the admin/ownership fiasco buried them

"shitty btn" continues to be any general hd tracker for 0day

after the HnR period? effectively nothing, but this is why most 'soft' or ratioless economies use motives outside of the standard upload/download counts and incorporate stores for badges and such things. in BTN's case, users bid for access to seedboxes and invites. coupled with how stringent BTN are - as is the case with the "upper tier" trackers - with regards to catching dupe accounts and pruning (some may want to contribute out of fear of being locked out), and the fact that as a community 'stagnates' in a sense, by not accepting a great deal of fresh users, people will tend to ascend user classes as they find the desire or time to do so, it becomes clear why people will follow the easiest method of preserving their accounts (that is, accruing bonus points through seeding).
also many people on there are just naturally generous.

Yeah, It's pretty pathetic. The 5 leechers are probably only partial-seeders too.

Does AB check every upload like Bakabt does?

The staff are very open, you can ask them.

Same question can be asked for APL or RED.


>"Red Curry will live on, the tard name change will have no effect on our status as a legitimate tracker. Now let's seeding boys"

Hello Saintyawn how do I join HDB


post you email. We only accept gmail with name in address. Name will be verified.

is PrivateHD booty?

do you need a general hd tracker? they also have some bluray sources, tons of remuxes if that's your thing

easy easy EASY ratio. not going to get invited anywhere from there but it's a nice place

just believe in yourself

After what.cd died, so 25

Better than AR?

Do GGn achievements use different stats than on your profile? My download stat has updated but my snatches havent updated in almost 24 hours?

I have tried to get in pth for some days now but I get automatically disconnected after 24h. It's painful. Was an elite member on what.cd.
Is there a backdoor or sth?

i'd say yes, certainly better back catalogue
you'll be able to cross-seed if you want

make a friend

recruiters have stopped responding to PMs
pretty much fucked until that queue dies down






;__; tfw I had several invites on what but lacked people to invite

tons of /pure/ users are totally frozen out right now

whats the queue like on the PTH interview channel?

Does anyone upload physical CDs anymore or is everything a fucking bandcamp release?

its retarded like on every interview chanel

CDs are a dying medium. I'm not surprised that not many people are uploading them anymore.

why are you dropping the man's username?
stop being a faggott

Got on all the big trackers (What, BTN, PTP) when I was 15 (six years ago). That was when you could get BTN and Waffles invites from r/trackers

Got into PU status on most of them and stopped really caring about status and stuff shortly after. I could be Elite+ on most of them if I wasn't too lazy to upload.

they're aiming to hit that usercap

CD rips always get uploaded in the end, but WEB releases are released much earlier usually.

Requesters are at blame as well, many add WEB as valid medium. So you see that first.

>mfw aldy got on AB to hide his last seen time

Something just bugs me about web releases. I know it's autism, but i'm not sure exactly what drives it.

>want to go to reddit
>accidentally end up on redtarded instead
fuck this gay earth

>also to hide his profile comments

i honestly don't know which one would be worse to spend time in

how much of /ptg/'s post count do you think you make up

Only tangentially related to this thread: What are some good "online sharing communities" were people upload "useful stuff" to file hosters such as uploaded, nitroflare, rapidgator, ...?

>I know it's autism
>but i'm not sure exactly what drives it

ddl sites you mean? sig, but not on there

Reddit has some good subreddits but only like 10. You have to know what you are doing over there to avoid the filth

tryna doxx me senpai?

just curious

I'm mostly looking for eBooks and video tutorials

t. /r/the_donald posters

someone used to spam this place with a 'private leecher' infographic and text

u could always go to r/megalinks

why not use a private tracker? mam has both of those

that subreddit went to shit months ago, anything politics related is over.

my autism won't allow me to answer such a question

do this but don't kill yourself, assuming you're not just saying it for attention you'll be happy in the long run just changing your lifestyle and conquering your fears

anyone dl'd the new father john misty album? because it's not worth it

>ever worth it


who is demonotaku and why do people care
i have literally never heard this handle before now
are you little 13-year-old faggots just making shit up to talk about again

just use libgen.io

t. demonotaku

All the major private trackers should just shut down all recruitment for the next year or two. Seriously, we have enough people, why do we have to keep letting shitters in who probably are never going to amount to much anyway?


Mate they basically are shut down