White American women

>white American women

Other urls found in this thread:


"Oh my god "woman?????!" I'll have you know I am squrriel-lion-hybrid-gendered and I will not allow you mysoginistic fuckheads tell me which gender I have to be. Go to fucking hell and die you fucking fucks."

I haven't seen that angle before.


The only video angle I've seen is the one that is like 2 inches away from the monsters face.


>White caucasian american women

>white American """"""women""""""

but u posted a gif of two white american women and only one of them is acting badly

She needs to be careful, too much waving her arms above heart level might count as exercise.

>the second one
Argentina go away

But black women are the fattest people in USA and hispanic women are often ugly due to coming from poorer families


>then stop acting like a child
>everyone laughs at her
>responds with a stuttering F-FUCK YOU!!! followed by gulps of gatorade

Christina Hoffsummers is fucking based


it's jewish

Is this proof that white women are shit-tier, and latinas are god-tier?





>that watermark
thank you based merchant

>qt latina
>that description she puts in the youtube video
>dank memes
>slings sick bantz

gf material right there

>the second one

Too sexy to be a white woman


only the fat chick is white

she's a pale arab
do you even race bro

I tried to get hard to this and literally couldn't. I can cum buckets to traps but can't even get hard to fatties. Thank god.


i can get half-chubbed to cows but can't cum to it
not that being a furfag is a good alternative

I dont think they honestly know what full figured means
>full figured - a body type that matches/resemble the skeletal structure of the human body
>full figured (according to wrong people) - a body that exceeds or expands further than the skeletal structure
t b h im in the latter definition but at least not in denial

>full figured

that looks like a double figure


but how would a hamplanet of this caliber be able to sustain her mass in a society where everyone is forced to share?

>being fat is good

Oh, we've got a big leaf here.

Love the disgusted face on the mejican qt recording the autistic white fit of rage

how do you wake up, look in the mirror at that, and go
"yeah I'm fine, this is healthy"?

it's a wonder she didn't get a heart attack with so much exercise and rage

>77% match

not him(or the guy who took the pic)
match % on okc is pretty shit
only maybe 1 out of the top 10 match % for me are someone I'd consider dating and my standards are low

>full figured