I just bought a gtx 1080 AMA

I just bought a gtx 1080 AMA

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what res will you play games on?

Are you still playing on 1080p?



Anything you could tell is that I wouldn't read on a review site.

how much fps in minesweeper dude

i game at 1080p at 144Hz

bro i ge like 30fps til i hit a mine then its instant laggggggggggg

That is one sexy blower cooler holy shit. How are the temps?

If I get my tax returns i am buying a 470 or 1050 ti

whichever is the better buy

The RX 470 is gonna last you a good deal longer with more performance.

How does it feel knowing you will be cucked as bad as 980 owners were once the 1080ti drops?

>only one 1080

What are you, poor? I have two 1080's SLI'd. AMA

just wait for vega pls

When did you have the accident that caused the brain damage which made you think SLI is a good idea?

My father is from New Delhi

Have any regrets?

Do you suck dicks?

>not getting the gtx 4k
what is this, 2003?

why buy such a shitty gpu?

why not shell out the extra bux and get something worthwhile?

why not wait?

Will it run Runescape on ultra

>Not waiting for Vega
Poor form

>waitfags thinking 1080ti is coming out before June

Did you buy it for legitimate reasons or just gayming?