>he bought a kabylake in January
He bought a kabylake in January
> bought a 4790K on the day of release
> still destroys AMD and Intel on single threaded
feels good to be right
Does AMD have a 15w laptop CPU that matches a 2500?
>Forces you do buy a CPU without igpu
>only includes 24 lanes for the GPU it requires
>still destroys amd and intel
>destroys amd and intel
>and intel
Yeah I mean, it's still pointless to upgrade. The only thing it can't do perfectly is to encode a video on 16 cores but fuck that shit. I'm not an illegal trafficker to care at all.
My dual core laptop encodes 4K fairly fast and decodes 4K in real time
Power isn't important in a desktop.
>Intel destroys intel
AMD has no response to the laptop market while Intel is overshilling "Kaby lake laptops! You need one! Micheal Phelps will rape your family if you don't buy one!"
Makes sense now, I was wondering why they would shill laptops so hard lately
I have a friend who bought a 7700K a week ago. To replace a 6700K no less. That makes no sense but he doesn't give a fuck, since he actually gained money on the swap due to retarded wafflefag tax system.
no but i bought a skylake
it's okay though, in this shit country i can resell used electronics for 100% of the base value easily, maybe 110% if i'm lucky.
Samefaggin it up today
I bought an i3 6100 on Nov 2016, i feel excited because AMD fucked the top range intel CPU so i can get used quad or higher end intel CPU cheaper.
i wish i was samefagging, could've had a 6700k instead of the 6100 i bought
No, there's just more than one retarded country
>he bought a bloomfield i7 in January almost a decade ago
>it's still more than sufficient for all modern use cases sans ultra AAA gaymen
>doesnt know that pcie 8x is all he needs to run the latest and biggest gpu in the market.
Good goy.
But you're wrong. You've been wrong since the 980 (not even ti)
>lying this hard
How can you shitpost with that crippling stupidity of yours, like DUDE, are you a savant retarded?
>tfw didn't buy a babbylake cpu and opted for a 1700 instead
Feels pretty good desu.
Yeah I mean, I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Fucking idiot
>When averaged across all our games, you lose virtually no performance as you go down from PCI-Express 3.0 x16 to PCI-Express 3.0 x8, no matter the resolution.
>Games only
>No real world applications
>not even a fucking 3Dmark test
last cpu I bought was ivy bridge
still good 2 me tho
>sintetic vs real world usage
Thanks to ignorant fucks like you "GAYMUNG" grade hardware is a thing.
please stop using cancer hardware encoder like quicksync.