What's the release date for the 1600X?
Only single thread matters past 4 cores anyway.
No I love Intel and will never buy AMD ever. Even if AMD was objectively worse. I'm in love with Intel, get it?
7700k is running at a higher frequency
I hate you.
I meant objectively better
>The Ryzen 5 mid-range CPU pisses all over i7's
Fuck, at this rate the Ryzen 7's are going to literally come out of the box and give a good, 16 thread ass fucking to Intel.
> shitty single threaded performance
into the bin it goes
single thread scores
>4.5GHz (single core boost)
R5 1600X (single core boost)
now let's scale to compare IPC:
>4.2/3.7= 1.216...
>1888 x 1.216...= 2296.216...
out of curiosity I wanted to see the extrapolated mt scores at that clock
>12544 x 1.216...= 15256.216...
not super scientific but it is an interesting insight to look at until next Thursday when reviews drop
Not really that much better considering it is an eight core.
Its actually extremely impressive.
INTO THE BIN. Literally 90% of what I do is single threaded. The rest 10% is not even fully multithreaded, just 2-3 core.
99-core CPUs are a stupid meme.
They pulled the same last time.
when they going to bring back single core cpu?
your entire post is literally "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Probably around the time they start using ribben serial cables again instead of sata
joke's on you
i'm gonna run multithread benchmarks all day
get rekt intelfag
even routers use dual cores now, get over it.
so, it has slightly better IPC than kaby lake at the same clock speed?
I consider it "within margin of error" since those scores fluctuate each time it's tested.
we need to see how far Ryzen can be pushed in non-ln2 systems before judging the clock speeds, but they have their work cut out with Kaby clocks
Is the i3 series basically kill
Intel is for budget builds now.
B-But synthetic benchmarks mean nothing! Nothing is going to use all those cores! AMD MOAR CORES AMIRITE FELLAS
>Budget builds
>Cost twice as much as competition
The CPU market gonna get fucking rocked
>no clockspeeds
Good. Intel making 3 generations of CPUs all have the same performance was inexcusable.
>performs better than a 6850k for the fraction of the price
you're not good at numbers are you
why the fuck would you want that? you'd get horrible performance
Cucky Mcfucky the post. Go fanboy on consoles you fucking faggot. I'm all about price and performance and Intel has been a bunch of Jews so they can fuck off.
No. You are the idiot. I don't play games at all. But I love Intel because I'm past discussing two different proc firms.
>Merchant is so desperate to shill that he forgot the "MAD" in his comment
top fucking kek
Your miniscule use case doesn't matter. Ryzen has enough single threaded performance for 99% of users, including GAYMURZ. Go away.
Amada is the best girl
Most AAA games are multithreaded (UI thread, AI, etc).
Cucky Mcfucky
It's not a bottleneck like FX series was.
Fuck yourself. And go play your games.
6 core.
And you are hard. Core. I mean it.
>amazing at multi threading
>shitty at single thread
I fucking hate AMD so much. Why do those fucks keep forcing me to buy fucking intel for gaming?
>shitty at single thread
lmao, the IPC is even higher than Kaby.
I'll just add this to my list of things busted ass Intel buyers tell themselves to keep from silently weeping in to their pillows at night.