The memes are true. Americans are fucking retards...

The memes are true. Americans are fucking retards. I just argued with a girl who swears up and down processed sugars and high fructose corn syrup aren't bad for you if you exercise. She wasn't even fat but eats like shit. I came to America thinking memes are not true, but wow. Why don't Americans value their bodies ?

>I came to America
where are you from, OP?

>processed sugars and high fructose corn syrup
So you eat sugar right out of the ground?

it's just sugar bruh. it's not some evil poison.

>I just argued with a girl who swears up and down processed sugars and high fructose corn syrup aren't bad for you
they aren't you retard
not anymore than say, other processed sugars

>muh chemicals

Typical American , will defend your position even though you know you're wrong. So stubborn. Why can't Americans ever admit they're wrong

I mean it doesn't sound that retarded. Sugars are carbohydrates and you burn off carbs when you exercise.


But he's right. Prove him wrong.
Seems to me like you're the stubborn one.

this, it isnt a problem if you do adequate exercise, that being said most people don't and you might also get cavities

No you're wrong , but I'll tell you another thing she said: she said if an anorexic person needs to gain weight it's good for them to eat junk food to gain weight. I said instead you can eat protein and other foods instead of Coke and candy bars , but she refused to admit she's wrong

Food babe the curry rapist dindu nuffin wong. Muh GMO bees!

Sugars is the best way to gain weight , user. They convert to fats. Duh. Muh Bees! Think of the bees!

you sound like you are making a lot of friends during your time abroad eh Nigel?

Lol I'm not British but no I've made few friends

oh so you are a leaf then

>americans don't eat healthy and refuse to consider it a problem

mark me surprised

they have the best doctor u moron.

I mean... wouldn't that work? It's not the healthiest way mind you, but isn't she correct in that it would cause the anorexic person to gain weight?

what have our bodies ever done for us

>arguing with somebody in real life about processed sugars and high fructose corn syrup
>calling anybody else retarded

It's sad comparing pictures of women 100 years ago with pictures of women on fatscooters today but a lot of countries have their own unique problems that are serious. Like Argentina doesn't practice circumcision despite the mountains of scientific evidence supporting it.

Because deep down I'm waiting for the day I stubbornly argue with a woman and she gets so pissed she slams me on the ground and chokes me out. it's all training for me.

>Like Argentina doesn't practice circumcision despite the mountains of scientific evidence supporting it.
baby's first bait awww

sorry I care about health. It's just sad to see someone so reckless with their body , they'd be amazed at the difference a balanced health diet would make

You're expecting people to treat you like some deity who is never wrong and take your word for everything.

Unless you're carrying around a textbook you're probably a retard. In fact you're a retard either way because most people have more things to worry about than some foreigner saying they don't eat properly.

>The memes are true. Americans are fucking retards

Of course. Not gonna argue with Sup Forumstards.

>Like Argentina doesn't practice circumcision despite the mountains of scientific evidence supporting it.
>this is what americans actually believe

you'll have to try harder if you want to get a decent amount of (you)s

The point is US have retards who ignore proper diet/nutrition and Argentina has retards who reject hygiene.

>americans have to cut their foreskin if they want to keep their dicks clean
>american hygiene

Why don't you cut your fingertips? That way you'll never get any dirt under your nails. 110% real and tested.

>Argentina has retards who reject hygiene.
maybe it's that we're not as retarded as to need being cut instead of cleaning properly our dicks

As far as that Austrian goes I learned no amount of evidence will convince anti-science people.

>thread not going well
>OP diverts
>pretends to be American
>trolls argies