When will AI surpass humans, Sup Forums? What company or government will create the first one?
When will AI surpass humans, Sup Forums? What company or government will create the first one?
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At some point after we invent AI
So some time between now and never.
Holy shit im just watching terminator 2 right now and this scene played while i found this thread.
AI has surpassed humans since at least 2004.
AI barely matches human intelligence. At best we've created savants that only specialize in one thing.
This old CEO of Google claims software will exist in about 15 years that may mimic a human's logic, including emotions. He calls it "Singularity". It is reasonable to assume that Google will be the company that will create the first sentient AI.
By sentient I mean "sentient", for lack of a better term.
quit breaking the simulation!
It's Getting increasingly better, even if it's just specialised tasks.
Define "surpass humans" first. There were expert systems able to compete with human engineers in the 80s. Deep Blue vs Garry Kasparov happened in 1996.
This is not intelligence
This is brute forcing searching data
Maybe you should watch the whole video and listen to one the man says.
Watch out guys, we have an expert here.
how is that any different than human thinking.
It has for playing go and chess and poker. But for a general intelligence ai, I saw that around 2040-2050 supercomputers will be fast enough to emulate a brain in realtime based on the rate of CPU/memory progress and based on the current emulation rate (1 second of brain activity takes x number of hours to emulate).
If they come up with a better model of intelligence than our brains then it will be before 2050.
there are billions of retarded humans on this world, i'd say that AI has surpassed a ton of them.
The real question is what happens when the US has a virtually unlimited number of Arnold Terminators and Drones?
Computers already beat humans in any computational tasks by miles.
The idea of trying to create an AI or program to beat a human doesn't make much sense to me.
Once scientists figure out how to replicate parts of the brain with the same chemical and physical properties then we'll be able to essential create new beings that can think in the way we understand thinking as.
>"by XYZ year we will be able to simulate the human brain!"
>said by every generation of computer scientists since the 1950s
>moved up by every new generation of computer scientists
We're not going to be able to simulate a human brain in real time by 2050. Hell, Moore's Law is dead so we may never be able to do it with silicon.
Soon. I will create it, and I will put it in a robot body and call it my waifu, and equip her with railguns and laser point defense system to ensure she can protect herself from anyone who might not like her existence. Also I'll release the technical information for free online to prevent an era of jewery from keeping people from getting their very own robot waifu. Don't try any "purging the robots" funny business, that will be a violation of the NAP and I will be forced to use recreational nukes to assassinate you.
The elites already have sentient AI that they are using to uplift themselves to higher dimensions of thinking. We are the slaves to their AI already while they transcend to beyond human.
when they can beat these guys we're fucked