What distro do you use and why?

What distro do you use and why?

windows, im not gay


I use Void Linux
the thing is, it's all Linux, same OS just bundled up with different software and a certain logo, don't distro hop, just choose one and stay on it forever

might as well just use redstar OS

Windows 10 but when I do use linux I prefer fedora or kali

Mostly Raspian Lite for my Plex Server / Webserver ...

Arch for porn surfing


wouldn't mind that either
thing is hard to get root on RStarOS and installing xbps (Void's package manager) would be hard


Arch because I thought it would be a great challenge and I would learn a lot in the process. It wasnt, did learn some stuff
Now I'm here because I'm too lazy to go to Fedora or something

Usually Arch, or Kali

They're literally all the same shit. If you want to make any worthwhile comparison you'd compare the kernels, not packaged systems with the same shit running under the hood. Stop making meaningless posts.

1337 h4x0r detected


Windows 7 + (*tips*) fedora on my second sdd

Whats with Trisquel GNU/Linux?
that one that rms use

>its hard to install arch
yeah ok

Might be a lone ranger on this one but i use opensuse tumbleweed. I find yast very helpful.

Windows because I'm not a NEET

Might build a Hackintosh though

Bunsen labs

I am vming it but without actually bare metal I can't say it's better than fedora or not.

because i'm a gentleman

Fedora. It just works and the software included is most unmodified.

Sounds pretty damn gay to me.

Debian here. I don't want Microsoft's finger in my arse. Also it works great with my hardware and it's easy and stable. Out of date? No, mang. I frankeinsteined mine. I don't have that problem. Sorry!

There's several things I need that Void hasn't packaged (yet)

xubuntu, just werks

It just works. It's the best *buntu and unity is excellent no matter what retards here say. It's the only *buntu without screen tearing or a shitty looking DE. Kubuntu doesn't count when KDE Neon is better.

he's referring to Kali Linux, because it is a penetration testing distribution.

Manjoro because I like Arch but have no time to maintain it

why does every asshat have to say that when ever anyone mentions kali.
you people act like it has a hack "facebook accounts" command or something..


source mage

Ubuntu /w Windows 10 VM passthrough, fuck everything else

Fedora. Gave it a go after dropping Ubuntu, it's nice.

kali is for script kiddies only beginners use it since they have no idea what they are doing. anyone in the industry knows what tools they use and install them on a different distro along with writing their own tools

Fedora because people said it was better than Ubuntu for various reasons. Can't attest to whether it actually is but I enjoy using it. I keep settling on various DEs and WMs before getting bored and changing, but I think i3 is too good to not continue using now. I don't see much of a reason to distro hop except for the short release cycles. Haven't upgraded to f25 yet so I'll see how that goes. May try out Debian in the future.

then compile from source you pleb

Void because no systemd and KISS

Gentoo because I figured I could learn a bit from installing it. Kept with it because I never really had any problems.

>kali is for script kiddies
holy shit, it's literally 2012 again

jack of all trades is the master of none

because only edgy morons install kali

having a fully-stocked toolbox means you forget how to use a wrench?

you have no idea how that work but go ahead a keep defending kali

Which distro is that?

OpenSUSE Leap because it's easy, stable, btrfs by default, snapshots out of the box, best KDE experience, better than ubuntu for real work and it has some more nice things like yast, OBS, and a cool mascot.

>don't distro hop
Still no fun eh?

Mint. It was easy to use and didn't give me any trouble like xp. Old comp can't run 7. Grew to like it as a main os.

Unironically Arch, because I like the rolling release and up to date repos.

up until tonight, I used Debian on my school laptop
now that I don't need it, I'm installing Arch on it as a fun project
got my wireless card working and I can boot from grub

its funny because you said penetration

I doesn't agree at all. I had it installd on 2 seperate occasions and it was buggy as hell. The worsk KDE experience I've had. One thing I I did like was that it looked very good.

i totally chose to use it specifically because i like the flavor of mint

i'm not well travelled when it comes to distros

Gentoo and Linux From Scratch using Portage

Slackware Linux, stable as hell and not as old as Debian IMHO.
I have 6 years using it as my main desktop distro.
No distrohopping here, I just know my stuff and what I want.

Mint xfce.
Because it looked the most like windows, but didn't have all the serial# and virus and didn't rot over time.
It just werks. I just used Win in a VM if I had to, but haven't done it for years.
I've got a few laptops with W10, but I never have the urge to use them.

xubuntu > mint

och god mint xfce is broken as fuck, and if you want "something like linux" you dont deserve Linux at all

I'm using Manjaro now, but I've hopped around a lot


Ubuntu, cause it is just perfect when you are a web dev

dualboot win10 / Xubuntu, i was using Mint, but with the last update everything went to shit on it, (slow, laggy, Nvidia drivers just went nuts etc.)

it feels like xubuntu did everything like mint but in better way, but still it cant handle with second monitor perfetly

is OSX a distro?

i think it is...

anything without pic related

better autist than a normie

Mageia, it just works

Can't beat the meme.

Ubuntu with Gnome Shell.

>more experience with debian based distros
Most relevant would be Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint
Kernel version is too old for me, regardless of if I'm on stable/testing. Bugs in testing can linger for long periods too.
Hate unity, but you can install gnome shell or use Ubuntu Gnome. Stable enough, newer hardware support with newer kernel, lots of support due to popularity
I see no reason to use this over straight Ubuntu if I don't like Cinnamon

Even if I didn't want a Debian base I'd still stick with Ubuntu.
>Want good gnome shell support and newer software
>releases only supported for 13 months when Ubuntu LTS is supported for 5 years
I like Fedora but I also like longer support

I've distro hopped a lot, but I just like Ubuntu.

>Fedora gets updated too fast
thats the price for new features, pal

I didn't say it got updated too fast, I said the releases aren't support as long. Can you read? I know they are somewhat related, but that's not the same thing.

I used only Fedora for 2 years and still like it, but I can easily go over 13 months without wanting or needing to upgrade my system.

Windows 7 for lyfe

sorry for misunderstanding,

but, its too problematic to upgrade whole system for you? Yea it can kill half of a day to make it back to point where you can use it, but if you prepare for it (move non-system related data to second partition, make a list/script for installing all programs what you commonly use) etc.

i think thats a price of laziness...

Ubuntu and Microsoft at home, Mac OS at work.

Maybe. I use Linux for work too, so I don't want to spend a work day doing nothing but upgrading my OS and getting all my programs setup. Need to be doing actual work. I think it boils down to not seeing enough of a benefit to bother upgrading more than every 2/3 years or so.

That said, if it's no issue for you then more power to you.

cant argue with that, i use linux primary for work too

Linux Mint right now, but I'm gonna switch to Ubuntu Gnome when I get a new laptop so I can get those sweet gestures (hopefully they work even on X, not just Wayland)

Why would anyone use that?
Puppy linux is better

Why did you lmao

I use Debian PRIMARILY just due to Kali being based on it. I prefer it, and its configuration way more than Ubuntu.

Ubuntu also has l0calr00ts being published for it every couple of weeks it seems. nty.


debian, because i'm not a tryhard and like to get shit done

Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.10


Mint with kde.

Windows 10.

I switched to manjaro from tumbleweed.
Zero regrets.

Only acceptable answer.

How's KDE?
I've used manjaro for quite some time now with XFCE.

>using Win10
>letting them see everything on your hard drive

How is your passthrough going? Is it something that could replace this disease ridden hellhole of an os called W10?

Works just as good as opensuse's version.

Lubuntu because it's lightweight for my old laptop.

What DE is best when using wacom tablet instead of mouse?

windows 10

ubuntu 16.04 with unity. just werks.

quads of truth.

>Don't distribution hop
>Uses a distro in its infancy

Did you replace the boot logo? It's pretty swoogitty.