What would I have to do to go work for the NSA? To be more specific...

what would I have to do to go work for the NSA? To be more specific, what degrees or certifications do i need to spy on people online or work in their data center where they house your info?

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A Masters in blind nationalism and incompetence.

>le nsa is all evil meme

Live in maryland.
Source: Lives in Maryland. Everyone works at NSA.

dumb animeposters don't get jobs, let alone government positions you retarded faggot

>15 years of IoS experience
>Top Secret clearance
>Full scope NSA polygraph

It's just that easy user.

stop fapping to animu would be a good start imo


Stop animeposting for starters.

Snowden did.

> polygraph
placebo test ftw

MOtherfucker how did u get pass the sad panda


are you implying he is an animefag

wtf I love Snowden now

Be in infosec or some related field and be able to pass all the shit you need to do for a security clearance. Then go apply and they'll take you.

The NSA isn't incompetent, but sure is blindly nationalistic. It has to be, if its to violate people's rights in the name of vague national-security bogeymen. Don't do that, being blindly nationalistic is a bad thing. Place loyalty to individual rights and liberty above loyalty to your country and its corrupt government.

they know all of the degenerate shit you've posted on this website so you're already out of the running

Sad panda will never get old

It's one of the first things that they make the aspiring recruits do.

What's sad panda?

I didn't go to college to get into the NSA, I'm millitary



You need to learn how to google and click, user.