No Speccy thread?

No Speccy thread?
Speccy thread.

Got my new RX 480


Just got my GTX 760 in :3

This is my main machine upgraded from a 1060 3gb to the new EVGA 1070. (Pic 1/5)

I put the 1060 3gb in this pc. I got most of the parts for free when my cousin upgraded his pc. (pic 2/5)

My old desktop. (Pic 3/5)

My laptop (Pic 4/5)

>3gb ssd
jesus christ user
Also that hard drive amalgam would give me a hernia, do you use different ones for different os' or something?

Old Dell Optiplex dual booting XP and Xubuntu.

>3gb ssd
Speccy bug.
One of the 1tb drives has Xubuntu on it.

might buy a 4k/60hz monitor to do better shitposting/shitviewing, some game will work on high settings about 2k res, mostly shitty multiplats and old nostalgia vidya, but that's the plan

Have no clue why my RAM is running @ 1065MHz instead of 2400MHz and it says I have 4GB of VRAM when I have 8GB, but in the BIOS everything is running as it should. Is Speccy buggy or did I fuck up?

6700k @ 4.6Ghz
RAM is TridentZ @ 3400Mhz
1080 is MSI Sea Hawk

no, you fucked up BIG TIME, RMA everything ASAP

into le trash it le goes

Are you joking? Tell me where I fucked up.

Sorry, I like playing new games.

Speccy is buggy as hell, ddr = double data rate remember/


How toasty is your room?


What's it like living in an inferno?

>mfw unlocked processor on h81i


fuck off, you actually spooked me
pls stop posting this in every speccy thread :(

the guy that responded you wasn't me, I actually kek'd like a beast ahahahahaha, fuck

This PC is far its expiry date

>pls stop posting this in every speccy thread :(

cheeky cunt


>tfw all I see are plebs here..

If I ever win the lottery, I'm buying Piriform, just so that I can correct Speccy to use proper GiB units instead if mislabeled "GB".

Can't wait to build my first proper pc in a couple months. So long to the days of jerry rigging old workstations.

That runs?

Yeah, been using it for about a year now.
surprisingly decent pc, as I can run any emulator including pcx2 and dolphin fine.

I mainly just use it as a multimedia machine though.

Not much to say. I'm thinking about pulling a trigger on a 144 mhz 1080p monitor (1070 would probably never reach 144fps in 1440p even on lower settings outside of esports cancer like csgo or lol) - I do love me my UW meme but I'd also love to try 144Mhz, is the difference really that big and doesn't it tires your eyes quicker cause of the shitty TN displays working at such a high frequency?

soon as the 144hz 4k is out later this year Im getting it. Apparently they fixed the bleed.

how many are you picking up richfag?

Just the one. Theyre not bloody cheap.