Why aren't you using the most powerful text editor?
Why aren't you using the most powerful text editor?
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I don't have the 100 bucks required to buy it.
Because my .emacs has bitrotted beyond repair and I'm too lazy to do anything about it.
Because I am not a flaming homosexual (traps are ok) and I use a real editors like VS Code and Sublime.
I am. vi.
Is it true that vi users can't blindtype? Cause vi keys make no sense while blindtyping.
Just accept the fact that you swing both ways and move on with your life. Having a specific preference for what kind of guy you'd fuck is still wanting to fuck a guy. It's not like people don't have preferences with girls as well. I accepted it, and I'm still alive.
>switch to GNU + Linux
>Try vim, don't like it
>Try Emacs, don't like it
>Install Wine and run Notepad++ as my text editor
>NP++ is GPL, so I still get to enjoy my freedoms
>make other GNU/Linux users mad with my choice of an editor written for Windows
are there any good versions on windows?
It's a thing from the past. You don't need anything other than nano/gedit and office. Most people don't even need more than Google drive.
Who the fuck cares?
My MBP doesn't have an escape button.
What does that have to do with Emacs?
I am thanks
But I am using Subl
He's trolling. No one is that stupid to unironically use Notepad++. Such a person would have to be dumber than vim users, and that's mathematically impossible.
I am thanks
because I can't shitpost with vim
> He doesn't use Kate
kiss yourself desu fampais.
Great development environment, now if only it had a good text editor.
What if I am?
Because every plugin for emacs is a massive dysfunctional hack, the basic functions are ill-thought out and will never be fixed, and the keybinds are pure cancer.
1- for example, geyser will hang the entire emacs at random (i.e. long after the latest evaluation has terminated) and the server will hang all the time for no discernible reason. C-c C-c C-c does absolutely nothing in that situation.
2- (also a continuation of 1-) for example, when opening a window such as for help topic, a previous window is killed and the layout is generally fucked completely. There are only two valid ways to deal with this: popwin (which is a broken piece of shit: it doesn't work for all basic emacs windows -- *meta-help*, as I recall, as an example --, and needs extra setup for each additional plugin on top of that) or that native, disabled-by-default function to undo/redo window state history (which is cumbersome and still doesn't help you deal with the momentary death of your window layout). Additionally, it's very hard (don't know if it's actually possible) to determine WHICH window will be overwritten this way, if any (sometimes a window is split in two instead, but the split must manually be closed anyway so the same problem exists to a lesser extent).
3- evil-mode is a joke and doesn't support shit. Hell, despite emacs' extreme reliance on non hjkl movements, it doesn't support arrow keys for most compound commands where vim would support them. Additionally it has fuckall support for buffer operations and batch operations in general, and has very poor support for most special-edit commands (e.g. in the style of oOaAiI) or window operations, nevermind the fact it has no tabs; and again needs special setup for each additional plugin in use.
Because I am most efficient with vim. Evil mode doesn't work very well, either.
I'm not a programmer so what use would a regular joe like me have for emacs on GNU/Linux.
If there was a legitimate standalone org-mode, there would never be any reason to use emacs.
Because If I want a texteditor, I would use one and not a fucking semi-operating-system
Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping
It's a pretty good operating system, it's just missing a decent text editor.
>don't like it
That's your problem and your loss, not the other way round.
>most powerful
perl is better than that shit.
>when I install malware my OS crashes
That sounds like PEBCAK
A legitimate standalone org-mode would be Emacs. Just like how whoever does not understand Lisp is doomed to reinvent it poorly, any text editor that does not understand Emacs is doomed to reinvent it poorly.
Vim? Getting Neovim, which is just a poor implementation of Emacs with Lua instead of Emacs Lisp. Atom? Just a poor implementation of Emacs with JS instead of Emacs Lisp.
>emacs is malware which is why you should install emacs because it's the best but all its flaws are caused by it because it's malware which means it's not emacs' fault but rather the user's!
And that's why emacs has exactly zero (0) chance to ever get better.
>A legitimate standalone org-mode would be Emacs.
>needing that much bloat for just org-mode
> any text editor that does not understand Emacs is doomed to reinvent it poorly.
My sides split on an atomic level, ending the world. This is now a parallel universe.
>he doesn't use ed
vi has ed-mode, it's just a superset of ed.
Where's emacs waifu when you need her
I do use Vim.
>using bloated vi when ed would suffice
>he needs to see his file in reat time to edit it like a child
actually I use vi because it has less bugs than ed.
That's retarded, it's not like it's a different keyboard, you can blind type equally well.
t. vim user who blind types
Literally wot?
Because it's a gigantic pile of lisp scripts that don't play well with each other. I used it in anger a few years ago. Never again.
Here's a fun example. Pictured is what you get when you attempt to mix whitespace and autocomplete. What other editor mistakenly thinks that an autocomplete dropdown is whitespace and tries to decorate it?
This isn't even the worst of it - I've actually run into situations where the spacing below the dropdown was peculiar enough to where entire rows of the dropdown would just be missing, with the tab characters or whatever on a black background in its place.
This is just one of many problems I used to run into on a daily basis, the most easily reproducible at least. For bonus points, notice how the tabstop right below the main function declaration is completely fucked. Emacs isn't smart enough to recognize that when you print a tab in the last column before a tabstop, you don't need to actually print the tab after the symbol. In a good editor, that red tab isn't there.
Because I just want to sit and edit text, not rice/config for hours to end a simple text editor.
>tfw acme
How is np++ any different than gedit?
Honest question, I've never used np.
I am using both op.
vim when I want to open something fast and edit. Otherwise I use spacemacs as a LISP machine for what it is, I use it as my IDE and it is a porable IDE for every single language. Does not beat visual studio though, only thing I will give credit to microsoft.
>it has no tabs
What is buffers?
You can switch between buffer with C-x arrow left or right.
It is bascially tabs, no difference at all.
>those xbox hueg window controls
holy shit
No no, the modern code artisan needs actual tabs that you can look at and click on and drag around.
>Just like how whoever does not understand Lisp is doomed to reinvent it poorly
>any text editor that does not understand Emacs is doomed to reinvent it poorly.
This has to be by far the most hilarious thing I've read on Sup Forums
I don't remember if gedit support plugins, and if it does, I don't know if it has as many as NP++.
Other than that, it's pretty much the same.
User error, fuck off.
>Mix together random scripts
>>Mix together random scripts
>what is M/ELPA but a bunch of random scripts
>hey look at the "functionality" you can add
>Install community-developed scripts for a program
>Don't bother to check if they'll cause incompatibility or maybe even are just written but retards
Exactly the reason I rather use SublimeText. None of the plugins I've ever installed has stepped in each others toes. And it all took less than 2 literal minutes
It's almost like you're using a paid product with proper support.
I know right, and it's free as in free beer.
Who would have thought random people could actually write decent code?
why would you ever use the autocomplete package?
company-mode is miles better and fixed this error ages ago.
Yes, I sperged out over my emacs config for a few weeks when I got started, but everything since then has been problem-free.
because I'm afraid microsoft has a cyberpunk esque corporate agent squad that will raid my moms house and go after me or her computer if i install freeware on their os
>maybe even are just written but retards
Anyone that writes a text editor that causes him RSI is a full retard.
are you shitting me
No my dude people get pissed when you get free stuff. It's like if my girlfriend asks you for a cigarette and you give her one because she's pretty, then she immediately hands it to me.
> company-mode
My googling says that you're either lying or this is a bug that they have fixed without fanfare. I have not seen a single screenshot of the two modes coexisting.
Yeah, how dare I mix the official whitespace mode with the most popular auto-complete package.
> fuck off.
Don't worry, I fucked off from emacs a long time ago. Now I use good editors.
Because it takes too long to start up, even with emacsclient
>he doesn't load emacs at startup
What's it like not being a cuck?
> company-mode is miles better and fixed this error ages ago.
If you're going to lie, tell a lie that I can't debunk with like five minutes of effort.
What ae you even talking about?
For me emacs loads in an impervievable amount of time.
I can't imagine you have shittier hardware than my $150 thinkpad
> private browsing mode on a non-porn board.
I don't go to porn websites, user.
Pornography is exploitative of the sex workers, ruins their chances at any real professional job, normalizes weird unrealistic porn stuff like gang bangs and bukkake which probably just helps spread diseases, most of it is rather nausea inducing.
It should probably just be banned.
>Leave broken scripts enabled
>Take another screenshot
>using autism editor that needs foot pedals a gearstick and a steering wheel to use
>Vim? Getting Neovim, which is just a poor implementation of Emacs with Lua instead of Emacs Lisp. Atom? Just a poor implementation of Emacs with JS instead of Emacs Lisp.
Unfortunately GNU Emacs in turn is just a poor implementation of Emacs. Although in its defence, that's due to hardware limitations of 1980s Unix systems, it just hasn't kept up.
On the other hand, with all the people accusing it of being bloated now, imagine what they would say if there was an entire Common Lisp system with compiler and debugger needed to run it?
i'm dying
have you tried SciTE? it is based on Scintilla as well
Acme seems fine but I cannot get used to this heavy mouse use.
What is a good Emacs implementation then?
Or Geany.
Unfortunately I don't have a Lisp Machine or an Alpha processor.
Because I'm not editing text right now. I do use either mg or Emacs when I do though.
Linus uses an emacs called microemacs. What does Sup Forums think of it.
>even remotely replacing tabs
Emacstards everybody!
>evil doesn't do what it claims to be
>who cares who needs the features that make vim objectively superior to emacs in literally every way except plugin language!
And that's why emacs will never be relevant outside org-mode.
Vim is for cucks who give money to african nations, nu-male.
Did you even read his post?
that's not Vim though
Enacs is for cucks who give money to hilary clinton, reddit.
You made that up while vim literally wants you to give money to niggers because it's donationware. You're a pathetic nu-male cuck.
literally rm's emails and the fsf site. Fuck off shill.
Hurry up cuck, Jamal and his 16 nigger siblings need their welfare money.
>15gb text editor
Sad that emacs still does more.
Hurry up cuck, Jamal and his 16 14 years old tanned german friends need their welfare money and if you don't pay up, the fsf will do it on your behalf!
I don't care what fsf does cuck because emacs never asked me to give money to niggers.
Yes, what bugs me is that even though modern hardware is faster and more capable than the LispM by a factor of a gorillion, much of our software is still stuck with the mindset that it's still running on a 68k workstation or a VAX.
There is Climacs for McClim, and the latter has been picking up steam lately, but it's far from usable yet.
Climacs seems to be a promising project.
i am.
VSCode != VStudio