Base clock @ 3.4 GHz, turbo @ 3.4 GHz (turbo disabled)
Fuck the non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
Base clock @ 3.4 GHz, turbo @ 3.4 GHz (turbo disabled)
Fuck the non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
Other urls found in this thread:
d-delete this sir please
please respect the nda please sir
>turbo disabled
What's next, superpi and x87?
How the fug will intel handle this?
kill yourself liar
Unless they're willing to cut their prices 50%, they won't be able to handle it.
They cucked themselves out of the game by pricing their products way too fucking high.
Maybe they do what they've done before and just shill out bribes.
Dog bless the leakers
Even though this is probably an internal leak, but still
>1 user benchmark
Not bad consedering the non boost, the low power draw and the low price
Thats the website...not OP
what i'm getting from this is intel basicly fucked themselves with that price thinking no one would beat it. Could they recover from this?
based JIM
p-power draw and turbo enabled when please
How will those Israelis ever recover?!?!?
Wow and it's only 3% worse than the almost same priced intel cpu.
Am I missing something, why should I go AMD if I'm getting a bit more performance for a bit more money from intel?
>@3.4GHz turbo disabled
because if it's very good in single core and even better in multithreading than the 6900k priced at 1200$ for one third of the price
why not buying it ?
>16 threads vs 8 threads
Hmm really made me think alright.
So it's like every other benchmark we have seen until now.
How is this new?
When will actual benchmarks come out, why was the turbo disabled?
It has more cores/threads and is clocked lower (and also has turbo disabled), so it's more comparable to a 6900k (which costs $650 more) than a 7700k
>literally half the price
>60 bucks less
>twice the cores
>only 3% worse in GAYMING despite being clocked 800mhz lower with turbo disabled
jews are finished.
you forget the low TDP
And it's draws ~95w which is NUTS for an octacore.
Nice, even my 3 year old Haslel has:
Slightly faster single-core speed. +12%
Much faster single-core int speed.
Faster single-core fp speed.
Faster quad-core int speed.
Which is the only thing that matters in games and real apps. But enjoy you 7zip performance AMDfags lmao
But I only play games and I can get the intel one for less so why should I buy AMD other than intel being evil jews
>new linus video
>XFR or whatever is called only boosts 0.1GHz
Still great price/performance but I feel like I was memed by this "it will OC itself" thing
It's 100mhz on stock cooler.
Well I suppose we can finally know how Zen performs with the same DDR4 kit as a SKL chip
No, the XFR only boosts 0.1
If you want more than that you have to do an actual OC. Go watch the video
This. Ryzen DOA. PooMD fags can fuck off to their designated shitting streets
ahh magic 16% so that leaves me with:
-Much faster single-core int speed.
-Faster single-core fp speed.
-Faster quad-core int speed.
Really makes AMDtards think
exactly m8
There is no theoritical limit for XFR. It's limit will depend on the efficiency of the cooling solution and the used voltage. 0.1 GHz XFR with AMD Wraith spire, which is their 95w TDP cooler (second best they made, behind 140w Wraith Max).
Pic related is on LN2
>real apps
>if we pull some bullshit math and pretend that if we increase x% the frequency it gets x% more performance it beats intel
the math was downclocking the 7700k sample to 3.4Ghz, but sure.
Pic related IS NOT XFR
It's actual OC.
every relevant non-freetard software ever and 99.999% of gaming
next thursday
So why didn't you actually downclocked an 7700k instead of just pretending that by increasing or the decreasing the frequency you get a performance boost or reduction at the exact same %
Like mono core apps like super pi?....
Most of your ''apps'' are multicore
Why are you asking retarded fucking questions, nigger?
This, can't wait to see how shit they are for real world use instead of these propoganda AMD internal benchmarks.
If by multicore you meant 4 core and maybe some hyperthreading, sure, or you're trying to compare 4core i5 or i7 to Poozen in 2 (TWO!!!!!!) games that use 8+ cores? Wow AMD did win there bro! Bravo let me buy COD clone that no one plays and some other nigger-failed title no one even bought.
gl selling your workstation-ready CPU to gamers that get better results with intel for 4+ years even before Ricen was even released. AND even better luck trying to sell it as a replacement for 20+ core intel enterprise CPUs that are used everywhere where actual serious work in needed.
No one wants or needs AMD CPUs, they are Another Major Disappointment. Intel would probably cut $20-$40 from their mainstream CPUs tops, that's it. AMD wasted millions on RnD to make a shitty 2600k killer in 2017? Because it can't beat haswell where it matters. And like I said above anyone who takes work seriously would get Xeon E7-8890 v4 or something like that because they have money and they make money with that equipment. unlike AMD.
>.8 more niggahurts
>59 more burger credits
Now that's what I call TICK TOCK TOCK
>he does it for FREE
not an argument
>FREE shilling
won't quote anymore unless you'll come up with an argument
Is intel going to offer OEM massive deals again?
so you likes unoptimized games and software?
The secret is that they can cut prices and will. Then they will drop the hammer in about 12 months. Same shit happened last time AMD broke the rules and toyed with the lead.
Would be really awesome.
You can't just change the price at will without consequences, that's not how it works in a capitalist system.
You know a 16 core for workstation and a 32 core for servers is following right.
1700X is €440.
7700K is €360.
They aren't
>almost same priced
at all.
>Why are you asking relevant questions that destroys my shitposting?
>using euro trash fun bux as currency
1700 -> 320$
is that more fair ?
Neither were any of the insults, fallacies or falsehoods intel payed you 5¢ to post
Some gayme use more that 4 core...
Ryzen draw less power...
They have to. AMD already popped their bubble. Intel inflated their value long enough.
Ryzen 1400X will be the equivalent for i7. You're right it wont be
>almost same priced
It'll be a lot cheaper.
Supposedly tigerlake and cannonlake will be cheaper
also i5 with hyperthreading etc
>also i5 with hyperthreading
so, an i7?
there are like 13k games on steam, you calling only one of those games optimized?
home software I use like PS been using GPU for years and it performs really well
problem is, AMD already positioned their desktop CPUs as workstation-like. If it's the same shitty cores as in "normal" poozen with more cache it's a fail.
would LOVE to see this graph with recent non-downclocked intel CPUs
because skylake is up to 20% faster in GTA 5 than 4790k
Nice dubs Pajeet...
>because skylake is up to 20% faster in GTA 5 than 4790
FREE shilling. I want that.
No. Pentiums are already i3s since they're dual-cores with Hyperthreading. i3s will become the quad-core/no-HT and i5s with HT. i7s will be 6 cores and higher. The Jewing ends here
Why would it only boost 100mhz? Those chips are like 30% more expensive. That makes absolutely no sense.
have fun with a newer game
there is a video link there for imbeciles like you
also can you please post your cpu-z screenshot with a thread in the background to proof you're not a trolling/shitposting poor indian if you want to continue this dialog
>buy Intel
>lol can't overclock unless you pay extra for Zx70 board
>lol can't overclock unless you buy highest-end K-chip
We haven't even seen R5 1600(x) yet, can't wait for mid-market to blow Intel TF away
Poojeet stop doing it for free.
Cannonlake is laptop only
>another year, same old excuse
Literally bulldozer 2.0
>reading comprehension
new CPUs in GTA5 game YOU mentioned. Also, why are you still grasping at straws, I already mentioned your whole TWO games here:
I'm a different guy.
>4.7 GHz chip
>can barely compete with 3.5 GHz Intel offering
Intel just can't compete. 7700K clocked 1ghz higher failing at simple computation.
desperate for attention then? anyways I already answered you delusion there
>half the cores
Enjoy your 7zip performance AMDfags
>4 core vs 8 core
nah kill yourself
So you like unoptimized games and software...well
What about the 8-Core 6900K?
yes it was. but we talk about ryzen and cores and scaling.
>anyways I already answered you delusion there
didn't even read your post.
Servers are power and thermal limited. Given everything shown sofar Ryzen uses less power. That means more headroom to clock up higher core variants without exceeding TDP.
Sky/Kaby having a 3-4% IPC lead won't matter when their 32 core chips are clocking higher than Skys top 28 core SKU can.
Intels is cheaper.
>want pay $1500 for the same performance with a Intel CPU
Bulldozer was made for branchless integer throughput, that's about it. Soon as you throw in some branches, floating point, or heavy cache usage it falls apart.
Really fuckin good for media transcoding and code compilation though.
>sofar Ryzen uses less power
wrong right there, you're comparing desktop CPUs without iGPU to intel proper all around desktop CPUs not intel workstation CPUs that don't have them.
1700 can OC, 7700 can't
Oh no, they compared it to 6900k which has no iGPU.
why do I need 8 core CPU in my desktop? For winrar and apparently excel? And for this I have to sacrifice performance in virtually every game? No tyvm