Who here still using Sandy Bridge and doesn't fall for Ryzen shills and jews? Seriously there's no reason to upgrade

Who here still using Sandy Bridge and doesn't fall for Ryzen shills and jews? Seriously there's no reason to upgrade.

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I'm still on a Core 2 Quad and thinking of falling for the Ryzen meme.

Depending what type of cpu got the Sandy Bridge years, you should at least go Ivy Bridge or at best Haswell

8c/16t Ryzen absolutely destroys anything from Sandy Bridge. Sorry, it's true.

I support amd in their quest to dethrone Intel. But as a 2500k/780 owner I'm not sure I need to upgrade for gaming.

More cores won't necessarily boost my fps, will it?

>2500k poorfags being this mad

>when intel only pays its indian shills in six year old obsolete stock

Who here still using Core2 and doesn't fall for Sandy Bridge shills and jews? Seriously there's no reason to upgrade.

Who here still using Pentium 4 and doesn't fall for Ryzen shills and jews? Seriously there's no reason to upgrade. I also need a winter heater


i3570k is the best processor ever made

prove me wrong

please..I just bought an entire westmere xeon HP workstation for $150 on emay and scores 80% of my $1000 i7-6700 build. guess what I'm selling....

I use i5 2500/gtx 760 no plans to upgrade anytime soon, but I'm with the previous guy on enjoying seeing Amd dethrone Intel. It's just been an interesting thing to see Amd actually make a comeback. pic no relate


yeah i'm done chasing the dragon. from here on out i'm going to buy used business laptops or workstations from a local reseller and use them until they break or whatever software i use won't run on the hardware anymore

Ivy Bridge 3770K here running @ 4.6GHz since 2012

I'm on a Xeon E3 1270, but I'm considering going after a Ryzen 5 1600X for my next machine.

No good sir I can't find one reason.

t. 3570k owner

i7 Intel Nehalem/Bloomfield master race

I'm still using a pentium e5300

I'm on two Xeon X5482s. They're maximum power. They were 30 years ahead of their time.

Laptop has a i7 2670QM. I feel like it will still good in another 5 years for what I do. the only higher intensity work is using ffmpeg and compiling stuff, it stills churns it out very fast.

I skipped Sandy and jumped to Ivy instead :^)


4790k master race


a real user is 31 years ahead and milks tears from non-believers

Who still using Pentium III and doesn't fall for Pentium 4 shills and jews? There's no reason to "upgrade" to a slower processor.

I haven't the heart to toss my Coppermine yet, user.

>Ryzen needs 16 threads to perform better than Sandy Bridge

>tech needs any reason to be better


>when you're still using a Tualatin 1200mhz
Wait for Conroe, don't buy into Bentium 4 lies

Yup. Aside from emulation and occasional CSGO I am not a gamer

Pic related is more than enough for all my home computing needs.

Reporting in


why is your mouse n the left side of your keyboard?

I have an ivy bridge and it blows ass when recording anything higher than 1080p. So you shut your lying whore mouth.

share wallpaper plz


I'm still using Haswell.

I'm on this, I run all the games I play at 60fps, and I have no need to upgrade anytime soon

>All these retards falling for the MUH CORES meme
It's like everybody here is too young to remember Bulldozer

why not phsyically remove the webcam instead of covering it with a bandaid?

P4 @4.3GHz


it's time man, it's time.
Let it go, it served us well, time to move on.

2600k fag here
I'll upgrade when Intel releases all the good shit they have been hiding.

or just cut power to it

using a 2500k since launch, gonna upgrade to the 1700 when the dust settles

what if, god forbid, your caps blow?

If I had a 4-core sandy I'd get a Ryzen in a heartbeat, but I have a 3930k...

>tfw all these people memeing about older cpus but you're still on a 12 year old x2
i'm going to kill myself before r5 comes out

It's more lewd with the band aid

I'm on a Haswell i5.

Considering Ryzen. Dem cores and threads, having an enthusiast grade system.

pentium misterrice here

>having an enthusiast grade system.
I think as of yesterday this collection of words lost it's meaning. Enthusiast now means having xeons for $8k or upcoming napels at home.

might want to upgrade to a deep freeze to cool your gpus.

try playing games released in the last 5 years

Implying I play any modern games

Well I do play Overwatch, runs at 60fps with almost all settings on high, or ultra. Occasional frame droppage to 40, but nothing bad.

>Implying I play any modern games
you opinion about hardware is irrelevant then

>I use only dos and basic
>sandy bridge is enough

no shit sherlock




But I can run Crysis

it's stock 2600, why do you lie? mine gets only 1200

so can rx470 and i3.

haswell refresh. 1-2% difference in newer generations, entirely based on clock speed. IPC actually went down.

>>/wg/ (sorry I'm being a phoneposter)
Once I get a USB microphone I'm going to physically remove the webcam and microphones

2500k here
starting to wonder if I'll ever need another CPU
I feel like this thing is going to last me until 2030 at this point

>intel laid off almost whole verification personal

the future is dead.

Sandy here, I7 2600k.
However I'm switching to AMD (who knows "maybe" a Ryzen) because of hyper-visors + not being a total scrub who gives a shit about brand loyalty.

>tfw will be stuck on my 2640M i7 in my X220 that doubles as a hotplate with youtube for likely the next 3 years

I got this 2600 machine from a credit union hardware refresh. Its a nice little HP business machine.

People are using i5:s for gaming. This is almost equal in single-core and still wrecks in multi-core.

The only reason I'd upgrade is for even better multi-core power, but I don't think I'd benefit enough from extra cores for Reaper, Sai, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to warrant a costly upgrade.

Reminds me of Chef from South Park.

my dream is to buy two old xeons on ebay and like 256GB RAM and run some kick-ass virtual machines

just waiting for VM software to catch up

Still Westmere Xeon here.
I will probably upgrade to Ryzen in about half a year, though!

>Left handed mouse
>covering the webcam
>meme old comfy keyboard
You are truly gentoo man senpai


it'll be worth it

2500k getting a Ryzen 7 1700x

Dude the fuck are you talking about, every intel socket is different, there's no way to upgrade past sandybridge if you have a sandybridge CPU

I am still on a 2500K, and very unlikely to upgrade until it breaks or becomes unusable.

That said, I definitely want to see Ryzen be successful, and bring about a more competitive AMD. Monopolies are horrendous for consumers. If you support Intel, you will want Ryzen to succeed too: Competition brings better improvement.



CPU-Z version 1.78.1.x64


Number of processors 1
Number of threads 8


Processor 0
-- Core 0
-- Thread 0 0
-- Thread 1 1
-- Core 1
-- Thread 0 2
-- Thread 1 3
-- Core 2
-- Thread 0 4
-- Thread 1 5
-- Core 3
-- Thread 0 6
-- Thread 1 7


ACPI timer 3.580 MHz
Perf timer 2.142 MHz
Sys timer 1.000 KHz

Processors Information

Processor 1 ID = 0
Number of cores 4 (max 4)
Number of threads 8 (max 8)

Ivy Bridge and Sandy Bridge use the same socket, dumbass.

You literally said Haswell.

2500k here, I can't see any reason to upgrade to a glued cpu.

I'm going to upgrade next month. I was tempted to preorder, but there's no reason to not wait for the benchmarks.

I'm on a i7 6700k, have a athlon x4000+ and in the mail obiously even I know i've been blown the fuck out, get over it and get real son your not going to be at the top all the time unless your some rich S.O.B.

claim down fan boy its like you never seen competition before .
Look if your going to go at it go make a vlog on youtube and cry like all the shills do
I honestly don't care about top of the line gear

But if this thread is just about balling your eyes out .
get lost.
Ughhh fan boys... when will they learn.

also Ryzen people have been waiting for fucking ages for their cpu's let them have some dignity and pride.

this 6700k is overkill for me in everything but when i was younger i knew what the average top end user wants and so i'm letting them party
and why not?

I'm still using a i7920. I've been waiting for this moment

$ inxi -C
CPU: Quad core Intel Core i5-3570K (-MCP-) cache: 6144 KB
clock speeds: max: 4300 MHz 1: 2944 MHz 2: 2769 MHz 3: 3199 MHz 4: 3089 MHz

3570k here, I'm going to upgrade to an 8 core this year and it definitely won't be Intel.

Dude. Third party reviewers have already leaked that they've hit new world records in CineBench R15 with Ryzen overclocking.

When the embargo is lifted, it's only going to confirm everything we already know. Best price/performance/thermals across the board. Unlocked overclocking.

Only thing lacking right now are good motherboard compatibility lists and third-party HSF brackets.

maybe he doesn't do CineBench?

Sandy bridge, holy shit, might as well use a celeron 667mhz

i7-2640m laptop here, wish I did have a Kaby Lake machine at this point but the pricing on that stuff at this moment is just not worth it and the only aspects I care about are power efficiency more than anything else.

As for Ryzen, sorry, just not a fan of AMD. I have built AMD-based systems in the past and they worked fine for their intended design purposes, but I myself have never really used one as a daily runner, been an Intel fan and user since the 1970s and that's not going to change anytime soon.

I don't care if the pricing on Ryzen is competitive or that some of their processors may actually outperform Intel ones of the same/similar clock speed, I care about everything all together and not just one spec so that means Intel will remain my processor of choice for pretty much as long as I'll be using computers and Intel lasts (that's forever afaic).

My 2500k is still kicking, but it's now in my mother's computer. I decided to upgrade to Skylake for three reasons:

1. My mom needed a new computer anyway.
2. There's no guarantee that future processors will still support Windows 7.
3. I am now unemployed and have no idea if I will have the money to upgrade my system in another few years.

You guys think sandy is bad, I'm still running a phenom ii dual core that has survived 3 years at 1.6 volts. I was hoping that it would die when ryzen came out, but it still runs.

Still running an i5-2400 and no urge to upgrade at all. LineageOS rebuilds in 10 min.

2500k @ 4.1GHz here (because for some reason my BIOS can't do more than that good job MSI :---DDDD)

It's fine for everything I do except high bitrate H264 and it can't do HEVC

I can kind of compensate high bitrate H264 with GPU decoding but for HEVC you need a pretty fucking new GPU so I'm not gonna bother

I said to myself I'll only upgrade if anything in my setup seriously inhibits my workflow (right now it really does not, I just can't watch ebin 4k 60fps 10bit tech demos) or if something outright breaks.

I was under the impression my mobo would give up much sooner but it's already going almost 6 years and everything works (except OC'ing past 4.1GHz REEEEEE)

IPC of Ryzen is better than Sandy

>It's fine for everything I do except high bitrate H264 and it can't do HEVC
I think there might be something wrong with your computer, Even on integrated graphics my i5 can handle HEVC 1080p hi10.
Or are you trying to run 4k or something?

faggot learn to use the mouse like a normal person

t. lefty