Okay, with ryzen about to drop, let's have a discussion about ddr4. Many of us have ddr3 ram and will need to upgrade when we purchase ryzen. Let's all decided what is the best bang for buck for 16 gigs of ddr4. So far I think the Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz for $128.99 seems to be a great price for very fast ram from a reputable brand.


Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231914&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
amazon.co.uk/G-SKILL-F4-4000C18D-16GTZR-Trident-PC4-32000-Channel/dp/B01N7R61ZL/ref=sr_1_9?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1487896505&sr=1-9&keywords=ddr4 4000

Same exact thing for $10 less
newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231914&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

corsair doesn't make ram by the way, they have the same failure rate as any other ram retailer
3000mhz was the best MHz/$ a while ago but now that the prices are fucked it's anyone's guess

buyed myself the G.skill ripjaws V 16Gb 3000mhz for 83€ months ago. now they are ~130€


It's truly a horrendous time to buy RAM.
The G.skill Trident Z 3200mhz 32Gb CL14 RAM kit that I bought 3 months ago, is now 170€ more expensive.
That's like 80% price increase and the prices are still going up.
I remember an article where they said, that the prices might climb all the way till the end of this year.


>Living on 96GB of ECC samsung 10600 DIMMs
All set for virtualization here. No plans for new RAM for years to come.

>ecc memory
enjoy your high latency and slow ass pc.

>tfw spent less than $1/GB on triple-digit RAM
livin da lyfe

>enjoy your high latency and slow ass pc.
That's not how it works you little faggot

I am, however, enjoying live dedup and gzip-9 compression on all datasets.

why won't my 4x4gb crucial sport DDR4 2400 not overclock?

Probably binned like shit. Why do you want to though?

Depends on your motherboard, there's various reasons why but all based on the mobo

Why is it that ddr4 pricing in general is fucked at the moment?

(((They))) raised them because ryzen will crush

Smartphones. Fucking smartphones, they started using DDR4 too and now the demand is enormously more than the supply

I purchased the exact RAM OP linked for my new build a month ago and it's great.

u wot m8?

Newegg has that shit for $140, though amazon has the same shit for lulz $300+. what in the actual fuck?

DDR3 is also pretty god-awful right now too, a 16GB 2400 kit I bought a year ago for $70 is now $100. Maybe it's on the way out for good and hit expensive niche status like DDR2 did, even though the differences between DDR3 and DDR4 aren't nearly as vast as DDR2 and DDR3

The hype with these new chipsets is more the CPU's involved, and less the RAM

>All AMD Radeon branded RAM is DDR3

I am bitterly disappointed that I can't make a full Amada build.

>AMD Radeon R7 Performance Series R7416G2400U2K DDR4 — 2x 8Гб

it's only 2600 though, but it is freaking cheap here

Best RAM reporting in.

forgot to ask, how is it? price is tempting, and it would be kind of fun to make full AMD build down to RAM and SSD(840evo needs backup)

>buying RAM with names like "Vengeance", "Sniper" or "Sports".


why is memory price so high, was there another flood?

Any suggestions for low-cost (cheap as possible) boards that take ECC along with a processor? I've got an x58 board with some xeon that supports ECC but the board doesn't have the microcode, I guess. I've also got about 64 GB of DDR3 ECC lying around that cost next to nothing.

Yep. The 16GB 3200MHz kit I purchased in May last year is now 65% more expensive. You can't even get a baseline shitty 2133MHz kit for the same price now. It's crazy.


It was the cheapest at the tim, 69 Euros for a 16gb stick. Should have bought two i guess, but i thought buy later, when you have more dusposable cash.

It's morally wrong to support the marketing idiocy, even if it's a bit cheaper.

I've been able to lowball ram from people on the local classifieds sites. Managed to get a pair of 8GB kingstons for $20, a stick of 4GB adata for $4, other sizes as well. Out of almost 3 dozen sticks of DDR3 I've been stockpiling, only 5 sticks tested bad, but it's nothing a few fake receipts and RMA requests can't fix.

Mobile market is soaking up all the chips. Supply and demand.

This is really well rounded bait, newfriends get baited by it and we can have a chuckle at it, good job.

So, is there a point to have fast-ass RAM if the B350 mobos only support 2333 or 2133 max?


yeah, z270 board too only support 2133 first glance
There is not stock 3200 support anywhere, you have to OC, kind of, RAM does support it but controller doesn't.

is this a good deal for $113?


At this point anything over 2400 is a dice roll and will require fucking around in bios to get working, just like when DDR3 came out and people making these crazy claims about clock speed but zero motherboards supported it

but higher ram speeds are proven to increase your fps.

Laugh if you want but it increases my headshot ratio by 1.7 percent, can't go back

I don't really understand timings how do they work? I understand lower is better but which numbers matter more than the others?

Is 15-15-15 better than 14-16-16?(both 2400mhz) This shit has always confused me and I never got a clear answer. Not to mention as frequencies go up so do the timings. And because I hear that mhz doesn't really matter for gaymen does this increased latency mean less performance? Or because the frequency is increased it's evened out?

2017 is NOT a good year to buy RAM, well at least til october 2017. But I still wouldn't recommend!

>many of us
>will need to upgrade when we purchase ryzen

Why is this obvious shilling allowed?

higher latency at the same clocks is always worse
higher clocks that doesn't sacrifice latency is always better.

16-16-16-32 3200Mhz is better than 12-12-12-24 2400Mhz even though they both have the same (effective) latency.
the best thing to do would get something like 17-17-17-34 3600Mhz if you can find it cheap. or 14-14-14-28 3200Mhz.


OP is trying to get money from Referal links

look at the


at the end of the link,

any purchases done through that link give him money

instead buy it on your own through the same link without any referrals at the end


Didn't really answer my question, I understand that higher latency at the same mhz is worse but I don't understand which numbers in the timings have more benefit. Or how the latency compares when compared with higher mhz modules.

Op here. You are retarded

>only bought 8gb of ram when i upgraded to skylake
>planned to get 16gb eventually when prices go down
>prices actually went up


which DDR4 ram would g recommend for video editing?

>not buying Mushkin ram

it's like you hate lifetime warranteies.

I heard in games the 2400 does better than the faster stuff.
Then again theres a lot out there with ddr4 ram already as its been around an age, just all the poorcunts can now buy it.

Yes user

You are literally me. Bought this last year for my Skylake upgrade and thought 8 GB was enough at the time. Turns out I need 16 GB, but what the actual fuck is this $30 increase in price?

So what mhz is confirmed best for gaming? 2400, 3000, 3200?

Generally when talking about any creative tools, whether it's Photoshop or some video editor, you want something that's as fast as your budget allows you to buy.

Just search for 3000+ whichever gives you the best deal for the amount of GB you want.

What the hell is mushkin?
It sounds like one of those things from tumblr...

And between a budgeted price bracket? Is it better to go for same speed lower latencies or go to higher speed and higher latencies?

For example, 2400 stuff is usually CL15/16. So, for roughly the same cost would it be more beneficial to get 2400 CL12 or go one notch or two higher on the speed tier with the same CL15/16?

Ryzen only supports RAM up to DDR4-2666.

Sure is some bait ya got there, be a Shame if it went to waste

Where are your RGBs?

That can't possibly be the best.

user knows what's best

it went up 10 dollars since last night, glad I ordered it then and dodged the bullet.


Can't say I have a clear answer for you there, maybe someone else can answer it.
I went and looked at benchmarks when I was looking for RAM kits.
Though I don't think there's a clear cut answer which one performs better, the one with lower latency or the one with higher frequency, that's if the difference isn't too big between the two.
For example is there a big difference between 3200 cl14 compared to 3600 cl16 and which one is better?
I'd say they're about the same, but who knows which one strictly speaking performs faster.
But you're not going to see a huge difference between those even if there is one.

Just aim for the lowest latency once you've decided on the frequency range and look at benchmarks of the models.
I suggest you aim for stuff at the 3000mhz level, last I checked the prices aren't dramatically higher than with the 2400 range.

What about this?

>it went up 10 dollars since last night.
If this shit keeps up, 32gb of ram is going to be hitting near 500$ at the end of this year.

(((they))) created a shortage of dimms.

and intel supports only 2133, your point?

>stockpiling ram
I've been doing the same thing. Spare ddr3 for laptop and desktop. Desktop had 2100mhz 16gb ddr3 ram that I got on clearance last year for $50 canuckbucks. Prices are crazy at the moment. Bought spare ram as I want my 4670k itx build to last another 2-4yrs.

I propose compromise, 3400 at cl15.

but really above 3ghz it barely matters if it's 16 or 14, for some reason it breaks at cl17 though, no idea what math behind it

All memes aside, that's the best looking RAM stick I have ever seen. The LED is perfectly diffused and depending on brightness adjustments really stands out.

Don't tell me that... ITX is going to be a bitch to build.

non-gaymur style sticks

Kaby Lake supports 2400.

> Okay, with ryzen about to drop,
> let's have a discussion about
> ddr4. Many of us have ddr3 ram
> and will need to upgrade when
> we purchase ryzen. Let's all
> decided what is the best bang
> for buck for 16 gigs of ddr4.
I'm using crosshair value ram 667MHz.. ddr3.



This. Why the fuck am I gonna spend 200€ in ram gets to get more 2 fps?

Go big or go home, poorfag

>not posting the full chromium version

I need to upgrade to 16gb. Anything should i need to know before buy ? I only into gaming, so just buy any 16gb ?

Invest XMP ram

Fuck RGB ram

Who makes corsair's ram?

If you don't absolutely have to, don't upgrade right now.
Prices are terrible and be expected to lower mid- to long-term again.

Besides that, not really. If you're just into vidya go for the best deal for the amount of GB you want.

the special edition? It wasn't out when I bought my dom plats. Wasn't the price pretty high?

are you rapefugee from germany?

>tfw had to remove light bar just so my aio could fit
felt batman

What are the estimates on when RAM goes back down to reasonable prices again? Is this going to be like when there was a disaster in whatever country they made tons of hard drives in and they used it as an excuse to jack up prices for 3 years?

Oh my sweet lord

amazon.co.uk/G-SKILL-F4-4000C18D-16GTZR-Trident-PC4-32000-Channel/dp/B01N7R61ZL/ref=sr_1_9?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1487896505&sr=1-9&keywords=ddr4 4000

If the jews have their way. Never. Remember how hard disks were supposed to fall back to pre-flood levels? Same scenario. Remember how fuel prices were supposed to go back down? OPEC cut back on oil production and now it's gone back up again. Never trust sandniggers and Jews when it comes to money.

I was thinking about getting this no-frills, $110 shit. But is it any good?

Can you force the ECC kernel module in Linux?


mhz makes no difference in gayming

16gb is so god damn expensive especially in canada man fuck

is that the dell guy

I got my 16gb DDR4 3200MHz Corsair from Microcenter for $100 that isn't exactly a great price you have there.

Just ask for a price match and you can get the price you want.

what i need from RAM:
>a critically radical name
>serious fucking looking heat sink-looking plastic packaging
>ribbed for her pleasure
anybody have the best example of this? OP is already on to sometime

i think Linus or Salizar Studios did a test about this

the quick and dirty is that even if there is higher latencies they are so much faster at everything else that they make up for any latency. Like a Ferrari stopping for a Red light next to the USS Enterprise. Even if the Ferrari gets moving faster, the spaceship will just go Warp 10 and get their faster anyway.

Are there downsides to high mhz? I just dont want to deal with any bullshit i hate doing surgery on desktop

It really is the biggest pile of snake oil to justify more shekles. I have ran some generic ddr3 ram from a pre built cheap best buy computer for years. Never once had a problem with it.

the whole overclocking and 'rig' scene is full of retards who throw away money but I like them because they're always selling