Question: Do Japanese people hate us? I've noticed some animosity. You know...

Question: Do Japanese people hate us? I've noticed some animosity. You know, it wasn't anybody on Sup Forums who dropped nuclear bombs on you, right?

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Is there a punchline?

I was asking a legitimate question

I don't get it.


I'd rather like America

If there are US haters in Japan, they could be pro-Russian/Chinese people. Sorry, Murrica. But there are the twats who try to tear US-Japan relation.

i swear americans are generally fucking retards

how could there be any mistaking what was stated in the OP. how could you be so fucking incredibly dumb?

I'm not pro-Russia/China.

But I hate US and goverment for their dick foreign policy.

Trump is using ”anti-Japan sentiment”for attention.and many Americans support him.

I don't know why many Japanese would likes US?

I love Trump, you love Trump, this is answer.

>liking the most xenophobic, ugly, racist, failing economic state in the world
>the fuckers are so old and ugly that they refuse to breed
>work until they die

I know why no one likes Japan, it's fucking awful.

Shoo r*ssiaroach

He's also a pro-Russian person. Somehow pro-Russian people seem to include anti-Japanese people. That is to say, Trump is Japan's enemy.

Fuck the nips, anime boy.

>I know why no one likes Japan
Russians and pro-Russian people could fan anti-Japanese people.

>Trump is Japan's enemy
>Trump is using ”anti-Japan sentiment”

you guys really do just make this shit up don't you

Americans love Japan.

I think you are North Korean or commie

Our minority = more crazy Japs love America

Russia/USSR has been Japan's enemy from first. It used even Korea and China for its purpose.
Before Russo-Japanese War, Russia had fanned anti-Japanese people in Korea. While Russia collapsed later, it's still been continueing.
It makes sense that Russia/USSR should be called the root of all evils.


I hate Russia and US in equal.

are u half Americano or something?why you so Ameriboo...


China, Russia, US, and koreashit are all enemies.

Japan, I was just ribbing you (OP here), I could never hate you because of masterpieces like Neon Genesis Evangelion. Also Rozen Maiden.

Song for you, bro.

Zootopia was AMAZING. Best film I've seen for quite some time. Across the Pacific brofist. I live on the Pacific coast.

I like enemy America, and hate Evashit.


Because there's no reason not that Russia/USSR is hated more than US.

>Russia/USSR happened the Pacific War with HAL note
>works Germany to hate immigrant/refusees
>plundered the sheds of Matsumae clan
>the occupation of Tsushima

Rather Russia could be so-called the boss of Korea and China. Even if Japan defeated Korea and China, it'd be meaningless if Russia made a new puppet.

UNIT ONE IS GOD MODE. All other mechs bow to Yui's greatness.

Stop this. Japan and the US are bros.

You represent something we don't like. Tourists are okay, but so many English teachers who come and just fuck young girls and act like 'I'm the best' are really too many. It's like frat boys who suddenly find teaching jobs, almost all are weeaboos, it's really weird and feels like a dirty feeling when I'm around them.

China has the same problem. Lots of westerners, usually Americans because they have native English skills and there are lots of them, come to China to teach and act like they are big people because they get a lot more female attention and get a lot of money they all become like Dan Bilzerian with regards to their attitude.

I don't really have a problem with girls going for foreign guys as long as the guy is a respectable person, but so many young and stupid girls go for the young and stupid guys and it leads to lots of situations which are considered faux pas in Japan, for example I was eating at a small nook and cranny sushi restaurant a few days ago with my girlfriend and there were two other girls were having dinner next to us, a group of Australian guys came out from a nearby bar and were talking loudly outside, and one of them walked up the girls having sushi (the door to the restaurant is always open) and tries to chat them up. The girls clearly wanted him to go away, politely answering a few questions with short answers. This went on for 2 minutes before the girls finally said to him, 'this is a private conversation.' and he left. Approaching someone like this, walking up to two people having dinner together and trying to flirt with them, is considered extremely rude. I have never seen a Japanese do this but it happens a lot with foreigners, along with talking loudly, lots of touching, etc. Don't get me wrong, I hate when Japanese do this stuff too, but WAY more foreigners than Japanese do this. On the other hand I know some respectable foreigners who understand the culture and act like guests in a house, and I like them.

> Even if Japan defeated Korea and China
You seem to watched too many animes

I really don't understand why people go and move to Japan, even if they are a weeb. I like Japan too but I'll never move there because I know that I'll just never fit into the culture. I was raised in a different society with different values and no matter how much I try to fit it I will never do it well enough. It's just better to stay where I am. I'd like to at least visit one day though.

Won't happen anytime soon though because no money.

>I really don't understand why people go and move to Japan,
I'd recommend that don't move there and criticize it. You can spend your limited time for something productive.

just saw this movie with my mum

good film desu lad

fucking furry

One thing is liking, another things is falling to the stereotypes of intelligent, emasculate, hard working asian men.

>Filthy jap is denying he'd fuck the bunny.
It's okay, we'd all fuck the bunny.

I want to put the bunny on my dick and spin her like a top. Only then can I achieve liftoff and take my place among the stars.

Wanting to fuck a bunny is natural. Admitting to it isn't. I am supernatural; you? a faggot.

Not the guy you replied to but what I don't get is why people have such delusions about certain places, move there, hate it, and act like complete dicks about it. It's not just Japan, it's really everywhere in general. I'm from a place where a lot of Americans around the country move to and for the most part, end up hating it because it's not the fantasyland they were conditioned to believing it would be.

The same people that move here also take such great offense to what I have to say in regards to their irrational feelings, it's just that they're unpleasant people, and I generally dislike people like that, it's hypocritical of me to think that, but I really wish people weren't so impulsive and felt like life was just to be completely satisfied, even when that's not the case.

Sorry for my long rant, I have plans on visiting Japan this September, my first time, I'm still figuring out where I want to go. I really want to see the entire country. I have the money to do it, it's just that when I travel, usually I like seeing places whole for what they are, not just parts, having driven across the states and been in all 50, I'm hoping I get to do this. I have a month, and understand I might not get to see it all, but just what's a nice all-around trip idea?