(((most hygenic hand dryer ever)))
(((most hygenic hand dryer ever)))
Hand dryers are not hygienic in the first place. They're just blowing moldy+germ filled air all over your hands. Think about what the typical public bathroom is like and how well maintained the facilities are and then you realize they probably clean these things even less than that.
i hate those new age eco urinals
i worked for amazon and we had these in every office or FC
disgusting pieces of shit
A vast majority of germs are not airborne user
my girlfriend works in a lab, for a research paper, she took samples of bacteria from multiple places. The worst place by far was the bottom of these hair dryers where all of the water just sits. Next in line was the drinking fountains.
I don't even see the point in them. Why would you wash your hands and then have these things blow germs all over them anyway? You might as well just blow on your hands yourself
fuck it. gap so small, that you will always end up touching dirty / piss stained part of it.
dyson is a fucking meme
Because that's not how fuckin germs work pal... relatively few germs are capable of being airborne without a solid or liquid medium to carry them
After decades of walking into restrooms and seeing pic related, I am pleased whenever I luck out with a Dyson. At least it can do what it claims to.
Yeah, this right here. You're always gonna bump shit on the way in or way out, unless you hunch over it and put your hands straight down and back up in a really unnatural way. It's like they want you to smear your hands across all the grime as you help your robot friend make fart noises with its mouth.
I just wipe my hands on the back of my calves.
In an ideal world with an ideal bathroom where people actually wash their hands thoroughly, no-touch air dryers are more sanitary. But in the real world where people just wet their hands and call it a day, air dryers will blow their shit (literally) everywhere.
Dyson hand dryers are second rate compared to ACCELERATOR hand dryers IMHO.
Air dryers are not that good at drying. Paper towels are the best.
>Dyson hand dryers are second rate compared to ACCELERATOR hand dryers IMHO.
I agree. They have greater clearance compared to the Dyson.
The others in this thread never skilled up their fine motors with pic related.
nothing to dry if you don't wash
I don't even bother washing my hands if there's only a hand dryer. It'd probably make my hands dirtier than they were before.
You can't put your hands in it without accidentally touching the thing, since it's so tiny.
>washing your hands in a public restroom
Why the fuck do you care?
because it's a fucking lie
Autism in its prime
Are you aware of that your're posting a half-decade old technology?
They have improved their design and it uses HEPA philters combined with HVAC system coupling
It took a fucking century for to be standard
overpriced gimmickry
I've used one of those and they're still useless.
>not attaching the dryer to the sink
its like they're not even trying
>physical button to collect grease
maybe in 3rd world countries like America, maybe
>attaching something with 1000W+ next to something watery
Here's a technology that's older than you, works better than any hand blower, is cheaper to install and manage, contributes to a sustainable industry that employs thousands AND it actually fucking works
I've never understood why they even collect grease. You just washed your hands, how the fuck are you getting grease on the button
>tfw you have to use a Dyson and it even has people's pubic hair stuck to it
You wanna see something nasty?
I prefer my Dysons with people's personal hair in them.
>contributes to a sustainable industry
of chopping down green forests of Amazonia and Africa
>employs thousands
of niggers and pajeets
those XCELERATOR hand dryers are ridiculously fast, they blow your skin away from the center of the blast.
nothing is cleaner than a fresh package of paper towels in a cleaned container.
Something like heater, right?
what's the point of washing your hands they just get dirty again
>classic neckbeard reasoning
Stay cheesy, friendo.
not an argument
Best hand dryer reporting in.
Paper and deforestation have a lot less to do with eachother than you might think.
Majority of deforestation is for agriculture, poor farmers burn down a few acres of woodshit, hey look, pasture.
Paper whitening pollutes soil and rivers.
You understand that you can grow trees right?
You understand wood is sustainable industry right?
I hate these flimsy air dryers
what if I want to clean my face and forgot my tissues
I cant dry my hair with that
The NSF are terrorists. They want people dead-d-d-dead-d-dead
I really like them and I say that as someone who washes his hands over a dozen times a day. It's very fast and the feeling of blood rushing to your fingers afterwards feels good. You don't have to worry about the mexican refilling the paper dispenser or forgetting to take out the trash overflowing with used paper towels.
>he thinks that paper is coming from Amazons or Africa
If you live in the US most likely your paper is coming from the North West employing white americans
no just anything 1000W shouldn't be that close to water
Of course this is bait, but here you go:
Just lick your fingers clean, it just works!
Go away, cat, it's human thread.
Exactly this
I always end up touching the piss-stained sides when I put my hands in these things, plus the jet stream blows the faecal splatter right up into my face
Dyson products are always pure memes
I really think it's a poor design that it's so enclosed like this.
It would be so easy to accidentally touch one of the sides with your hands and then all of a sudden you're picking up all sorts of germs
this kid has no idea how we pump water out of the ground.
probably doesn't even realize we have to drill wells in the first place.
What's nasty about it? Everybody gets fresh unused cloth.
Dyson Airblade V is genuinely great.
yeah I don't wash my hands...
why do i want to kill the protective bacteria and germs on my hands, so when I touch the door to leave the restroom I can get sick?
It blows infectious water droplets everywhere.
>paper towels still btfo all hand driers in current year
Oy vey
You all niggas discussing microorganism autism and then you touch the fucking toilet door with your hands.
Plus you dont clean your hands good enough for the way you dry them to matter
and this
i always open the door with a paper towel.
problem arises when you have to throw away said paper towel and the trashcan is too far away.
it's not hygenic because it's hard to keep your hands from touching the machine
I've never had any problems with touching the machine. Is it difficult to move your hands within a one inch air gap?
Fuck hand dryers.
They take forever and manage to deafen everyone who's unlucky enough to be in the same room.
I'm extremely pleased whenever I find one of these towel things in a bathroom.
Who the fuck are these hambeasts that can't keep their hands from touching a Dyson Airblade? I didn't realize that was a thing until I read this thread. Are you people so fat that you can't see your hands underneath your protruding belly?
I'm normally pretty satisfied with these ones.
le reddit bacon xd
I've seen this picture years before reddit even existed.
EPIC FAIL my friend.
le reddit meme xd
>blows the air into the basin which is rinsed out whenever someone washes their hands
What's the problem Sup Forums?
>2017 still pissing and shitting hands
C'mon man. You're not a ((girl)) are you ?
the fact that you care what an anonymous cunt thinks about your anonymous post is pretty reddit-tier
Only good thing Dyson makes.
Why is OP such a faggot?
T. Pajeet
Look up the Dyson Tap
It fucking sucks
We aren't nips who get your fancy gook technology.
whenever i see one of these in a toilet i just open the box and grab all the paper and put it in the bag so i can use it later as paper towel for cleaning my home.
saves about $7 a month or more depending on usage.
>you touch the fucking toilet door with your hands.
i always push the door out with my butt or wait until somebody comes in if the door only opens one way
>drying your hands with anything but your shirt or pants
... Really, guys?
Except public toilets with open lids being flushed hundreds of times a day....
The air is literally filled with fecal mater.
Once walked in on an old man pissing in one of those.
Never seen a man be so angry in my life
This is the perfect example of how some things just doesn't need to be updated.
They're literal death traps, but they're also my favorite hand dryers. I'm pretty upset nowhere in my area has them
didn't mean to quote
you're so clever, jamal
14 mistakes in "mexican migrants"
>drinking fountains
Fuck I use these quite often...
Why don't places just use automatic paper towel dispensers?
Literally cheaper and more cleanly than hand dryers
my dad owns a pub and we are thinking about a dyson. Is it a meme or would it worth the price ?
I would go out of my way to go specifically to your pub because it had an Airblade
How the fuck you going to argue about hand dryers in public bathrooms when to leave the bathroom you have to touch by far the most disgusting object in a public restroom, THE HANDLE.
What a bunch of half baked autism of neckbears. Not to mention all the public poo particles you are breathing in being in a public bathroom.
I'm disappointed didn't post the shirt version worn by a busty model.
Good thing the air isn't full of dust and humidity
Just get the please.
This doesn't solve the issue of where the air comes from (the bathroom) andis still just blowing shiteair all over
I fucking hate the air dryers. When I see them I oretty much decide not to wash my hands. I'd rather go dirty than put my hand under one. Just feels gross as fuck. Like yeah, please dump whatever microbial shit is hiding in that fan all over my hands. Oh and don't actually dry anything so I still have to wipe it on my pants.
Fancy pants dryers are a meme give me a paper towel ffs