CPU Upgrade?

I'm curious to know the following from Sup Forums

1. What is your current main desktop CPU
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?

- Only have a chassis *ft03 mini*
- Sometime soon
- Been waiting for ryzen to drop which is today out of nowhere

>What is your current main desktop CPU
i5 4670k
>Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
As soon as Ryzen is available in Europe at msrp
>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
>Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
I won't even consider Intel. I need at least 6 cores and 12 threads and I don't want to spend $800 for a 6850k and an expensive 2011 motherboard.

I'll probably get the 1700x, maybe 1700 if it overclocks well with an NH D15 (at least 4.4GHz).

i7 4790k
not certain really but soon since i wouldnt mind another PC
yes Ryzen 7 looks compelling

i7 4790
No plans right now, but the itch will come

Current CPU: Athlon X4 740
When upgrading: just preordered Ryzen 7 1700X today. So in early March.
Consider AMD: obviously yes.

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
AMD Phenom II x6 1100T
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Probably in the summer, now that I can upgrade to a non-jew CPU
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
My work load is fairly multithreaded, I already made up my mind.

3570k @ 4.5

Upgrading in about a year, after I snag a vega+freesync monitor

planning on zen+

either when the 1600x launches or vega does

1. Intel i5-7600K (Kaby Lake)
2. Not for a while. I got my CPU for just $120, and upgraded from a non-unlocked i5-2500.
3. Of course.

1- oc'd 5820k
2- when shit starts running slow
3-if it makes sense when it's time to upgrade i don't care what brand it is.

amd a8 6600k

when I have fucking money, I live in a third world shithole where everything costs twice more, in dollars

e.g: a 7700k here costs mores than 600 dollars

if all this ryzen hype comes true, of course

phenom II 1100t

yes I will be upgrading sometime this year with AMD

Phenom II, can't remember which exactly but I can't check right now.
Gonna be buying a 1600X during black friday sales later this year.

I'm gonna be moving in a few months so I'm putting my money towards that. As you can probably tell, I need to replace my whole rig so it'll be a little costly.

i7 4790k, might upgraded in 3 or 4 years, idk devil's canyon performance hasn't been lacking yet, probably won't switch to AMD just yet

Phenom II x3 720 Black Edition (Unlocked fourth core, so x4 now)

Sometime between mid Spring and Summer

Always thought about getting an Intel, but I'm cheap as shit. So yes, I'm considering Ryzen heavily.

when it shits

i5 4690
played it safe with a locked CPU w/ first build
ready to upgrade and start to OC.

1. Athlon II X2 270
2. This summer
3. AMD was my choice from the start

>What is your current main desktop CPU
Don't have one ATM, my laptop has an i5 3210M
>Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
As soon as Ryzen 5 is available and benchmarked against current i5s and i7s
>Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Hell yeah, but if the r5 series turns out to be shit, I'll probably just get a i5 7500 or 7600k

>Current CPU
i5 6600
>What is your upgrade plan?
My plan is to upgrade in around every 4 years or unless a major chipset upgrade like pci express gen4 etc.
>Will you consider looking to purchase a AMD cpu
Not looking to upgrade this year, I'll have to wait and see how ryzen effects cpu market in the next few years.

1. FX-8320
2. Later
3. Of course

i5 4440
Maybe in another year or two. It's finally showing its age but not enough to justify the cost of an upgrade.

> i7 4770HQ, my laptop is my desktop
> Maybe in 1-2 years
> Fuck yes, if they manage to build a 8-core/16-thread 45W mobile APU, I will fucking get it.

[email protected]
2-3 years, literally no reason to upgrade before then when the 4790k is still "competitive" with current gen CPU's.
My CPU before the 4790k was a 1090t. I have no aversion to AMD.

1: fx8320 @ 4.4ghz
2: maybe next month or wait for Vega.
3: yes will be getting either a 1700x or 1600x if vega is out by then.

well also get rid of my 970 3.5 meme card for a vega card in the $430 price range.

AMD Phenom 2 X3 720 BE w/ 4th core unlock @ 3.8ghz
Preorder is in
Preorder is in

>scroll down after posting

i5 3570 (non k, I got it as a gift years ago)
As soon as I can depending on the model that's available and local pricing
Yes, although if intel drops its prices in order to compete I'll consider them also.
I just want an affordable MOBO and CPU for gaymen

FX 6300 overclocked.
Maybe this winter, don't really know.
AMD will be the primary option yes, if it delivers. Still waiting for the benchmarks to come.

1. i5 4670k
2.in 2-3 years
3. fuck yeah

When reviews of the various teirs of cpus and motherboards comes out and i can make a confident purchase i will buy ryzen

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
FX 8350
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
March 2nd
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
The performance is already right.

1. What is your current main desktop CPU
>4790K @ 4.6ghz
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
>after a few months of reviews
3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
>it's a done deal famalam

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
fx 8350 @ 4.8ghz
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Building a whole new pc when vega launches
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
No shit.

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
i7 4790k
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
2020, I usually upgrade every five years.
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes, I'm putting together computers for my roommate and a friend's girlfriend this autumn so I'm going to wait and see reviews of Ryzen 5 before I start buying parts.

1. I5 6500
2. CPU in 2 years and ill give it to my gf. My GPU ill upgrade if Vega is good because my card sucks but I dont want want to get an rx480 when theyre phasing out.
3. Obviously

FX 8300 @ 4ghz
my 1700X pre-order is already in

Based AMD is giving me 50% more performance per core, and something like triple my multi-threaded performance

don't care at all if it's slightly slower per core compared to Kaby Lake

1; a core 2 duo laptop, college poorfag, saving to build my rig
2; probably around christmas
3; Is there really any other choice? (except maybe the G4560)

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU

>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
not for the next 3 years, at the very least

>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?

>tfw you waited

>mfw 4690k on h81i board
>mfw no itx boards yet

- Intel i7-2600 (Non-K, which is aight but feeling slow now)
- In around 1.5 years when I graduate uni and get a real job
- Absolutely. I would honestly prefer AMD.

What is your current main desktop CPU
>FX 8320 @ 4.93Ghz
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
late April, avoid early adopter tax, wait for the price wars.
3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
I will update to an 1700X.

I had a X3 720BE unlocked to an x4 but was a horrible unstable thing beyond 3.2ghz, sold it and bought an FX 4100 that lasted almost 4 months since i sold it and bought the 8320 for pennies (FX 4100 was $80 usd, sold it for $75 and bought the 8320 on a flash sale for $90 on a bankrupt store in mexico)

I will sold my FX 8320 with his 12gb of ram and the motherboard for the price of an B350 motherboard.

1. fx 8350
2. soon
I was about to consider switching to intel since I got a gtx 1070
already preordered and I'll decide to cancel or not later

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
Phenom II x6 1100T

>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
If Ryzen is good, then when the next high end AMD graphics cards come out (and is competitive)

>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
FX 8350
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Probably later in the year
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes, when I saved enough money and Ryzen and Vega drop in price like RX 480s now.

*lags into your path*

1.pic related
2.within this year
3.If price/performance of 1600x beats the 4 core intel chips for gaming or OC's better yes otherwise no.

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
i7 920
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Summer/fall of this year
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes, most of what I do on my computer involves heavy multithreaded workloads and that's where AMD seems to shine.

>probably when zen+ arrives so they work out all the quirks and get more juice out if it, like core i7 2nd get vs 1st
>yea fuck intel

I'm sorry, but did Intel already lose? Oh, that’s right. Ryzen isn't even out yet. In fact, it’s only coming out in a week. Does having more or less the same performance as a chip that's as half as expensive count as a loss? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the real benchmarks aren't out? Intel are still R&D right now and they have been the best microprocessor manufacturers in the industry for how many years now? They’re against one of the worst company in the industry who just happen to have a lead because they’re feeding off the energy of having hired Jim Keller. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Intel own the best fabs, they increased their IPC by 5% last year and would of continued if AMD fanboys didn't shill so much. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you’re going to be embarrassed when Intel releases decently priced CPUs and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, AMD did not say anything about the R5 where the real market really is. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Intel topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like Intel because they’re good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking companies on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

1. i5 4670
2. This computer is about 3 years old now, so probably soon.
3. I went intel/nvidia this time around and and probably going AMD/AMD on my next build.


FX 8350
On summer I guess, enough time to find out if Ryzen is the real deal, me thinks
Fuck yes

Thinking about it depending on
If the price/performance is right

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
i5 2500K
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
when it stops working
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?

>I5 4690k at 4.4
>Probably about a year from now
>Already am mate

My other PC is an i5 Mac mini which I sold. Right now this is my only computer... Is this good or bad?

i5-6600K for gaming, i7-6850K workstation.

I'll be upgrading to coffee lake whenever that comes out probably.

I have no brand loyalty but AMD doesn't offer anything in the performance bracket I need.

If/when I get a new mobo thats when ill consider the switch but until then it's off the table for me. Unless ryzen absolutely blows me away.

I'm not desperately in need of an upgrade but from this payday onwards I'm putting money away to update when the VEGA GPU's are release so I can go all AMD.

1.i7 6700k
2.Christmas maybe and get a 1700x
3. Maybe, I do like the notion of 16 threads desu

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Probably in a few years unless ryzen is a success and gets shilled as hard as sandy bridge did. Then I'll upgrade sooner because sheep.
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
always have, always will.

I havent been on this board long enough to be able to tell if this is a copypasta or not.

Survay time?.... Survay time.
>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
When I have to (probably soon)

>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yep, good performance less price all the features.
Specifically, even if it was "the same price", to have access to Overclocking and virtualization simultaneously.
Business practice and artificial limitations are important factors as well as just price.

1. AMD Phenom II X4 945 @3Ghz
2. Within the next month or two
3. Yes if Intel doesn't drop their prices in that timeframe

>Main desktop CPU
you're gonna laugh, but here it is.
AMD e-450
>approx upgrade
Not sure honestly. This shitty all-in-one still barely works (on win10, idles at 55% cpu) but it does all it needs to.
>consider amd
i dont give a damn about branding. If amd is better than intel they are. but right now even a pentium 4 would be an upgrade.

>mid 2017
>looking to get an 1700x senpai

>want Ryzen
>some guy on Sup Forums said AMD won't be making an ITX unless for their slow as fuck APU line
Well this kinda sucks because I already bought the case that I wanted.

Hahaha, delusional faggot

>i5 6500
>five or so years
>I might consider using amazon no questions rma for getting a ryzen

>skylake 5 years ago
How can you get a Skylake 3 years earlier than everyone else?

The NCASE fits both mATX and iTX the fuck are you going on about?

When I get some money or a job
Hell yeah this looks great

1. What is your current main desktop CPU
2600K @ 4.5GHz
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Sometime this year.
3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes, absolutely.

i5 6500
I was thinking about holding out for 2 more years
If the price is right then I would make the switch.

Can anyone explain to me the different chipsets being offered? I want something with an XFR will all of the chipset have this feature?

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
i5 2500k
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
next month if ryzen delivers, waiting for benchmarks
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
yes. would have preordered if ECC support was more than rumors

1. pic
2. maybe in 2 years if this new healthy competition produces even better CPUs, these are still not enough
3. it's amazing

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
Main comp died a couple weeks before any of the Ryzen links and I had to have a machine for school and work.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
In a couple months if things shake out nicely. I want to see more benchmarks, see if used prices of Intel 6Cs go down maybe.

>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes. I will likely either go for broke and get a 1800X/1700X and slide this to my second computer or I'll update that aging Core 2 machine to a cheap Ryzen. Not sure depends on how well my software will respond to the cores. Photoshop/Lightroom/Premiere in particular.

I also am thinking about redoing my storage, I want some m.2 nvme cards for system/software but I want them to fully max the lanes dedicated so either way I'm waiting this one out for a bit but looking forward to what comes.

>6700k not overclocked yet
>when Intel releases a new architecture
>yes of course. Ryzen looks like it should shape up to be a success. The competition should force Intel to play their hand and release something in the next 4 years which is when I hope to upgrade.

Right now my current upgrade path will be a good aio water cooler for overclocking, then an nvme boot drive and tb SSD storage. Doubt I'm gonna have use for 32gb of ram.

1. What is your current main desktop CPU
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
When my current cpu starts slowing down my gaming performance compared to newer stuff, sooner if I start doing more multi-core intensive stuff like video rendering
3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Of course

I feel you. I'm stuck with a Pentium G3220 and as soon as I get the money I'll go with the Ryzen 3 1100

1. 3570k @ 4.2 GHz
2. It will probably be another year or two. My current one is getting long in the tooth but I rarely ever do anything where I notice a lack of performance
3. Definitely. Might just wait a year for Ryzen + Mobo prices to come down.

>In around 1.5 years when I graduate uni and get a real job
Same. I have an i5-4690k, and I'll be holding onto it for a couple more years until I have a steady income.

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
i5 2400
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
within the next 10 years
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?

1. What is your current main desktop CPU
2500k @ 4.6Ghz
2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Probably next month when reviews for Ryzen come out, I need to know if I should go for the 1700X or the 1800X
3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes, intel isn't an option.

>within the next 10 years

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
Overclocked i5 3470
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Approximately in 7-8 years, when i can't play new games with it with at least 30 fps.
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Of course. I had phenom 1075t before it and it was shit. But rysen looks good.

1) AMD Athlon II x3 450
2) in about half a year
3) ye, thats why i bought the athlon x3
overclocked to a 4 core at 3.4 ghz, can handle nearly everything well.

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
Maybe in 2 years or so. I have a big backlog of games so it'll be a while before I'm caught up there, and the 8350 is more than sufficient for my non-gaming computing.
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes, I kind of assume that for my needs AMD is always going to be the best value.

1. 7600k that I won off the silicon lottery ([email protected] stable, just need a delid for it to be 24/7)
2.IFF ryzen can clock that high, if not then I'll just get ryzen for the workstation pc because at these speeds (and the fact that it can potentially handle ddr4 4000+) it will murder most games, even unoptimized ones.
3. It is, and yes.

>What is your current main desktop CPU
i7 6700k
>Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
No plans, but will build another one for a dedicated workstation PC
>Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
i7 6700k
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
the cpu, no less than 6 years. Maybe a decade.
unless something pretty incredible comes along on the scale of say a jump from the altair to what exists now.
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
maybe but they would have to do something amazing

never ati/graphics. I have had too much shitty experience with that on linux, I would consider it on windows maybe but I do not use windows so.

I'll probably build a zen+ server when it's out

1. I5 4690k at 4.4ghz

2. Since the most demanding thing I do on my pc is play games, my quad core will be fine for at least another 3 years.

3. Too early to say. Amd might have good p/p in 3 years but Intel might be better. Way too early to say what the market will be like in 3 years.

1. i5 2400 Sandy oveclocked to 3.3Ghz on stock (with gtx 1070, first part of my build, handles bf1 decently, but looking forward to 144hz/1440p)
2. Whenever I have excess cash/hopefully a couple months
3. Gonna get the 1700X because I wanna be able to stream and produce without lag (in the multi/streaming demos the 7700K fails)
I also know that in in 2 years 6-cores are becoming the standard
Probably dodged a bullet cos I was looking to get the free M.2 SSD deal with 7700K+MSI mobo, but yeah 4% increase in performance over last gen, combined with intel's monopoly, puts me off of inferior 4 cores, taking into account intel's latest 4 core performance vs. even the 6800k which is 20% better in warhammer total war, a game that actually tests your CPU with shit loads of rendering

>what is quicksync

Not defending Intel here but that amd test was massively misleading.

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU

>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
This year probably. I'm waiting for ddr4 prices to drop.

>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Of course.

>1. What is your current main desktop CPU
Intel Q9650. Probably the strongest part of my shitty built.
>2. Approximately when do you plan to upgrade?
When the 1600X comes out. Unfortunately that is not at the beginning of next month. If Vega is only a month away when that CPU gets released, I'll wait even longer because I'm a stupid waitfag.
>3. Will you consider AMD if the price/performance is right?
Yes, I want that 100th.

2-3 years.
Yes, totally.

I want that 1600X.*