
/MeNa/ Summer Edishaan

Sause :

Invited : Gcc , North Africa , Any Expats in GCC or North Africa and the Lone Romanian poster.
Not invited : Beastality niggers

Other urls found in this thread:

cwgc.org/find-a-cemetery/cemetery/47314/MEDJEZ-EL-BAB WAR CEMETERY
cwgc.org/find-a-cemetery/cemetery/2017300/MASSICAULT WAR CEMETERY

>TFW dead tread

whats good in the ummah?

Hai ^_________^
I was at the beach and all of the sudden this girls top comes off and im like oooooooohhhhhhhh. And I felt very bad for her. That is just soooo embarrassing hahah
omg thats the worst thing ever that can like happen to a grl

Kek i lost
>comes off and im like oooooooohhhhhhhh. And I felt very bad for her. That is just soooo embarrassing hahah
>omg thats the worst thing ever that can like happen to a grl
Cant make it up lol

(.__. )

worst general

autistic under-aged muslims

How is the political situation over there in Egypt ? Everything calm now ?

How are you? Enjoying your new car yet?

>Reverse image
>No result

who is this qt lol some one related to here?

It's ok I guess >.> isis attacked Cairo yesterday tho .-.
I'm fine as wine hahah thanks wbu? :3

>some one related to here?
Nah, it's Rojbin Kizil. Kurdish grill living in Germany who posts videos of her on Youtube singing kurdish music and cute pics of her on Instagram. Kurdish music is actually bad(or it's just me who cannot get into it) but Rojbin is really cute despite her young age. I actually thought she was my age(24) or even older than me before I searched for a short bio of her on the internet last week.

Nice, happy to hear it, and I'm fine thanks!

Tell me about Tunisia in non meme answers


I mean like is it safe for tourists, how nice of a place is it really, etc...

Its a nice place for tourism there are good Beaches and small islands you can visit Historic places like forts and other its better to go there on a travel package

Well I would be going there because I found out recently that my Grandma's brother died fighting the nazis there and is buried in a war cemetery and I would be visiting it to take photos for her

This one right ?
cwgc.org/find-a-cemetery/cemetery/47314/MEDJEZ-EL-BAB WAR CEMETERY

No this one
cwgc.org/find-a-cemetery/cemetery/2017300/MASSICAULT WAR CEMETERY

oh okay
can you upload the pic of the grave if you visit that place ?
I like the way they take care of those old grave yards

Yeah I'll upload it. I don't plan on going soon though. I just got a new job and need to save up money

okay ;) best of luck

I kinda want to get to know you guys idk
You seem kinda based
Wish I was some badass bedouin riding camels and shit
poor girl
are arabs nipples pink or brown

Very dank meme coming through

I started coming to /mena/ regularly a few weeks ago tbqh and its 'personalities' are actually pretty chill and friendly, it's a comfy place

Welcome brother ;) many mena members are sleeping if im right

Im playing COD since Child hood
Cod 1 was a gift from my father
Then he gifted me ps2
i worked part time for ps3
i can buy my own ps4
all i have is COD
so recently the new trailer came out
i dont know it looks great they keep on bringing new concepts which is great
Look at this trailer youtube.com/watch?v=EeF3UTkCoxY
It has an amazing story line
Every time i play COD i get attached to those characters
I remember back in 2009 i was playing COD 5 Waw
The game was emotional it was touchy
At the 2nd last mission i forgot the character name but some commander dies who is a best friend
I felt bad i felt as if i lost some one in real
Now I'm hyped for the new COD
But look at the dislikes it makes me sad
i played All battle field except hard line
New BF is based on ww1 but it has no story line
so mena give some likes to COD trailer :p

look at this badass saudi train
I want to go to Medina



That literally looks like a toy train

i feel bad for kurds they suffer a lot.
Turkish politicians blame Kurds to collect vote.

مصر شعبها مفكك نيك يا انون اكتر من اي بلد ممكن تشوفها في حياتك
اللي يقولك المصريين شعب مسالم واننا بنحب بعض والمنيكة دي قول له كس امك
مش هيبقى الشعب ضد السلطة زي مانت بتقول الشعب هيتقسم ويبقى ضد نفسه وضد السلطة وهتبقى مقحبة اوسخ من سوريا
انا اري من موقعي هذا سنتين كحد اقصي هيحصل بعدهم انهيار كامل للمعرصة دي واندلاع حرب اهلية لعشرات السنين
هتبقى جزء من الشعب VS جزء تاني من الشعب VS الشرطة VS جزء تالت من الشعب VS الجيش VS جزء رابع من الشعب VS تنظيم الدولة VS انصار بيت المقدس VS الاخوان VS جزء سادس من الشعب
احا مصر هيبقى فيها اطراف اكتر بكتير نيك من سوريا و هتبقى كلاسترفك ابن متناكة لم يشهد له العالم مثيل و كل فلسطيني شايل مننا هينيكنا و الخلايجة هيطلعوا دين ابونا زي اليمن
احا مفيش حد في العالم بيحب مصر وكلهم هيستغلوا الموقف وهيشخوا ميتين اهالينا
لازم نهرب يا فاجز باقي لينا كام سنة و مش بعيد كام شهر و هنموت كلنا

كسم الاجانب
برةي خولات

I don't know if you're being ironic or not because I take so much shit on Sup Forums for shilling for kurds, people think I'm diaspora. But yeah, I understand their struggle and a lot of people here can relate to them, because of the secession debate of our province.

>kurds are only friendly on camera for propaganda purposes
I genuinely believe kurds are friendly toward westerners(and non-westerners) if you take the time to listen to them and at least try to understand them. In the current global situation that we live in, in the current global crisis that we live in, I believe one should take a stance and I don't think that ''nuke every brown sand people'' is a valuable stance to take.

Yet again I expect to be frowned upon and be called out for writing this

I only know English and Spanish I'm hoping during ramadan I can find some kind of live-in Arabic camp though. They have them in Texas. Tablikhi do it too but tablikhi are fags

>tfw no Kurdish gf with long & sleek jet-black hair


why even live??

A few hours ago you told us about your Kurdfu being apparently superior to Rojbin. I'm waiting for pics user :3


my gf at 0:54 :3

She is indeed a qt user :3

this is my main grill though (her name is Khaoula)

I looked at her Instagram yesterday, but she looks like an alien on most of her pics and she clearly had plastic surgery. At first I was like ''well I might subscribe to her'' but then I didn't because, well, she looks weird and too 'plastic'.

you're as good as dead to me.



Guys wtf is this ?

>don't sleep at night
>check out hornet
>got contacted by a Tunisian 21 yo 6/10 guy studying medecine in my city
>in the beginning he spoke broken Russian, but when I found out his country of origin I switched to French
>continue talking in VK
What do? He's not in my taste, tho not repulsive. He can uphold an interesting conversation.

>wtf man he's gonna get beheaded in Tunisia

Why are Tunisian posters so cute??

Kek never saw Tunisian in irl

I probably will lol.

Give his vk i use vk a lot and learned myself a bit russian

What the fug

hey guys can I get ur help in identifying a song? There's an Iraqi gril that works at a ME restaurant nearby and sometimes I watch music vidyas with her and the song comes up and I really like it but can't read your meme script so I can't find it.

Well you have to be more precise

The guy who's singing is a middle-aged fat dude, and he seems to be telling a story about a hot woman getting saved from being with an abusive guy. At one point in the video they're all in a banquet hall and he's singing making dancey hand gestures.

Why not ask the girl?

There arent any Muslims in mena, just weeaboo degenerates, homosexuals, diaspoora cucks and and the occasional Assyrian porn star

The least degenerate person who stops by is al-Britani

>tfw no khaoula

I did, but she misunderstood me and I didn't want to be a douche and try and correct her because she's a depressive and got super happy about what she thought I was asking her. Making friends in BC is so easy because the basic requisite for making somebody happy is to take basic interest in their home culture.

I want to move back to Canada and live in Hongcouver when I have the money desu

a-are there many mena qt's there?

>yfw Khoula is getting bumpered by a tag team of nig nogs/spics and there's nothing you could do to join in on the fiesta

>There arent any Muslims in mena, just weeaboo degenerates, homosexuals, diaspoora cucks and and the occasional Assyrian porn star
Delete dis

>implying I'm degenerate

>occasional Assyrian porn star
literally who

Some American assyrian who livestreamed himself fucking a girl.
>he was so bad she went on her phone as fast as it ended.

It was a few months ago, I think? Surely I did not hallucinate this


n o u


>not knowing AA

It was so bad it couldn't be an hallucination.

Really? I want to leave.

Mostly Asians but there are a few MENA qts. The gril who works at the ME restaurant is a super qt but I think she's taken.

ME QT = married to cousin or fixed to some asshole

yellow man come home ~

Arabs do this even today?
I mean people know what happens when you do this for a few generations right?

What were you citing need further clarification senpai
>he's too beta to even attempt cucking
You need a Thunderstorm in your life familito






Canukstan is very well-integrated, so there are a lot of MENA sluts and wholesome but single grils over here. Despite the memes the multiculturalism is very comfy and well-done

I'm as white as the day is long, but how well do they take to foreigners over there?

I don't want to cuck her, she's just a qt and I'm only heteroflexible.

And does anybody know the song I'm talking about? It's kinda slow and in a minor key. I think it's from Egypt. The video shows some chick on a bed with a nasty fat guy who gets rescued by a young handsome guy and they run through an area with buildings that are sand-colored. It looked p haram because the chick was dressed pretty skimpily.

Going to Morocco this summer, should I try to find her?

you start the founder effect and get a whole voillage of cute little mini-me's who look uncannily like you?

They get retard babies aftr few gen

That's the spirit Hong-Chong it doesn't matter if she was a designated jizz dumpster at some point of her life

You just have to beelieve in your judgement and that might deter some of the hardstone truth away don't falter friendo :)

Only if you're OK with never loving anyone else ever again

oh and tell her her ssinifu says hi ~

ooh some non-paki looking hijabis on my tram

maybe they're Persian

Take creepshot this time get the angles right senpai

remember it's the ass is what makes or breaks a creeplock

>have csgo anomaly on list
>dosent talk
>invites me for game
>opens knife
>give to every one for free except me

Sad life

you're a sick and twisted man

don't reply to me or my posts ever again

those eyes ~

pretty well although you'll be in a bit of an expat bubble unless you make the effort to break out desu

I'm taking your khawla

good bye

>tfw no big-titted hairy-armed blonde cumskin gf

why go on lads

once you realise that white girls dont matrr the world becomes a much more interesting place

those tits and hair though

Obligatory bump

Don't die on me fggts

Dat get

I did my part see you tonight senpaitachi

>just wake up





Do you have a brother named Paul

How did you stalk me ?

Thoughts on the beurette phenomenon?

I doubt it's you desu

who are youu ?_?~~~~~~~~~