How do you like your meat cooked Sup Forums?

How do you like your meat cooked Sup Forums?

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stew with soysource, fish soupe and vegetables. Then, put them on the rice.

Inside your mum's warm, moist oven

Japanese cuisine is very yummy! also korean bulgogi have you had it before?

I'm a vegetarian

well done with ketchup

>with ketchup

this tbqh


AKA the worst condiment, go try some garlic mayo you heathen

I like mine with a kiss

Well done, but not dry, or dry with lots of chimichurri.

Sea salt, some pepper, Blue rare or rare depending on the cut.

delete this


I love scicy bulgogi eating with lots of white rice.


finally a south american who doesn't incinerate every slice of meat

Rare, which is getting annoying since Argies overcook their meat.

What about a Grill thead too?

Pic related is the traditional one.

>eating raw flesh

>parrillas hechas de rejas/tejidos/barillas en lugar de fierros angulos

Es como si quisieras que toda la grasa caiga sobre las brasas y se llene todo de humo

And this is the Typical cheapest grill. $20 usually every college student has one of this, and they are great for picnics

That's completely unamerican.
Shame on you.
You are probably a chicano or some form of feminine immigrant.

Pedile que te quemen la carne por afuera y que quede cruda, a la mayoría les va a parecer un asco pero en el restaurant lo van a hacer supongo.

>imblying chicano


condiment of the gods

Les digo que jugosa, su carne es tan buena que por ahora no me importa tanto el termino.

literally perfect.

did you cook it yourself? My grill can't quite get hot enough to sear it that well.

No es facil hacer que quede jugosa a la parrilla sin que quede crudo por fuera. La gracia justamente es que se cocina lento y parejo

Claro, sino se 'arrebata', ahí es cuándo realmente queda la carne cruda por dentro y ya no se puede comer... Una vez arrebaté un asado, que linda cagada a pedos me comí jaja


Depende del corte, pero la mayoría considera que está bien hecho cuando queda casi jugoso, pero que no haya partes rosadas.

I'm so fucking hungry now.

that is almost perfect. needs a hotter flame to sear more tho.

9/10 would eat

>anywhere the fuck near red meat

you're the heathen, Pajeet

Like the vid but more rare.

>being so American you can only bring yourself to eat meat in overdone burger form


oh... oh user...


I like it medium tbqh.

well done is the only way , other should be called "bad done"


If you are too impatient to actually cook the meat before eating it, you can just eat some choris and drink some beer while waiting for the meat to get well done

Either medium or well done

Either way delicious with bearnaise


If it's a steak, medium rare

I like may steak medium rare or medium depending on the cut.

>eats meat
