I want amd shills to leave...
I want amd shills to leave
Other urls found in this thread:
and I want homos like you that care about which company your processor to the point of bitching on a taiwanese claymation advice forum.
.. to leave
This Sup Forums is an Intel board.
Intel is better! They aim for outstanding performance and better IPC!
>haha guys the big faceless corporation whose boots I like to lick is finally releasing a product that kind of justifies it!!!! the other corporation is on SUICIDE watch!!
>haha guys my favorite corporation sure is the best they're saving everything they're so great
>guys are you going to mindlessly consume this corporation's products as much as I will??? they're SO cheap and look at those BIG NUMBERS
ryzen looks really promising and I hope it finds a niche to bring back that K8-era coziness but the amount of bootlicking over it is fucking disgusting especially on a board that likes to collectively think of themselves as anti-corporate and anti-consumer... but what the fuck am I kidding it's just empty virtue signalling
I just want to not have to hide 50,000 of the same fucking shill threads every day, I get it, it has really big numbers and really low cost so you can consume even more... and I don't give a fuck, go away
eat a dick you fucking sheep
kys intel shill
last anyone looked at the catalog as of now it's covered in AMD advertisements and shills
>ryzen looks really promising
good point
>taiwanese claymation advice forum
Are you implying Sup Forums isn't a south korean microprocessor promoting forum?
>the first time consumer big cores have been competitive since p3/k6
>surprised it's generating a shitton of content
>a board that likes to collectively think of themselves as anti-corporate and anti-consumer...
Sup Forums is probably the best example of consumerwhoring ever to exist, I don't know what board you're talking about
>Biggest release in decades from an innovative CPU company that still use x86-64.
Yeah, it's going to happen for a bit.
But be frank, what the fuck else you going to talk about on this board? How Linux is the best? Should we take over Sup Forums and start talking Vidya? Which LAN is bette, Intel or someone else?
b b but more corns¿
Sup Forums is a Kyrgyzstanian marco polo sheep shearing conclave
I just bought this. Mad?
AMD is already brutalizing Intel with best selling processors.
too bad they don't have volumes and it will be another paper launch
brand loyalty is something beyond retardation
>living in Chinese Canada
*shills for amd*
They expect to ship ~1million Ryzens in march.
Eh, they are just excited they finally have something new and it's turned out to be decent.
>he fell for the 16GiB RAM meme
Those aren't Intel's best selling processors. Laptops are far more popular than desktops. The latest data I could find after 5 seconds on Google shows that there were 3 times as many laptops sold as desktops in 2012. So to really make Intel start sweating you'd need to show Ryzen based laptops and servers are outselling Intel ones.
they're pretty much like "communist"/"socialist" liberal college students who exclusively use iPhones and MacBooks