Rewrite mkdir in your preferred language. mkdir should be able to leave you to a newly created directory
Example: user0@primary $ mkdir2 /home/user0/new/directory -c --- "/home/user0/new/directory" has been created, your current directory is " /new/directory/" ---
Meme language for a meme thread. #!/usr/bin/env python3 from os.path import expanduser import os import sys
def mkdir(dir): try: if os.path.exists(dir): print("ERROR: Directory already exists! Going there now...") os.chdir(dir) else: os.makedirs(dir) print("Directory created! Going there now...") os.chdir(dir) except OSError as e: print("ERROR: Directory could not be created!") print(e) sys.exit(1)
I think you're ignoring the last word in the title in this one. Make a new one.
Logan Jackson
(map mkdir (cdr (command-line)))
Gavin Taylor
my last two threads didn't have many solutions that actually worked.
I personally think Sup Forums skills to be CS first year level
Jeremiah Brown
If you make more completed problems you might get more posts.
Christopher Murphy
def create_dur(dirname) if Dir.exists?("dirname") then puts "Durr already exists" return else Dir.mkdir(dirname) puts "Durr created" Dir.entries(dirname) end end
Alexander Howard
The challenge is no good. >Rewrite mkdir in your preferred language This is a single standard library function call in just about any programming language. Unless you mean doing it at the syscall/direct disk manipulation level, but it doesn't seem so. >leave you to a newly created directory This, on the other hand, is impossible. You can't change the current directory of parent interpreter on Unix, except through very hackish means.
Luke Murphy
Let me suggest an alternative challenge: write a program that reads a WBMP image file and prints its contents to the console.
def decode(bytes) do = bytes pixels = for Enum.concat() |> Enum.chunk(round8(width)) |> x -> Enum.slice(x, 0, width) end) %WBMP{width: width, height: height, image: pixels} end
def render(wbmp, on \\ "#", off \\ " ") do wbmp.image |> x -> x |> x -> if x == 0, do: on, else: off end) |> Enum.join() end) |> Enum.join("\n") end