Hillary Clinton poo'd herself

How can she recover?


mfw you think she had a shot to begin with


A true American


>yo ima leak shit at the plebs


>le erik photoshop XD
Nice try Trumpfags

Thanks for Cuntlinton propaganda. But we all know this is the shopped version.

We should try to get this trending on Twitter

What makes American poopings easily?
What food makes them like that easy to be pooped?

some people refer to soda as poop here for a reason

makes big poops

>holy shit my sides

>le erik photoshop XD
>using reddit terms

discuss hillshill

I wanna spread this.

Can't wait for her to suffer a McGovern-level beating in November.

This just happened.

keep dreaming buddy, it isn't 1984 anymore. You are gonna need more than the white male vote to win an election
t. John McCain and Mitt Romney



Ah, so this is how she gets the Indian vote. Good thinking, Clinners.




Lol is this for real?